Chu Feng looked at Fan Tianlei with interest and said, "Change, what's the change, I didn't participate in the last special training conference, you tell me about it." "

Fan Tianlei said: "I can't say this clearly, you go and smell the leaders, they are absolutely clear." "

Chu Feng felt that this matter was feasible, and he could just go to Gao Shiwei to understand the situation and see if he could grab some more people.

No, it should be called, and then a little fresh blood is stored.

So Chu Feng came directly to Gao Shiwei's office with the documents, and Gao Shiwei showed a very helpless expression after seeing Chu Feng and said, "It's here!"

Chu Feng came to Gao Shiwei's desk with a smile and said, "Leader, what are you doing here." Didn't bother you, did you?"

Gao Shiwei's expression became helpless, and he said: "Don't sell it to me, let it go if you have a fart, don't bother me if you have nothing to do." "

Chu Feng said: "Where are you talking about, didn't I come to report to you, I heard that the special forces competition will be held in a few months, I came to you for the following specific details, and then talk about my next work plan." "

Gao Shiwei rubbed his temples, and sure enough, this guy is here to rip off the bamboo, he said: "Actually, there are no details, it's just that the eight special operations brigades of the army compete together and divide a ranking, but this year they joined the navy, and several camps of the air force will also compete together, and it may be very diverse at that time."

In addition to this, there are eight special police teams, this is the first time that the military department and local special police jointly hold this kind of acting competition after the reform, it is estimated that it will be very good-looking, and your Dragon Soul Brigade will participate in this competition as a guest.

When the time comes, you will be with the leaders of the military department, and after the competition, you will have to give your opinions to the major military districts. "

Chu Feng didn't listen to Gao Shiwei's words at all, he said: "Oh, so many military regions have come to compete, there will definitely be a lot of good seedlings, and there will be a lot more personnel from the Dragon Soul Brigade at that time." "

As soon as Gao Shiwei heard Chu Feng's words, his head suddenly became a little bigger, and he said sharply: "Chu Feng, I advise you to dispel this idea, last time for you, my old face was all out of my way, and I swept away several major military regions, this time you can't mess around anymore, last time it was a special situation, if you are so unkind this time, it is estimated that the military department will fry the pot." "

Chu Feng showed a very surprised expression and said: "Why, those good seedlings should have been excavated earlier, and then entered the Dragon Soul, after all, the Dragon Soul is only a few hundred people now, what are the numbers enough for, you have also seen these few actions, the Dragon Soul's manpower is really not enough..."

Chu Feng was still arguing skillfully, and Gao Shiwei was the first two big, only 400 people? How did you say that there are several armies in the world with such high combat effectiveness.

Have you done the math on the staffing of each team?

The most important thing is that the Dragon Soul Brigade is really not enough, you are Han Xin, the more soldiers, the better.

Chu Feng was still chattering there: "Director, it's not me saying you, this soldier, there must be a circulation, you look at the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade now, but there is no fresh blood, and there will be fewer jobs in the future."

That's just a lack of combat effectiveness, so we are now transferring a large number of people from the eight military regions every year, so as to ensure the stability of personnel, and we are complaining, but don't be fooled by them, we are the coolest people..."

Balabala, Gao Shiwei has a headache, why is this guy so talkative when he doesn't perform a mission?

Gao Shiwei finally said categorically: "Anyway, I won't agree to your request, you will die of this heart." "

Chu Feng was a little depressed all of a sudden, and his expression was like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

He said: "Leader, you can take me to the barracks of several major military regions for a round, and you don't need to do anything or say anything, just do it." "

Gao Shiwei said helplessly: "The address of this special forces competition is the capital, you can go there to find opportunities." "

When Chu Feng heard it, there was a drama this time, and the leader really used the topic to tell himself who he was looking for, the capital, Chu Feng laughed and left, because he happened to know that there was someone in the capital who would definitely help him fight the autumn breeze.

That's his favorite uncle, after Chu Feng walked out of Gao Shiwei's office, he directly took out the phone and dialed his uncle Chu Zheng's phone, Chu Zheng just returned to the office after a meeting, picked up the phone and saw that Jing'an was his nephew.

In an instant, he felt that it was not a good thing, so he was pretending that he was no longer and that he couldn't answer the call, but the call kept coming, and he was a little upset when he went on the expedition, and this guy was really persevering.

So I had to pick up the phone and say, "What's the matter, I was in a meeting just now." "

Chu Feng said in a tone of concern in a heavy tone: "Uncle, how is your health now, I've been very busy lately, are you tired?" "

Chu Zheng almost laughed out loud when he heard the voice on the phone, and he said, "If you have anything, just tell me, I know you are ready to call me." "

Chu Feng smiled and replied, "Uncle, what are you talking about, I don't miss you anymore, and then I just have something I want to ask you." "

"Okay, just say it. Chu Zheng said impatiently.

"Uncle, I heard that the special forces competition is about to start, see if you can take me to a few major military regions to wander around..."

"No! don't even think about it. "

Chu Feng wondered: "Why." "

Chu Zheng replied: "The person in charge of the eight military regions named and wanted to block you, saying that you kid is not authentic, and you will not return the borrowed person, if you put you into their barracks again this time, it will be no good thing, and if you can't keep it, you will dig up the corner, and now there are too few good seedlings in the major military regions, it is impossible for you to dig the foot of the wall, and the most important thing is that you can't dig it away." "

Chu Feng asked suspiciously, "Why can't you dig it away?"

Chu Zheng snorted coldly and said, "Do you think people are willing to go with you?" Let me tell you, your reputation in the Eight Military Regions is stinking to death, anyway, you will die of this heart." "

Chu Feng was really a little reluctant, he said: "Uncle, let me tell you directly, our Dragon Soul Brigade is now confirmed, and you, the deputy minister of the military department, don't say anything, take care of it? If you can't erase your face without suspicion, it's no problem, you just need to bring me into the barracks of the eight military regions, and you don't have to worry about the rest." "_

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