After Chu Feng finished speaking, he waited for Chu Zheng's reply, but Chu Zheng fell into deep thought, after all, several military regions have already ventilated this matter, it can be said that Chu Feng is now a rotten egg in the major military regions, and he has long been blacked out.

After all, what happened last time was already considered to have provoked public anger, but for the sake of face, no one went to the Dragon Soul Brigade to scold the mother, not to mention that even if you go to scold the mother, you are likely to be beaten out, and you will lose face if you lose people, so it's not good.

But Chu Feng is his nephew after all, and he also understands that the position of the Dragon Soul Brigade in the military region, in the past, the recruitment of the Dragon Soul Brigade was voluntary, but after Chu Feng became the captain, he made a bad name for robbing people.

Now that the good seedlings of the major military regions have been scavenged, this period of time has stopped, and there have been a few good seed players, if Chu Feng is allowed to cut leeks again, he, the deputy minister of the military department, will really be notorious.

Who knew that at this time, Chu Feng continued: "Uncle, don't worry, as long as you take me and don't have to do anything with anyone, I promise that I won't embarrass you, I'll do the wicked, how about it." "

Chu Feng's words made Chu Zheng shake a little, and finally thought about it, after all, if Chu Feng was not here, the Chu family would not be where it is today, and he Chu Zheng would not have the current position, so Chu Zheng made a decision.

He said, "Well, when the time comes, I will just bring you in, and the rest has nothing to do with me." "

Chu Feng was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Okay, I know that Uncle loves me the most, and Uncle is waiting for me to see you." "

Chu Zheng had a black line, this kid was really used to the elders, so he hurriedly hung up the phone and went back to his office.

After Chu Feng hung up the phone, he thought about the little Jiujiu in his heart, after all, it was not enough to only go out to help alone.

Several major military regions, plus the navy and air force, as well as the officers and soldiers of the armed police, there are a lot of leeks waiting to be cut by themselves.

How can it be said that it is cutting leeks, it is called recruitment, and it is necessary to use the charm of the Dragon Soul Brigade to recruit those five good young people who are really powerful, determined, and ambitious, and enter the Dragon Soul Brigade for further study, so that they can have a future.

Chu Feng nodded, feeling that he was really a great leader, and then Chu Feng stopped being self-absorbed.

Continue to look for people who can help him cut leeks, and finally think about it, Gao Shiwei doesn't have to think about it, thanks to Chu Feng, Gao Shiwei's reputation is not so good, Izumi feels that to cut leeks, it is best to speak more weightily in the capital.

In the end, he chose one person, and that was the number one leader in the entire Huaxia, Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng is the one with the highest status among the five commanders, and he also works in the capital. Thinking of the wind, he quickly picked up the phone again and dialed Xiao Cheng's mobile phone.

Xiao Cheng is rarely idle today, and after hearing the phone ringing, he finally found out that it was Chu Feng, so he originally thought about not answering, but then he felt that this was not interesting, so he decided that seven o'clock, and then said: , I am Xiao Cheng. "

When Chu Feng heard this, this tone was not good, so Chu Feng said with a smile: "Leader, are you busy? Listening to your tone, there seems to be something tricky, it's okay, you can rest assured, if anyone doesn't open their eyes, just tell me, if I can't settle alone, I will take our Dragon Soul Brigade to go, I won't believe it, and I won't give our leader face!"

Xiao Cheng couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and said, "Okay, if you have something to say, don't talk about it, it's empty-headed." "

Chu Feng said hesitantly: "Aren't I afraid that the leader will be tired of you, call to condole, you have a lot of opportunities, don't be tired, if you are sick, it is a major matter related to the entire military region." "

"Okay, okay, don't put a high hat on me, go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, you take the initiative to call me, it's probably not good, just say, I'll listen, as long as I can, I'll try my best to satisfy you." Xiao Cheng said helplessly.

When Chu Feng heard this, he was overjoyed, and he said: "It's nothing, I just see that Xiao Ying has been doing very well recently, and he is going to focus on training." "

Before Chu Feng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Cheng, and he said, "If you don't say anything else, I'll hang up the phone." "

How could Chu Feng let him slip away, and hurriedly said: "I'm telling the truth, it's just that it's no problem to promote Xiao Ying, but the ordinary members of the Dragon Soul Brigade need to be supplemented, you see if this special forces competition will take me to the barracks of the major military regions." "

As soon as he said this, Xiao Cheng fell into deep thought, he was not afraid that Chu Feng would dig into the wall, after all, they were all Huaxia soldiers, and for him, it was a matter of getting from the left hand pocket to the right hand pocket.

But the question is whether this left hand pocket is willing, but after thinking about it, his grandson is in the Dragon Soul Brigade, Chu Feng's statement just now that he wants to promote Xiao Ying may be true, but if he refuses Chu Feng's request, it is estimated that Xiao Ying will be put in small shoes.

Chu Feng, this kid, is estimated to be able to get out of this kind of thing, and if he can't keep it, he will increase the amount of training, and so on. The most important thing is that if Chu Feng's Dragon Soul Brigade is strengthened, then it will really be good for Xiao Ying's rise.

The safety factor increased when he went out on the first mission, but with Xiao Ying's personal strength, it would not be troublesome to obtain combat merits.

The second is that with his own relationship, Chu Feng will definitely not embarrass him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Cheng smiled and said: "Okay, I'll accompany you to fight the autumn breeze, but when I talk ugly about it, it's no problem for me to take you in, and it's even better to go shopping in the major military regions, but don't use me as a shield, I can't afford to lose that person." "

Chu Feng said with a smile: "How can this be, we just care for the back, just like a veteran who bitterly shouted that the recruit's eggs are a truth, we just go to transmit knowledge." "

When Xiao Cheng heard this, he scolded with a smile, and then contacted him after Chu Feng arrived in the capital, but don't push the major military regions too hard, leave some good seedlings for people, don't poach them.

Chu Feng hurriedly nodded and said yes, yes, I still don't understand this truth?

Although there was nothing wrong with it, Xiao Cheng always felt that something was wrong.

And Chu Feng on the other side of the phone sneered in his heart, leave some good seedlings? Don't you know the truth that the more soldiers I have, the better? If my little hoe is wielded, I won't be surnamed Chu if I don't dig through the roots of your wall.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Feng began to wander around the barracks, the last few days have been a rare leisurely day, not only did nothing important happen, but vaguely Chu Feng also felt very comfortable. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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