Chu Feng wandered leisurely, always feeling that something good was about to happen, and sure enough, the system that hadn't appeared for a long time was reminding him.

"Ding! The system prompts, you have an email please check. "

Chu Feng took a look, there was still an email in this system? Click on it and take a look, it turned out to be a spontaneous email from the system, the content in it is really humane, from Chu Feng came to this world, to the first time he used the system, and then to the first time he discovered the special functions of the system.

Every battle, every time the system accompanied Chu Feng's birth and death, it was cropped into pictures by the system, appearing in front of Chu Feng like a slide, and Chu Feng was a little nostalgic for what had happened in the past year.

He was also a little sad, after all, he had been away from that home for a year, and he didn't know if the family over there was sad about his death.

But when Chu Feng was sad, the system actually gave Chu Feng a surprise.

"Ding! system welfare, the host has signed in for a year, departure system welfare, one anniversary gift package. "

[Name: Chu Feng]

[Age: 19.]

[Constitution: 50]

[Strength: 50]

[Speed: 50]

[Sensitivity: 50]

[Commanding Power: 80]

[Check-in point: 10000.]

[Skills: Special Firearm Use, Special Fighting, Grandmaster-level Hacking Ability, Intermediate Eagle Eye, Advanced Iron Body, Advanced Disguise Grandmaster, Grandmaster-level Beast Ability, Special Parrot Skill!Special Medical Skill!Infrared Perspective Function, Ultrasound Scanning Function.] 】"

Chu Feng tapped his panel, and then asked, "What is the first anniversary gift package?"

"Ding!The system prompts you to open the one-year anniversary gift package. "

"Ding! The system prompts, congratulations to the host for getting the experience of doubling attribute points. "

"Ding! The system prompts, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the super learning ability elementary!"

Chu Feng asked suspiciously, "Super learning ability?"

"Ding! The system prompts, answers the host questions, and the super learning ability is the strengthening of the learning ability of the special forces, which is divided into three levels, primary, intermediate and advanced.

The primary ability that the host master now has is the ability to lean back on the enemy's movements, wrap the body, body language, and combat movements at the first time.

The ultimate ability host can mimic the movements of all animals in the jungle, including their forms.

Advanced ability refers to the function of the host adult, the host adult can learn all the written knowledge, anything that can be learned, as long as you read it once, you can master it and apply it in practice. "

Damn, such a pervert, is this junior Wheel Eye What is the use of that ultimate ability to imitate animals, Chu Feng asked.

"Ding! The system prompts, back to the question, join the host to see a fish swimming in the water, you can imitate the useful movements of the fish, so that you can be as good as the fish, if you see a snake entrenched in the tree and hidden, you can also change your bones and body to look like him, hidden..."

I'll it, Chu Feng is really shocked this time, isn't this just to see me change seventy-two? Could it be that Lao Tzu is a monkey that pops out of the stone?

"Ding! The system prompts, answering the host question, no, you are just imitating their movements, but you can't become them. "

Chu Feng nodded, understanding the general meaning, and he asked, "What about the final advanced mode?"

"Ding! System prompt, answering the host question, as the name suggests, is that all the knowledge that can be seen by your eyes can become your instinct, for example, if you see a medical book, you can learn all the medical skills in it, and become a doctor..."

Chu Feng was overjoyed, he joined himself and reached the advanced level, wouldn't he be able to become an expert in whatever he wanted.

He was overjoyed, and then hurriedly opened his panel, and was even more surprised to find that his panel properties had changed drastically.

[Name: Chu Feng]

[Age: 19.]

[Constitution: 100]

[Strength: 100]

[Speed: 100]

[Sensitivity: 100]

[Commander Power: 160]

[Check-in point: 20000.]

[Skills: Special Firearm Use, Special Fighting, Grandmaster-level Hacking Ability, Intermediate Eagle Eye, Advanced Iron Body, Advanced Disguise Grandmaster, Grandmaster-level Beast Ability, Special Parrot Skill! 】"

At the time of the earthquake in Tianchuan City, Chu Feng had already tasted Li Ming, who had 10,000 sign-in points, which was simply the God of War level, and he was not afraid of a house collapsing, and he could catch it with one hand.

And now that he has 20,000 sign-in points, wouldn't he be able to tear open a building with one hand.

Chu Feng was eager to try, wanting to find something to try, and then thought about it, the place where he was now was a military camp, and it was better to forget it, not because he was afraid of damaging public facilities, but because he was afraid that others would see him as a monster.

He didn't want to be watched by a group of people at one time, it really didn't feel good, just like he was a chimpanzee, and he had to be watched and taken photos every day.

Just when Chu Feng was still struggling with what to do, a voice sounded from Chu Feng's side.

"Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng followed the prestige and found that it was his wife, An Ran.

During this time, the two stayed together all day and enjoyed a lot of two-person world, which was really rare before.

After all, the nature of the work of the two people is here, and once there is an urgent task, Chu Feng may not go home for a long time.

An Ran stepped forward and looked at Chu Feng's bright smiling face and asked, "Why are you so happy, you are here alone and smiling." "

Chu Feng said: "It's nothing, can you be unhappy to have your wife with you during this time." "

An Ran glanced at him, and his pretty face was slightly red, after all, Chu Feng was really happy in the past few days, but she was miserable and bullied in the evening. This beast doesn't sleep all night, and his body is really good.

Then Chu Feng asked, "What are you looking for me?" "

An Ran's thoughts were pulled back, and he said: "During this time, there are always young and beautiful girls at the gate of our barracks, who come to the gate of our barracks to recruit people, and it seems that all of them have good qualifications.

Not only is he beautiful, but he also has an excellent family background, but few people in our military camp know about it. "

Chu Feng probably understood when he heard it, so he explained: "It may be that the military department organized a blind date meeting for our Dragon Soul Brigade some time ago, don't you remember? You were also there at the time, these girls are very likely to be looking for their future husbands, so ah, let's not worry about it, let them arrange it themselves." "_

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