Chu Feng was playing haha with the recruits here, and at the same time helping them set up tents together, there was no way to cut the eggs of the recruits who had just cut leeks from the major military regions, so they still had to pay special attention.

Who let this group of people be the main force of the future battle, it was enough to be sorry for the people who had no place to live when they first arrived at the Dragon Soul Brigade, and if they didn't take care of them now, wouldn't they have to be free-ranged.

If anyone is not satisfied, he will directly say "Lao Tzu is gone", then Chu Feng will not be busy in vain, and when the time comes, he will be despised by the group of old things who hate themselves so much that they itch at all.

At this time, a recruit said: "Boss, I heard that the dormitory environment of our Dragon Soul Brigade is very good, it's really fake." "

After hearing this, Chu Feng immediately replied: "Of course, the dormitory of our Dragon Soul Brigade is a room for two people, with two beds and an independent bathroom, not only that, but we also sent you a computer with a high configuration, which can be said to have everything." "

Wang Yanbing added on the side: "That's right, not only that, but there are also gyms, physiotherapy rooms and health rooms in the dormitory building, and your usual training volume is very high, so rehabilitation training will be arranged for you on rest days."

Don't underestimate this painless and itchy training method, if you are injured or not efficient enough due to muscle soreness, then using this low-load rehabilitation training will make your recovery much more efficient. "

After listening to this, everyone was very yearning, but Li Tong raised his hand and asked, "Then the question is, boss, when will we have such a good dormitory?" And I don't see any plans to expand our dormitories. "

"That's right! The boss is fooling people. "

"I think the boss brags, there is still this kind of configuration in the barracks? Why don't I believe it..."

"What's the use of a computer, playing games? I really don't believe it. "


Everyone began to complain about Chu Feng talking big, in fact, Chu Feng really didn't say big things, and the purpose of the computer is really to play games, VR-style game screens, which can clearly restore the battlefield.

Let this group of recruits who have never been on the battlefield accumulate battlefield experience in the shortest possible time.

And all of them will receive computer training courses, and some of them will even be specially trained in hacking skills, after all, the special forces of the Dragon Soul Brigade are very versatile, not only can they go into battle to kill the enemy, but they can also kill people under the position.

However, the biggest problem now is not their training task, but the problem of food and accommodation, and Chu Feng has no choice but to discuss it with Fan Tianlei.

Fan Tianlei said: "Boss, now the dormitory is almost occupied, there are a few empty houses but there are not enough people to live, unless we change the two-person dormitory to a four-person dormitory, so that we can live in it." "

When Chu Feng heard this, how could this work, it was just a joke, if the two-person dormitory was changed to a four-person dormitory, then the privilege he had worked so hard to get from Gao Shiwei would be in vain.

And he just finished bragging about the cowhide, and then changed temporarily, this group of recruits laughed to death, you must know that this group of recruits are all old drivers, and they are second to none in various military regions, and their souls already have the urge to become a thorn.

It must be nipped in the bud and let them have the possibility of "rising to the top".

But the current environment is like this, and we can only find a way.

"Boss, why don't we prepare a nucleus, just like we did in the Ninth Division, and eliminate half of this group of recruits, so that we can arrange this group of people. Fan Tianlei said in a low voice.

Chu Feng slapped him on the back of the head and said, "What do you think, these three hundred people I pulled out from between the teeth of the eight military regions, you want me to return half of them now? I can't give it up, no, none of these three hundred people can leave, I want them all!"

Fan Tianlei covered the back of his head, it hurt a little, but he thought about it, and finally could only bite the bullet and say: "Boss, there is no way, it is impossible to borrow a dormitory from the military department now, there is also a reform over there, and there are great changes in personnel."

Unless, let's directly expand our barracks, not only the dormitory, but also the training ground. "

When Chu Feng heard this, this matter was really reliable, and if he wanted to expand the dormitory and training ground of the Dragon Soul Brigade, then he had to nod his head from Gao Shiwei.

But the difficulty now is not this, the difficulty is that there is no money, the money they asked for from the police department before was used by them to build the family building, and the current Dragon Soul Brigade really has no money.

Seeing Chu Feng's embarrassed face, Fan Tianlei asked Chu Feng if he thought of something that was difficult to do, Chu Feng nodded and told Fan Tianlei his thoughts.

Fan Tianlei laughed after hearing this, and said, "Boss, how can you still make trouble in this kind of thing? Why don't you just let our leaders directly pay for it?" "

Chu Feng figured it out, there was a door, and without saying a word, he rushed directly to Gao Shiwei's office.

When the recruits saw why the boss left suddenly, were they coaxed and bullied away?

So a few people began to laugh and said, "The boss can't brag, why did he run away!"

"Is the boss ashamed?"


Then Fan Tianlei said: "The boss is going for your benefit, wait, there will definitely be your benefits." "

Soon Chu Feng came to Gao Shiwei's office, knocked on the door three times, and then pushed the door directly, Gao Shiwei looked at Chu Feng like a thief, Chu Feng said with a smile: "Leader, what kind of expression do you have." "

Gao Shiwei didn't hide it: "The weasel gives the chicken a New Year's greeting, which is definitely not a good thing." "

Chu Feng was a little embarrassed, but he still stubbornly said: "How can you say that, leader, I came to ask you for credit this time." "

Gao Shiwei smiled and said, "Oh, what kind of merit have you made, why don't I know, could it be that you won the first place in the special forces competition?"

Chu Feng was not modest at all and said: "Although I didn't win the first place, but the first place in our Southeast Military Region was trained by me..."

Gao Shiwei snorted coldly: "Just that month, even if it is your credit?"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Of course, if I hadn't shown them the way, they wouldn't know how many detours they would have to take." "

Gao Shiwei shook his head helplessly: "You mean I still have to thank you." "

Chu Feng hurriedly shook his head, and then replied: "How dare you, this is what I should do, if the leader wants to thank you, then reward our Dragon Soul Brigade with something." "

Gao Shiwei said with interest: "The fox's tail is exposed..."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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