Chu Feng touched his nose and was a little embarrassed, the leader obviously knew his temperament, so he didn't take his previous words seriously at all.

Chu Fengzhi said straight to the point: "Leader, you see that this time the Southeast Military Region not only won a championship, but I also brought back 300 good seedlings for you, all of whom are the best in the major military regions, and they have performed well in this special forces competition."

This is definitely a rare wealth for the strengthening of the strength of our Southeast Military Region. "

Chu Feng's words really went to Gao Shiwei's heart, Gao Shiwei said: "This is true, the Southeast Military Region belongs to one of the economic and financial centers of the country, and it is also a rare port city, whether it is trade or high and new technology, it is the world's leading big city.

This kind of geographical location, which is the most important thing, really requires the strength of the officers and men stationed there to be strong enough, or the stronger the better. "

Chu Feng hurriedly nodded yes, his head was like a chicken pecking rice, and then he hurriedly changed his words and said: "So, leader, can the dormitory of our Dragon Soul Brigade be expanded, is it too few to only have five hundred dormitories now, no matter how you say it, it will have to be doubled."

Moreover, our training ground is also a little insufficient, and we also need to expand it, so we really can't give us a piece of the training ground of the Southeast Military Region?"

Chu Feng actually hit the head of his top boss with Qiu Feng, and it is estimated that he can do it alone when the whole army goes.

Gao Shiwei's head was a little big when he heard this, and he asked: "You went to the police department to ask the minister for money, and now you have come to me to ask for money, do you collect protection money?" "

Chu Feng hurriedly shook his head and explained: "How can that, leader, I am contributing to the development of the military region, where will I do the construction of the family building with all the money from the police department, now the dormitory needs to be expanded, you can't watch so many seedlings sleeping on the streets, it's not a matter of living in a tent all the time." "

Gao Shiwei rubbed his temples, a little headache, he said: "It's not that I don't give you money, it's that the military department is really short of money now, and now the military reform is full of places where money is needed, where do you let me go to get you money." "

Chu Feng began to use his rogue tactics, he said: "Leader, you can't say that, now I have brought you back, just set up a tent on my training ground, this can be dealt with overnight today, but after a year, you can't let people sleep in tents all the time, and now that the training ground of our Dragon Soul Brigade is used to set up tents, there is no place to train at all, and the military department must also solve it." "

After speaking, Chu Feng looked at Gao Shiwei's expression, and he was like an angry little daughter-in-law, afraid to speak.

Gao Shiwei's face was embarrassed, the problem that Chu Feng said was really a very tricky trouble, and it must be solved as soon as possible.

After Chu Feng saw Gao Shiwei's expression, he struck iron, and he said: "And you just said that the East China Sea today is a fat meat that is stared at by evil forces all over the world, and the geographical location and strategic position here, let's just say how many vicious incidents have happened in this city in the past few years."

If we go on a mission abroad, then something tricky will happen, how to deal with it, so the expansion of our Dragon Soul Brigade is definitely inevitable.

Leader, this money really can't be saved.

Chu Feng brainwashed Gao Shiwei bitterly, Gao Shiwei nodded helplessly, and he said: "I can really give you a little bit here, but this money can only be used to expand the dormitory building for you, didn't you recently let people direct the construction of the family building on the spot?"

Go and say hello to the construction team over there, and directly expand the dormitory building, and I will transfer the money to your account. But you have to figure out your own way at the training ground, I can get the military department to send a document to the Southeast Military Region, and let them temporarily free up a piece for you.

But when the dormitory building is built, you're going to have to move out of there and replace the chassis with someone else. "

Chu Feng nodded hurriedly, and then thanked the leader for his deep understanding of righteousness and foresight... changed the beautiful words, and in the end, Gao Shiwei was annoyed, and Chu Feng happily prepared to leave.

As a result, the moment he turned around, he was stopped by Gao Shiwei, Chu Feng turned around, not knowing what Gao Shiwei had to arrange.

Gao Shiwei asked, "Chu Feng, what do you think of the current Dragon Soul Brigade. "

Chu Feng scratched his head, not knowing what the leader meant by this.

Gao Shiwei saw that he didn't answer, so he asked himself: "I mean for individual strength and the integrity of the team." "

Chu Feng suddenly realized, and then said 1510: "The improvement of peak combat power is very stable, but it has also encountered some bottlenecks, one is that there is too little fresh blood, and this group of people lacks tempering. "

Gao Shiwei shook his head and said, "Tempering, do you think they have less tempering?"

Chu Feng didn't know how to answer, so he could only wait for Gao Shiwei to give an answer.

"I don't think it's that you have too little training, you often fight against foreign evil forces, but your cutting-edge combat power is too strong, resulting in the people behind you not getting the opportunity to exercise at all, this is one of them, and the second is that the establishment of the Dragon Soul Brigade is too stable, and once you are selected, you will have a sense of relief, so I think you need to eliminate a group of talents now. "

After stopping Gao Shiwei's words, he fell into deep thought, and I have to say that Gao Shiwei's words made him suddenly enlightened, because he finally realized the essence of the matter.

It is true that the compilation of the Dragon Soul Brigade is too stable, causing many people to feel that as long as they do not regress and do not die in battle, they will not be eliminated.

Gao Shiwei asked, "Do you know what to do now?"

Chu Feng nodded, what he had to do now was to make the internal of the Dragon Soul Brigade urgent, and eliminate a group of people while expanding, so that not only could he leave cutting-edge combat power, but also be able to replenish fresh blood anytime and anywhere.

The most important thing is that the individual strength of the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade will also be significantly improved.

Chu Feng and Gao Shiwei said goodbye, saying that going back to arrange this matter would definitely satisfy the leaders.

After Chu Feng returned to the Dragon Soul Brigade, Fan Tianlei saw that Chu Feng's face was not very good-looking, his brows were tightly locked, thinking that Chu Feng didn't ask for money, so he said: "Boss, what's the situation, is the military department so poor? Can't even afford to build a dormitory building?"

Chu Feng shook his head, saying that the money was already coming and had been transferred to our account, but he encountered a more difficult problem, and then told Fan Tianlei the content of the conversation between himself and Gao Shiwei. _

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