Fan Tianlei pondered for a while after hearing this, and then his eyes lit up, and he said, "Boss, can such a simple thing still stump you?"

Then he said: "If you want to make the Dragon Soul Brigade progress, you must separate the new and old team members from each other, the new team members go to the front line to accumulate experience, and instantly give them an elimination task, as for how much to eliminate, you can decide for yourself, I heard from one of my border guards that the drug dealers on the other side of the border are more arrogant, we can simply apply for unconditional support, and let this group of recruits go." "

Chu Feng nodded, this matter is feasible, so he picked up the phone to inform his old friend Gao Gang, Gao Gang heard that Chu Feng was going to bring the Dragon Soul Brigade to support, his eyes lit up, this kind of can still be let go.

But Gao Gang also said that the drug dealer has calmed down a lot during this time, and he is not as arrogant as a few days ago, but according to his inference, the drug dealer must have made a big move, so he told Chu Feng that there is no need to rush over first, wait for his news, once there is news, it will be just right to take a transport plane over, and Chu Feng also agreed to this arrangement.

The two hit it off and hung up the phone, Chu Feng asked, so what should the old team members do.

The dog-headed soldier Fan Tianlei leaned in Chu Feng's ear and said, "We might as well be like this... Such...... In this way..."

Chu Feng nodded again and again.


The next day, Chu Feng came to the training ground, and Li Zhi saw Chu Feng coming and asked loudly: "Boss, why did you suddenly run away yesterday, I heard that you went to seek benefits for us, what benefits do you have?" "

Chu Feng looked at him and said with a smile: "Welfare? Your welfare is the most murderous training program for the whole army, or a package, do you want to know about it." "

When everyone heard this, they all rolled their eyes at the score, and someone said directly: "What is the most ferocious, brag, our group has never seen any training, don't scare us with those words that coax children." "

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to catch a cold now, wait a minute, be careful to cry during training." "

"How can I cry? Boss, don't worry, our group of people is no worse than the senior brothers. "Someone is shouting here.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Okay, since you are so confident, then let's take a look at your training program first." "

After speaking, someone put on the training props, each of them had a very heavy backpack, and when the backpack was placed on the ground, it shook a piece of dust with a bang.

Everyone wondered what the point of Chu Feng doing this, only to see Chu Feng say: "The item of your first training class is endurance running, rest assured that I will not set up many obstacles for you like the special forces, we have only one obstacle, that is, your enemies on the march."

Your seniors will personally act as your enemies, and your men will carry the fifty-kilogram backpack in front of you, march eighty kilometers, and then climb to the top, and during this period, your seniors, that is, veterans, will carry out guerrilla attacks on you near your team, rest assured that they will not show mercy to their subordinates, you are so powerful, there is no need to show you mercy.

As for whether there will be hidden items, I won't say much about your own products, so good luck to everyone, warriors. "

Speaking of this, Chu Feng smiled and looked at everyone's expressions, one by one, it was really wonderful, in fact, Chu Feng still had some concealment, that is, they would have confrontational training with veterans in the near future, and through the comparison of the two confrontations, let those stagnant veterans know that the newcomers were constantly catching up with their pace.

And the recruit can also understand how big the gap is between himself and the veteran, and the number of people he wants to eliminate at the beginning is actually more than half.

But Fan Tianlei told him that this was unfair, and that the newcomers and the old people should be given a chance to compete fairly.

The main purpose of this march was to wash away the arrogance of this group of arrogant recruits.

Chu Feng could see that maybe there was only Niu Endeavor in this group of people, who was quite humble, but there were also some fluttering.

The others didn't take the dragon soul in their eyes at all, maybe they had some awe in their bones, but they only stopped there.

After all, they are the best in each military region, so it is inevitable that they will be arrogant, although they are very humble in their behavior, but they really don't take the Dragon Soul Brigade seriously in their hearts.

So Chu Feng decided to use this method to let them know the gap, and if necessary, he could also eliminate a few people, if this group of people had no way to meet his expectations, then it would be better to simply eliminate them all.

Chu Feng opened his mouth and said: "I said hello to you a long time ago, saying that the training of our Dragon Soul Brigade is at the hell level, you don't believe it, this time it seems to be a little believed." "

Someone said: "Boss, if you don't play like this, you will give us a big trick as soon as you come up, who can entertain you." "

Chu Feng replied: "Do you think this training intensity will be very large? Let me tell you that this is just the beginning, the real training intensity is in the back, the knowledge appetizer in the front, if you can persevere, I will take you to see what is called purgatory on earth, if anyone is afraid, they can quit early, because they will die." "

Everyone became solemn after hearing the words "will die", but no one was timid, after all, they forgot about life and death as soon as they joined the army, and dedicated their lives to the national flag.

Chu Feng looked at their expressions and nodded with satisfaction and said, "In my place, you can say what you want to say and do very casually, but don't forget that you are a special soldier."

I know that a lot of you scoff at a lot of things, like learning some good from others, and I can tell you that there are a lot of things that you have to learn, like a little bit of an enemy and a certain skill from an animal.

These things, which you may not even look at, are hidden university questions, and they are likely to save your life at a critical moment.

So I hope that you will forget your past from now on, forget the honors you have achieved, and truly become a special forces.

If you can't do it, or don't do it well enough, then I can only say I'm sorry, I can only blame me Chu Feng's vision is not good, and he is not ladylike when he meets people, but I have another characteristic of this person, and it is also my only point, that is, knowing that mistakes can be improved, I can send you back without hesitation, and then tell the commander of your military region, say I'm sorry, I, Chu Feng, have seen people, and then exchange you to them again. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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