Everyone has come to this point, joining the Dragon Soul has always been their dream, originally thought that the dream had been realized, but as a result, Chu Feng said that those who failed to pass the training would be eliminated.

Of course, everyone doesn't want to leave here, although they only live here for a few days, but they are very close to the environment here and the people around them, after all, everyone is working towards the same goal.

Chu Feng asked, "What else do you have to say now?" "

A person raised his hand and didn't dare to call the boss, he could only call Chu Feng the captain, and asked tremblingly: "Captain, what will happen if we are caught by the veterans in this training, or killed." "

Chu Feng smiled and said, "It won't be good." "

The man was a lot relieved, but Chu Feng's words were not finished: "It's just that he was eliminated, and our Dragon Soul Brigade never wants to be captured." "

This sentence is very domineering, not only shocked this group of recruits, but also made them raise their fighting spirit and wake up from the suppressed anger just now.

Chu Feng asked again: "There is no problem, let's go!"

After saying that, a transport plane actually hovered directly next to the training ground, and then slowly opened the hatch.

The recruits were very surprised that they set off like this, and everyone was not prepared at all.

Chu Feng said: "Don't think about what you don't prepare, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the enemy won't give you time to prepare." "

After speaking, the first one stepped into the cockpit of the transport plane, and then Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang, Li Erniu and others boarded the plane from the back cabin.

The recruits saw that the veterans had already gone up, so they had to climb into the plane.

On the plane, Niu worked hard to calculate the plans and speculations in his heart, and he studied Chu Feng very deeply, because he felt that Chu Feng had his own vision before doing everything, just like when he was assessed in the special operations battalion of the Ninth Division before.

Then this time is definitely no exception, first take them by surprise, and then conduct a deep analysis, even a brutal attack.

He felt that Chu Feng was very likely to attack them as soon as he got off the plane.

But he can't say this kind of thing, after all, there are veterans sitting in the cabin, and if he says it, it is very likely to give this group of veterans a chance to calculate.

Niu Lili said to Gu Shun beside him: "Where are we going?" "

Gu Shun shook his head, looked out the window and said, "The speed of the plane is very fast, there is no way to judge the environment that I have traveled through, I only vaguely feel that it seems to be in the northwest direction." "

Another person said: "The northwest, out of the desert and yellow sand, there is only the endless Gobi Desert left. "

Niu Endeavor took this opportunity to remind everyone: "Ge Mo, that is troublesome, that kind of place is the easiest to hide enemies." "

Indeed, in street fighting, the enemy is looking for cover, but it is easier to be exposed in sight, and the slightest noise in the forest will be amplified by the leaves and weeds in the forest.

Only the desert, if you wear camouflage without deliberate camouflage, it will become a natural protective color. The most critical desert is very angry, and during the day there is a heat wave on the ground.

If a person is hiding in the desert, then it is difficult to find it, and this is the kind of place where it is easiest to set up ambushes for surprise attacks.

As soon as everyone listened to Niu Endeavour's explanation, they all nodded, but Niu Endeavor knew that this group of people would not start to prevent it as soon as they got off the plane, and they really didn't know how to remind them.

At this time, Wang Yanbing suddenly said: "Okay! It's time to get there!"

The problem is that they feel very stable sitting in the plane, not like they are moving at high speed, but someone looks out at the environment and finds that they have reached the desert.

And the plane is still in mid-air.

Wang Yanbing suddenly said: "Get off the plane now!"

Li understood and said: "Hey, why get off the plane now, we don't have a parachute yet!"

Wang Yanbing said: "Are you stupid, take a look out the window again!"

When everyone looked at it, they found that it was close to the ground, that is, more than ten meters high.

The hatch opened, and Wang Yanbing kicked him down with a person sitting at the end of the plane near the hatch, and then Wang Yanbing said: "Hurry up and let me go down! Lao Tzu is going to ambush you in front!"

This man is also arrogant, and he has to say it when he ambushes others, and he is really not afraid that they will beat him here.

Everyone didn't think about it anymore, they jumped down directly, about ten meters away, they could still jump directly, not to mention that the yellow sand in the desert below can avoid shocks, so everyone can jump directly.

Just after everyone jumped down, Wang Yanbing smiled and watched everyone wave goodbye, and said, "See you later, don't let me catch it..."

The tone of the underbeating sounded like everyone wanted to hit him.

But for the time being, there is no way to achieve it, but everyone is determined to beat up this celebrity around Chu Feng when they have the opportunity.

As a result, before they could denounce Wang Yanbing, a person suddenly rushed out of the yellow sand, it was the veteran soldier He Chenguang, and as soon as He Chenguang rushed out, he began to attack the recruits.

He didn't bring a gun, but he relied on the fact that the people were scattered now, without any formation relationship, and he rushed and killed wantonly. Everyone knows that if you are caught by him, then it is equivalent to being eliminated.

So for a while, there was a strange scene in the desert, where an eagle caught a chicken.

At first, some people wanted to resist He Chenguang, but more than a dozen figures echoing He Chenguang appeared around them, cooperating with He Chenguang to hunt and kill prey.

Niu Endeavor was the first to analyze the situation, he shouted: "Don't panic! Everyone gather together and retreat, they are few and have no weapons, let's unite, don't be looked down on by them!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone instantly realized that although they had not done any acting, it was not appropriate to be able to form a very favorable formation after a while, and after forming a formation, everyone's overall movement speed slowed down significantly.

But Niu said hard: "Don't panic, there are too many of us and they can't fill in, everyone must help each other a lot, don't give them a chance." "

He Chenguang led his brothers to rush and kill twice, but he didn't break away from the opponent's formation, and was even almost directly hit by the black guns put by the people in Zhenxing.

He cast a color, and everyone understood, disappeared directly behind a steep slope.

Wang Yanbing sat beside Chu Feng and said with a smile: "The strength of this group of recruits is okay." "_

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