"This group of recruits can block He Chenguang's first wave of attacks, but I feel that He Chenguang will not give up so easily. "

Sure enough, He Chenguang suddenly appeared from the other side after disappearing on a steep slope in the desert, and everyone didn't know how he did it, and directly caught the recruits off guard.

"Recruit eggs, remember the lessons of the veterans, or you will lose your life." One of the veterans laughed.

After he killed a few recruits, he directly ridiculed, but what he didn't expect was to directly arouse the anger of this group of recruits, and in an instant, two people surrounded him.

Niu tried to shout: "Don't go over!" he is using the method of agitation, we keep the formation, our surname Li has weapons in the middle, we can't mess up the rules, now listen to me, gather around Gu Shun and Wang Xiaoyu, and move towards the destination together!

The two teams must not be separated, Hu Cheng has the momentum of the corner!"

After speaking, Niu Endeavor began to command everyone to dispatch, Li understood that a person like Niu Endeavor was simply a combat genius, and he was born to play the role of a leader.

Wang Xiaoyu took the lead and said: "The people on our side will go first, cover for you, your palace!"

Before Wang Xiaoyu's words were finished, he began to rush forward, and Gu Shun on the other side immediately decided to cooperate with Wang Xiaoyu's actions.

The people on both sides directly formed a very simple formation, and they defused the attack of He Chenguang and the others, and they also tried to strafe He Chenguang's group, but they found that this group of veterans was like loaches, breaking in the rain of bullets.

A discerning person can tell at a glance that this is the gap between them.


The transport plane has been changed by Chu Feng into a temporary command center, watching everything that happened on the battlefield, the drone sent the picture in front of him back, Chu Feng said with relish: "This is still like a team, although there are many shortcomings, but it is already a very good result." "

Then Chu Feng asked, "How are the casualties?" "

Tang Xinyi reported: "At present, 11 members of the recruit camp have been eliminated, and there have been no casualties on the veterans' side. "

Chu Feng nodded, and Wang Yanbing added: "Boss, don't look at this group of recruits who have been eliminated by eleven people, but I think this group of people is really nothing, and this group of people is not necessarily because of poor strength, it is likely that they are unlucky and have a bad position." "

Chu Feng smiled and nodded, and he said: "I know this, but luck is also part of strength, so you have to understand that elimination is elimination, don't plead with them in the future." "

Wang Yanbing really likes this group of newcomers, so he was moved by compassion, Chu Feng didn't blame him, but he didn't agree with his obscure meaning.

Li Erniu said: "Are there old friends in this group of recruits?" "

Chu Feng smiled, and he pointed to several people in the picture: Isn't this the person who has fought side by side with us before. "

Li Erniu took a closer look and said the task with a laugh. "

In fact, not only Li Erniu, but many of Jiaolong's special forces in that mission were impressive, not only strong but also knew how to cooperate, and did not lag behind.

The most important thing is that these special forces are very low-key, like Jiaolong, a special brigade, although the name is loud, but they are very low-key.


On the front front, although the temporary formation that Niu tried to put together temporarily could not kill He Chenguang and his party, he and He Chenguang and his party could not get close to the large army Bangu.

So He Zhenguang announced his retreat and went to the front Sister Lan and them.

Seeing He Chenguang leading people to retreat, Niu Effort finally breathed a sigh of relief, he ran to Wang Xiaoyu's side and said, "Okay, little brother, it's very good with us."

Wang Xiaoyu is actually a child, but his physical fitness is very good, coupled with his own hard training.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this child's ability to make decisions on the spot was no worse than Niu Dili.

Niu tried to look at the several special forces who were killed by the veterans with color bullets on the side, they were very unwilling, they had just joined the dragon soul and were eliminated, what a pitiful gap between the ups and downs.

The cow tried to comfort everyone, but somehow he sensed something, and he turned his head to look around, everyone was gulping down the water in the kettle after the fierce battle just now.

Niu Endeavor suddenly screamed, and he shouted, "Don't drink any more water!"

"Don't drink any more water! Stop, we only have a kettle, we don't have a place to get water, we want to get out of this desert and get to our destination, we have to make good use of water. "

As soon as everyone heard the sensational news, they also immediately understood that this was the real test, with only a little water in the scorching heat, to see how they planned to use water instead of extravagantly wasting it.

Soon the sky gradually darkened, and the veteran returned to the base where the transport plane was located to repair, how did Chu Feng inspect the terrain, analyze the situation, and use the tools in his hands in this subtle church?

And because of the change in the dimension, when the night came, the desert was unusually cold, and it fell directly below zero, although it was only a few degrees, but everyone's mentality was still very good.

As a result, after a while, after the cold air of the night turned up, everyone was choked by the cold, and many people scolded that this was not a place for people.

Scolding Chu Feng's training is really not something that ordinary people can bear, it is simply revenge on society.

Chu Feng heard everyone's round of smiles through the drone and said to Tang Xinyi: "Write down these guys who say bad things about me, and take care of them when I go back to training." "

Tang Xinyi smiled and did so, but Chu Feng should not target a few of them, he will only increase the training volume of everyone, but these buddies will be taken out by Chu Feng as a model, such as telling the people in the entire army that they are working overtime today because of this talk to make me unhappy, you can do it yourself.

Then someone will do the work for him, so that those people will have a long memory.

As soon as the next day dawned, Niu Endeavor directed everyone to rush together, after all, they still had to complete the initial task.

It's just that now I'm unfamiliar with the entire terrain and haven't ingested anything to eat, so I can't let go of my hands and feet to hurry.

And now they can't tell how long it will take them to reach their destination, so they can only take one step at a time in one direction.

I don't know how long later, everyone saw a river in the desert from afar, and everyone was very happy, and wanted to replenish the water, but the oxen tried to stop them. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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