Niu Li said: "Don't act rashly, take a look at the surrounding terrain!"

Everyone looked at the surrounding terrain and were dumbfounded, and understood why the cow had tried to prevent everyone from fetching water.

They were amazed to see a group of special forces hiding behind rocks near the river to set up an ambush position for them, and some of them had even dug trenches and were waiting for them to throw themselves into the net.

Everyone subconsciously lowered their figures, and then lowered their voices and said, "What to do, they have already made fortifications over there." "

Niu thought hard for a moment and said, "I don't think things should be so simple, you see that this group of people is doing fortifications, so they expected that we would definitely come here to get water, so they want to use the terrain here to ambush us."

But why would they make such a big battle, do you think that with those few masters of the Dragon Soul Brigade, they need to go to such a great length?"

Everyone shook their heads, because they also knew that there was still a certain gap in strength between themselves and those masters of the Dragon Soul Brigade, and that group of people could come and leave as much as they wanted in front of their three hundred people, and they couldn't stop them at all.

Niu Endeavor continued: "The reason why this group of people has to do fortifications, dig trenches, and set up ambush points can only prove one thing, first, they came here a long time ago, second, their number is relatively small, and third, they don't have a very strong master. "

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized, and Wang Xiaoyu said: "Then why don't we just rush over and kill them now? "

Gu Shun patted the back of Wang Xiaoyu's head and said, "You melon baby, this group of people is just not outstanding in the Dragon Soul Brigade, but we are still rookies in front of them, and our only advantage now is that there are many people." "

Wang Xiaoyu sighed and didn't speak, his skills are definitely first-class in this group of people, but he really has very little combat experience, and he needs long-term training.

Niu said diligently: "In the desert, if there is no natural terrain advantage, it is impossible to sneak into them silently, because we don't have any cover, and we are facing a group of special forces with very rich combat experience.

So now we have two options in front of us, the first one is to bypass the river and go directly to our destination, but our water source can't support us to reach our destination.

The second plan is that we use the dim light of the night to touch the past and kill all the people in the fortifications. "

Yang Rui looked at Niu Endeavor in surprise, in his eyes, Niu Endeavor was a very calm tactician, but what he didn't expect was that this calmest man actually proposed the most risky plan at this time.

Wang Xiaoyu said this time: "But the problem is that we are a full five hundred meters away from the river, and there is no cover on this part of the journey, although there is a lighting device in the desert, but the weather is very good now, and it should be very bright at night."

And the other side now has two heavy machine guns, and if we rush over, it will be like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. "

When everyone heard Wang Xiaoyu's words, their hearts were half cold.

At this time, a special soldier who usually rarely spoke spoke: "Have you heard of the two darkest moments of the day? "

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a special forces soldier wearing glasses, who gave people a sense of politeness.

This person's name is Li Haiyang, and he is usually very low-key, but because of personality problems, he has little communication with everyone.

Li Haiyang continued: "There are two moments of the darkest time in the day, one is the moment when the sun has just set, and the other is the moment before dawn.

Because there is no illumination in the sky during the alternation of black and white night, I mean the sun and the moon, so the light is very poor during this short period of time.

We can seize this time to get a few commandos to fumble through, and then when approaching the opponent's fortifications, set off smoke grenades that are worth the sight of the opponent's machine gunners, covering the assault of a large force, so that we have a chance to conquer the opponent's position in one fell swoop. "

Li Haiyang said that he was not in a hurry, but everyone felt that it was feasible, Niu Lili nodded and said: "This plan is okay, but I just checked the supplies given to us by the boss, and there are no smoke bombs at all." "

Li Haiyang pushed his eyes and said: "We use high-explosive color bullets in this training, which is characterized by the explosion of this bullet after hitting a person, forming a very dazzling sign on the target person's body.

We can make an improvised smoke grenade out of this bullet, and I've observed the direction of the wind, and it's perfect for a smoke grenade tonight when the black and white alternate between black and white, and that's the perfect time for us to assault. "

Li Haiyang's words were not in a hurry, but they shocked everyone present, if Niu Endeavor is a qualified leader, then Li Haiyang is a master tactician.

Niu Gong immediately made a decision and said, "That's it, Li Haiyang, can you make that kind of simple smoke bomb?"

Li Haiyang nodded, looking very confident.

Niu diligently said: "How many bullets you need, we provide you." "

After giving specific figures, Li Haiyang said: "This kind of smoke bomb consumes a lot of bullets, we are not only short of materials, in fact, there is not enough ammunition, fortunately we don't need much, but we must be accurate about the timing of the assault." "

Everyone nodded, and Niu worked hard to let Yang Rui and Gu Shun take ten team members to form a temporary commando, and there was also the youngest Wang Xiaoyu in it.

Niu Endeavor especially told Wang Xiaoyu that he must listen to the command and not get out of touch with everyone.

Among this group of people, Wang Xiaoyu's individual combat ability is the strongest, but it is also the most unstable, and the young impetuousness and impulsiveness in his personality are easy to appear unexpected.

Fortunately, this guy is very obedient and will try to restrain himself.

Li Haiyang had already made ten smoke bombs on his side, and he drew a simple map on the ground and said: "When you assault, don't take a straight line, set off when it's dark, and draw an arc from the direction of nine o'clock." "

Wang Haiyang asked, "Why, isn't it good for us to attack directly?"

Li Haiyang didn't explain, just looked at Gu Shun, the commander of the commando, Gu Shun nodded and said, "No problem, we all listen to you, we choose to believe you." "

Then he said to Wang Xiaoyu: "Wang Xiaoyu, listen to the command." "

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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