Although the team had already set off, Chu Feng was still not at ease in his heart, after all, most of the team had never been on the battlefield, and after thinking about it, he was still ready to follow.

After he waited for the newcomers to leave, he also rushed over by helicopter, and he also handed over the training in the team to other veterans, anyway, they also had experience, so Chu Feng was not worried at all.

Time passed little by little, the troops came to the border area by helicopter, and at this time the newcomers who had not been on the battlefield could be said to be very nervous, Zhuang Yan saw the border, and handed over the command in his hands to Yang Rui.

"This time is a real practice, so everyone must play a twelve-point spirit, this time is really on the battlefield, so we must go all out, on the battlefield, only the strong can stand on it, don't be afraid of it, just go all out! When the night is a little deeper, we are in action, you can rest for a while, but you must not take it lightly. "

After Yang Rui finished speaking, after he sat down, the sound of chattering around him sounded, and the five people with Yang Rui as the team were sitting in a group to discuss countermeasures.

"Anyway, I think the first thing to take out is the pesky sentry and the man with the gun, which will minimize the chance of us getting hurt to the staff. "

The four of them all agreed with what Gu Shun said, and they all said that they had no objections.

"We must be cautious in our actions this time, after all, the stakes are very high, we can only succeed and not fail, Boss Chu is really, and he didn't follow him, so he just explained the matter to us. "

Niu tried to sigh, but Yang Rui didn't think so, and then showed a mysterious smile.

"You know that Boss Chu didn't come with him? He might be around here now. "

Chu Feng listened to the conversation of this group of people through the machine, and shook his head helplessly, but he didn't expect that Yang Rui actually knew himself quite well, and knew that he couldn't rest assured, so he would follow.

The five of them also discussed very intensely, and the sky was getting darker and darker.

Yang Rui looked at the current sky, looked at the enthusiastic teammates, got up, and looked at everyone.

"This operation can only succeed and not fail! How many people go must be given back as many people as I go, this is an order! Get up and go!"

As soon as Yang Rui's voice fell, everyone quickly got up, and Yang Rui quickly divided the team into four teams according to the previous discussion, and all of them listened to his command.

After Chu Feng arrived at the border, he quickly found a place to settle down, and he used the camera that Zhuang Yan carried with him to observe the situation and give corresponding guidance at any time.

"Tell to go down and let Yang Rui lead the troops to the target location, and he can't delay any longer. "

After Zhuang Yan received the instruction, he quickly conveyed the instruction to Yang Rui.

Yang Rui also quickly led the troops to the target location, but after all, there were many people, and the scouts quickly discovered the situation.

"I always have a bad feeling in my heart"

The Scout, sensing something, looked at his other companion and said, "I feel something is wrong, do you want to go back and report the situation?"

Just as the scout was about to go back, Niu tried to slowly approach the two and directly eliminated the two of them.

Yang Rui also knew that they were moving too much, and they would startle the snakes, so he quickly thought of a strategy to deal with it.

"So the first squad followed me, the second and third squads held the flanks and slowly ascended, and the last squad made a detour to the enemy's rear and cut off their retreat. "

Listening to Yang Rui's skills, Chu Feng couldn't help but nod in agreement, agreeing with his thoughts, he originally wanted to guide one or two, but it seemed that he really didn't have to worry about it.

"When everyone acts, we must be careful and careful, and if we encounter any emergencies, we must report them in time!"

After assigning the task, Yang Rui led everyone forward immediately, and soon found that there were more than 100 drug dealers resting in an abandoned village.

As a sniper gunner, Gu Shun climbed directly onto the tree and watched every move inside with a telescope.

Yang Rui didn't know when Gu Shun climbed up, and he couldn't help but get anxious, compared to Gu Shun's size, although it was said that the moon was dark and the wind was high, but if you looked carefully, you could still see the clues.

"Gu Shun, come down. "

Gu Shun glanced at Yang Rui under the tree, to be honest, he really didn't want to go down, but what Yang Rui gave was another order, and he had to listen.

Gu Shun couldn't help but complain as soon as he got off the tree, "Yang Shen, I'm a sniper, you don't let me find a good place to do my job as a sniper, but let me come down, what do you think?"

Yang Rui didn't expect Gu Shun to actually teach himself a lesson, he was really angry and funny, but Yang Rui also felt that what Gu Shun said was really good, but hiding in a tree was too eye-catching.

"Then can't you just find a good place?

Gu Shun looked around, and after a while, he found a good place, and just as Gu Shun was about to go, Yang Rui grabbed him.

Yang Rui handed the gun on his left side to Gu Shun, Gu Shun looked at the pistol in his hand with disgust, and didn't quite understand what Yang Rui meant.

Yang Rui looked at Gu Shun's bewildered look, and shook his head helplessly, "For your self-defense, pay attention to safety." "

Gu Shun smiled and put away the pistol that Yang Rui handed him, and then walked towards the place where the trees were overgrown.

"Yang Shen, when are we going to take action?"

Niu Endeavor couldn't help but ask, Yang Rui signaled Niu Endeavor not to worry, they had to wait until all the squads arrived before they could give the order to attack.

At this time, the drug dealers in the village did not realize that they had been surrounded at this time.

All the squads arrived one after another, and after Yang Rui saw that all the squads had arrived, he immediately ordered an attack.

Yang Rui looked at the person beside him, "You go and pass the word to Gu Shun and tell him that you can let him move his hands and feet." "

Yang Rui waited until Gu Shun killed the machine gunner and sentry, and then they could start the operation.

After Gu Shun received the order, the evil charmer smiled, and the smile on his face gradually deepened.

Gu Shun directly aimed at the machine gunner, aiming at one accurate, after the sniper killed the machine gunner and the sentry, Yang Rui signaled that the people of the impact team could start the operation

Then the shock team bombarded the abandoned stockade with grenades, and the drug dealers in the stockade realized that something was wrong.

As soon as the impact team came out, there was a sea of fire everywhere, Yang Rui looked at the rest of the team members, and gave an order, "Now is also the time to use the skills you have learned, just rush in and kill." "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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