The people led by Yang Rui, after a vicious fight, eliminated all the drug dealers, but no one found the weapons and drugs hidden.

"Yang Shen, I still haven't found the weapons and drugs hidden, do you think they have moved places?"

Yang Rui looked at the recruits who came to report in front of him, and shook his head decisively, they were secretly operating this time, it was impossible for drug dealers to know, if they knew, they would have fled a long time ago, how could they continue to stay here and die?

Yang Rui began to look around, and his gaze instantly locked on a place similar to worship not far away, and walked slowly.

Yang Rui always felt that something was not right, so he took a closer look.

The corners of Yang Rui's lips rose slightly, and the drug dealers really dug a cellar here to store drugs and weapons, Yang Rui easily found the mechanism to open the cellar, and the corners of his lips rose with a sarcastic smile.

"Come here. "

After hearing Yang Rui's voice, a group of people hurriedly surrounded him.

"These people are really cunning. "

Niu tried to look at the gun in the cellar and said with a smile on his eyebrows.

One by one, the people in the brigade went into the cellar and seized a large number of weapons and drugs from it.

And all the drug dealers were all annihilated, and in the process of Yang Rui's counting, he found that there were no casualties on the recruits' side, and he couldn't help but smile proudly.

Chu Feng watched the whole process, and praised Yang Rui without hesitation, he praised Yang Rui for his proper command, and sure enough, he was a veteran, and his command accounted for six points.

And the remaining forty percent are the tacit cooperation and well-trained recruits.

After Gao Gang learned the news that the drug dealers at the border were annihilated in one fell swoop, he was almost unable to close his mouth with laughter, and quickly called Chu Feng.

Chu Feng didn't expect Gao Gang to get the news so quickly, it seems that he is also well-informed.

And this time Chu Feng can be regarded as helping him make a great contribution, Gao Gang had to say a bunch of words of thanks.

"Alright, don't talk to me anymore. "

Gao Gang's eyes rolled, "Although it is said that this wave of lifting has been annihilated this time, but you also know that there are not many people who do such lifeless things at the border..."

Chu Feng listened to Gao Gang's words, and without thinking about it, he had already guessed what Gao Gang wanted to say next.

Gao Gang saw Chu Feng on the other end of the phone, so he had no choice but to beg and continue to speak cheekily.

Gao Gang smiled happily on the other side of the phone, "Then we will continue to cooperate next time?"

Chu Feng didn't even think about it, and Gao Gang didn't expect Chu Feng to agree so quickly, and the smile between his eyebrows became thicker and thicker.

Gao Gang gave information, Chu Feng sent people, and for the next period of time, Gao Gang continued to give information, and Chu Feng would send a different team to attack every time.

And almost all the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade have been promoted very well, and Chu Feng did not hesitate to praise his words, but he did not forget to remind them not to be too proud.

This time, the drug trafficking forces in the border area were severely hit, and many drug trafficking gangs were even wiped out by the Dragon Soul Brigade.

Many drug traffickers began to dare not be armed and retreated to their own countries.

After Chu Feng got the news, there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, Chu Feng was also ruthless this time to suppress these drug dealers, and directly ordered his recruits to take off their military uniforms, change into mercenary clothes, and sneak into the place where they were entrenched.

After Yang Rui and the others got the news, they all trembled a little when they heard it.

"Boss, this is really terrifying, it's really not a way to live. "

As soon as Gu Shun said his words, he also realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing, although Gu Shun was born in Jiaolong with him, he didn't save face for Gu Shun at all when he spoke.

"You are also a sniper from Jiaolong, don't you know how many happy and healthy families these drug traffickers have harmed? "

Gu Shun also didn't say a word for the first time, just listening to Yang Rui lecture himself, Yang Rui saw that Gu Shun didn't speak, and he didn't continue.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere in the confusion, Niu tried to break it, "But then again, the five of us seem to have been forgotten recently, and we haven't been on a mission for a while. "

Yang Rui glanced at Niu Dili, and said in a nutshell: "The boss wants to leave some opportunities to cultivate them." "

Once again, the air was confused and an awkward atmosphere awkward...

And Chu Feng doesn't care where the drug dealer is, as long as he receives the news, he will hit him immediately.

For a while, drug dealers were very unhappy at the long border, and no matter where they hid, they would be beaten as long as they tried to transport drugs.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Feng trained the troops on his side, and Gao Gang made a lot of contributions.

But the drug dealers were unhappy, Chu Feng didn't expect that he would do this, but it would unite the drug dealers who used to fight separately for the first time. _

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