And the leaders of drug trafficking who have been doing this business at the border feel that it is time for them to get together, after all, Chu Feng's suppression has been getting bigger and bigger recently, so that they are now in a completely unbearable state.

Although the drug trafficking leaders said that they could all contact each other, this time it was the first time that they had gathered so completely, and almost all the drug trafficking leaders came.

They are all Hengka's subordinates, and after Bai Congbo's big Malaysia was destroyed by Huaxia, these little things will fight separately, and they don't want to be annihilated, so they will unite for a meeting.

When Gao Gang got the news, he was also slightly shocked, because this was really the first time that the drug dealers had reunited.

After Gao Gang got the news, he immediately dialed Chu Feng's mobile phone number.

At this time, Chu Feng was standing under the scorching sun, looking at the group of players pulling tires weighing about five kilograms, Chu Feng raised his hand, looked at the watch on his wrist, and then looked at the exhausted cubs, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Stop and rest for twenty minutes, and after twenty minutes, the training will continue." "

As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, he went back to his office to blow the air conditioner.

Although Gu Shun is said to be born in Jiaolong, his profession is a sniper, and he does have intensive training in normal times, but he has not trained as high-intensity as now, which makes him inevitably a little unbearable.

Yang Rui saw Gu Shun gasping heavily, his nasal voice was soft, and if he listened carefully, he could hear a smile in his nasal voice.

"As soon as you had high-intensity training before, you made an excuse that you were going to practice guns, and now you regret it, right?"

Gu Shun saw that Yang Rui was still coming to stab himself with a knife at this time, and snorted lightly, Yang Rui said that the water bottle in his hand was handed to Gu Shun, and Gu Shun looked at Yang Rui with a flattered face.

Gu Shun also took it unceremoniously and drank it in a big gulp.

At this time, Chu Feng, who was blowing the air conditioner in the office, picked up the mobile phone on the desktop, opened it, and found that there were several missed calls from Gao.

Chu Feng got up, slowly walked in the direction of the floor-to-ceiling window, looked out the window, and then called Gao Gang back.

Gao Gang saw that Chu Feng could be regarded as giving himself, and immediately got up excitedly.

Just wanted to question Chu Feng why he didn't answer the phone just now, Chu Jixian explained in a nutshell, "I didn't bring my mobile phone with me just now in training, what's wrong?"

"Chu Feng, you yourself must be careful recently, I got news from my side that the leaders of drug trafficking have gathered together, and I don't know what they are talking about, but if you let the Dragon Soul Brigade suppress them like this, they will definitely make trouble for you. "

Chu Feng didn't have too much turmoil in his heart after hearing this, he couldn't even look down on those little scumbags, let alone worry that they would make trouble for him, he quite welcomed those people to trouble him.

"Well, don't be afraid. "

Gao Gang on the other end of the phone heard Chu Feng's arrogant words, and he had the urge to beat Chu Feng along the phone line, but Chu Feng also had enough strength to say these words that no one in his eyes was, thinking of this, a flattering smile appeared on Gao Gang's face again.

"Then you have to be careful lately, why don't you let the Dragon Soul Brigade stop acting for the time being? This is also for their good, in case the drug dealers attack them at that time..."

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, his tail tone was frivolous, and he said proudly: "Oh, I dare to send them to annihilate those drug dealers in one fell swoop, don't you still believe in their strength, the people of the Dragon Soul Brigade have never been cowardly, and any person in my Dragon Soul Brigade can go up alone, and at least five people on the opposite side can be singled out, so why should I worry?"

Gao Gang didn't expect that Chu Feng would talk so much when he talked about his Dragon Soul Brigade, Gao Gang's face was gloomy, Chu Feng himself said so, and he was really not good at saying anything.

"Then if you make up your mind to let the Dragon Soul Brigade continue to suppress, then I will also send someone over to assist, don't say anything you don't need, okay, I don't have anything to do, if you have nothing to do, I'll hang up first." "

Chu Feng frowned, in fact, he really wanted to tell Gao Gang that he really didn't have to send someone over to help, so as not to drag their Dragon Soul Brigade back when the time came...

Of course, Chu Feng still didn't say this, Chu Feng shook his head helplessly, put down his phone, and walked outside.

Chu Feng gathered everyone together and told his teammates of the Dragon Soul Brigade about it.

The team members couldn't help but complain, "What is this, boss, can you not let outsiders come in and hold back?"

"Yes, I'll have to protect them when the time comes. "


The people of the Dragon Soul Brigade, you and I said it one by one, and Chu Feng had an embarrassed but polite smile on his face from beginning to end.

And the drug dealers are also discussing to form a coalition to deal with Hua Chufeng, and they are also determined this time to eradicate Chu Feng no matter what, no matter how much it costs. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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