Several drug trafficker leaders now have no other way out than to choose to cooperate.

Others in the drug dealers were soon contacted to tell them the good news of the victory.

This news also quickly spread among the drug dealers alliance, and as soon as they heard the good news of another complete victory, the drug dealers alliance could not help but be unsightly and arrogant.

The drug traffickers alliance also succeeded in being fooled, thinking that it had won a big victory, and was ready to gather together to celebrate the achievement, and by the way, redivide their personal territory.

Although they gathered together, they were heavily defended and the terrain was difficult, so it was easy for them to run away if they attacked with great fanfare.

Gao Gang couldn't help but feel a headache, and got up and told Chu Feng and the others about this matter.

"We have to think of a way to get the best of both worlds now, otherwise we will only be caught by surprise if we act rashly. "

Gao Gang sighed helplessly, and then sat on the sofa, leaning on the back of the sofa.

Seeing Gao Gang's helpless face, Chu Feng stretched out his foot and kicked him twice.

"Why do you look lifeless? I don't know what happened to you. "

Gao Gang glanced at Chu Feng, his eyes rolled, and he looked at Chu Feng with a sly smile.

"Do you have any good ideas, you've always had the most ideas. "

Chu Feng saw that Gao Gang, who was still listless, suddenly came to life, was stunned, and instantly became a little overwhelmed.

Chu Feng calmed down, got up, turned on Gao Gang's computer, and looked at the complex terrain, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Gao Gang saw that Chu Feng had not spoken, thinking that Chu Feng must not have any good ideas, so he sighed helplessly.

Seeing Gao Gang's appearance, Leng Feng smiled and said, "What's the matter, you still don't believe in Chu Feng? "

Gao Gang smiled awkwardly but politely, he really hoped to surprise him, he didn't know how long he hadn't slept well because of the drug dealer.

Gao Gang's eyes slowly closed, looking very tired, Leng Feng also turned off the sound of his mobile phone when he saw this, not wanting to wake Gao Gang.

Chu Feng turned around, and just as he wanted to discuss countermeasures with the three of them, he looked at Gao Gang, who was asleep.

Seeing this, Chu Feng motioned for Leng Feng to go with him, and the two walked out of the office.

"What? Did you kid find something? so sneaky. "

Chu Feng glanced at Leng Feng and shook it, showing that he didn't notice it, Leng Feng paused with his hand on the phone, but he also reacted quickly.

"It's normal that you didn't find out, after all, so many people didn't find out, so you shouldn't put too much pressure on yourself. "

Chu Feng glanced at Leng Feng and grinned.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who puts pressure on me?

Leng Feng looked at Chu Feng's arrogant appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You kid, do you think of any good way?"

Chu Feng bowed, he did think of a good way, but this good way also needs someone to cooperate.

Chu Feng and Leng Feng stayed outside for more than an hour, but Chu Feng just didn't say what he had come up with.

Chu Feng looked at the watch in his hand, pushed open the door and walked into the office.

Seeing that Gao Gang was still asleep, he directly shook the person awake.

As soon as Gao Gang opened his eyes, he saw Chu Feng's whole face enlarged in front of his eyes, and he was so frightened that he was shocked, Chu Feng naturally noticed it, and his face changed instantly.

"What do you mean, Lao Gao?

Gao Gang hurriedly avoided this topic, not wanting to discuss this issue with Chu Feng, lest he talk further and further when he got to.

"No, have you two come up with any good ideas?"

Chu Feng didn't speak, and Leng Feng saw that Chu Feng didn't speak, so he hurriedly touched Chu Feng with his elbow.

"Didn't you just say you had a good idea? "

As soon as Gao Gang heard Leng Feng say that Chu Feng had thought of a good idea, his originally lazy expression instantly became a hundred times more energetic.

Chu Feng smiled helplessly when he saw this, and then told the two of them what he had come up with, "The good way I came up with is that we pretend to go into the mountains to film, and remember to bring all the equipment and everything when the time comes, and then give us people makeup, I know a good makeup artist." "

After Leng Feng listened to Chu Feng's strategy, he couldn't help but nod in agreement, this is indeed a good strategy.

But Gao Gang couldn't help but be a little worried, "Then what should those people say if those people ask us then?"

Chu Feng looked at Gao Gang with a foolish look, "So if we have the lines in advance." "

Gao Gang bowed his head, "Then do you think those people are better to participate in this activity?"

Chu Feng and Gao Gang looked at each other, and then bowed their heads.

For Chu Feng to come up with a way to deal with it and film, Gao Gang also agreed.

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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