Chu Feng saw that the two of them had no opinions, and this matter was decided so happily.

Chu Feng glanced at Leng Feng, his eyes moved, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Leng Feng, are you going to let the people from the Wolf Warrior Squadron join in this time?"

Leng Feng nodded without hesitation, Chu Feng knew that this would be the result, but this time Chu Feng didn't want Leng Feng's wolf squadron to join it.

But he didn't know how to tell Leng Feng about it, Chu Feng then shifted his gaze to Gao Gang, and Gao Gang suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Chu Feng took advantage of Leng Feng's lack of attention to the two of them, and pointed to Gao Gang's mobile phone, and Gao Gang immediately understood what Chu Feng meant.

Chu Feng opened Gao Gang's chat box and typed unhurriedly, "I don't think the Wolf Warrior Squadron should join in this operation, and I don't want to tell Leng Feng, this matter will be handed over to you." "

After Chu Feng finished playing, he directly threw his phone aside, while Gao Gang looked at the content on his phone with a confused expression.

Gao Gang raised his head and looked at Chu Feng, who was looking at him, and hurriedly typed it in the chat box, "It's not easy for you to talk about this matter, what do you want me to say?"

Chu Feng saw that the screen of his mobile phone lit up, but he pretended not to see it, and when Gao Gang saw this, he had no choice but to organize words in his mind to discuss this matter with Leng Feng.

"What's that, Leng Feng, I don't think the Wolf Warrior Squadron should participate in this mission, right?"

Leng Feng's emotions suddenly became excited, he didn't understand what Gao Gang meant by this, why didn't he let them participate in the Wolf Warrior Squadron?

Gao Gang saw that Leng Feng's face was black and ugly, but he still stubbornly continued to speak.

"This time, let's continue to let the Dragon Soul Brigade take action, if there are two teams, it will be a trouble to organize, do you think what I said makes sense? Chu Feng?"

Chu Feng was stunned, he didn't expect Gao Gang to be smart this time, and he actually knew to bring himself, Chu Feng nodded in thought.

"Leng Feng, I think what Lao Gao said has some truth, and besides, everyone in the Wolf Warrior Squadron is unhappy with those drug dealers, and the hatred in their hearts will be shown, what should they do if they can't restrain themselves?"

Leng Feng glanced at Chu Feng, and he probably understood the meaning of Chu Feng's words.

Leng Feng had no choice but to compromise, "The people of the Wolf Warrior Squadron can not participate in this matter, but I must participate, if you still don't agree, then I'm really sorry, I can only not petition my superiors and act privately." "

Leng Feng's eyes were firm, Chu Feng was also understanding, he had always been a good person, he sighed helplessly, and nodded at Gao Gang.

Gao Gang didn't know what to do, but after seeing Chu Feng nodded, he was relieved.

"If that's the case, you can come with us. "

Leng Feng glanced at Gao Gang meaningfully, and then turned his eyes away.

Just as Chu Feng was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, and looked at Leng Feng with a serious face, "No matter what happened, what you heard, you must stay calm." "

Leng Feng subconsciously clenched his fists, and his muscles flared up, but he still nodded to indicate that he knew.

Chu Feng also contacted Yang Rui directly by phone and asked him to bring the elite over, and as soon as Yang Rui received the order, he quickly gathered the five people.

But Chu Feng still felt that something was missing, "Lao Gao, Leng Feng, how many people do you say there will be in a crew?"

Gao Gang thought for a while and said, "Let's say there should be twenty or thirty." "

When Chu Feng heard this, he hurriedly called Yang Rui again, and Yang Rui, who was about to leave, saw that it was Chu Feng who called, and hurriedly answered it.

"You shouldn't have set off yet, right? Plus the five of you, you go to the team and pick about twenty-four or five people, you must be the kind of person with brains and strength. "

As soon as Chu Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, which couldn't help but make Yang Rui a little overwhelmed, he thought that the people in the Dragon Soul Brigade were basically brains and strong, and he didn't know how to pick people.

Gu Shun was next to Yang Rui, and naturally heard Chu Feng's words.

"Isn't that easy? or leave it to me?"

Yang Rui glanced at Gu Shun, at this point, he also felt that Gu Shun was reliable, so he handed over this matter to him to do.

Gu Shun picked out the person in a short time, Yang Rui nodded with satisfaction, and then set off with the person.

On the other side, Gao Gang looked at Chu Feng with a shocked expression, "Chu Feng, such an important matter, you are so relieved to hand it over to others?"

Chu Feng was immediately upset when he heard this, "Hmm, several of my Dragon Soul Brigade are elites, and anyone who is pulled out at will can overthrow a group of people, so what do I have to worry about?"

Seeing that Chu Feng's face was expressionless, his tone was very cold, Gao Gang also knew that he had said the wrong thing, scratched his head, and didn't know what to do. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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