At this time, the Dragon Soul Brigade came with five women dragging suitcases, and Yang Rui and the others also rushed back and happened to see this scene.

Yang Rui recognized it at a glance, these five people were the five people of the women's team, but he couldn't help but wonder what these five people were doing here.

Yang Rui hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Why did the five of you suddenly come?"

Mengxi glanced at Yang Rui and said politely, "We came here to find Chu Feng for something, do you know where he is now?"

Yang Rui glanced at the luggage that Mengxi and the others were carrying, and was stunned.

"Boss, he's not in the team today, you may have to run for nothing. "

But Yang Rui really didn't expect anything, Mengxi said with a smile on his face that it was okay, but what he said next made him can't believe his ears.

"It's okay, the five of us are just here waiting for him to come back. "

Yang Rui was stunned, didn't speak, and walked straight towards his dormitory, but when he was halfway there, he still stopped.

Yang Rui glanced at Gu Shun beside him and sighed helplessly.

"Gu Shun, you better entertain those five people, after all, everyone who comes is a guest. "

Gu Shun glanced at Yang Rui, and he really didn't know what happened to Yang Rui today, so he was nosy, you must know that he never cared about this kind of thing before.

Yang Rui had already spoken, and he was really not good at saying something, so he turned around and went to entertain the five people.

And at this time, on the other side, got reliable news from the mouth of the drug dealer and knew who might have the antidote.

After getting the news, the staff immediately told Gao Gang about the incident, and Gao Gang was very excited when he heard it.

"I just got the news that if the antidote is there, a doctor in City C may have it in his hands. "

After Leng Feng listened to what Gao Gang said, he stood up excitedly.

Just when he wanted to leave for City C immediately, he was intercepted by Chu Feng.

"It's not the time for you to go to City C, can you find the doctor over there? "

After Leng Feng listened to Chu Feng's words, he looked at Chu Feng and nodded.

At this time, Yang Rui, who had already returned to the dormitory, after thinking about it, still called Chu Feng.

Chu Feng saw that Yang Rui was calling again, to be honest, he was really a little impatient now, but he still answered.

Yang Rui told Chu Feng about the five members of the women's team coming to the Dragon Soul Brigade with suitcases, Chu Feng frowned slightly, thought about it, and decided to go back.

"Okay, I know, then you can help me entertain those five people first, and I'll rush back now. "

Yang Rui said, "Okay, got it." He hung up the phone, although he really had nothing to worry about when Gu Shun was, but he still asked where Gu Shun was now.

Yang Rui came to Chu Feng's office, looked at the five people sitting on the sofa in the office, and couldn't help but wonder why they came, and they came with luggage.

Although Yang Rui said that he did have an answer in his heart now, he was not sure if it was the answer in his heart.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden? "

Yang Rui glanced at the five of them a few times, and then asked, but no one answered Yang Rui's question, which inevitably made Yang Rui embarrassed.

Yang Rui then looked at Gu Shun, but Gu Shun also shook his head, saying that he didn't know, before Yang Rui came, he had asked these five people about it, but no one told him.

Time passed little by little, and Chu Feng also returned to the Dragon Soul Brigade.

As soon as he returned to his office, he saw seven people in the office, stunned, but he quickly reacted.

Chu Feng sat on his office chair, glanced at the five people, and began to bow his head to deal with the work.

Gu Shun was stunned when he saw that Chu Feng had directly left the person aside, but it was not surprising, who made them Chu Feng's boss originally have such a character.

Seeing that Chu Feng ignored them, Meng Xi really couldn't sit still, so she stood up directly and walked to Chu Feng's desk step by step.

"Hello Chu Feng, I am Mengxi of the women's team, I want to join the Dragon Soul team, I hope to approve it, this is the recommendation of the captain of our women's team. "

As soon as Mengxi's voice fell, he handed the recommendation to Chu Feng, but Chu Feng didn't even look at it, and continued to leave the person aside.

Mengxi's face was really unbearable, and her face gradually became ugly.

Gu Shun really couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly called their boss.

Only then did Chu Feng raise his head, glanced at Mengxi who was standing in front of his desk, and smiled softly.

"You have to know that our Dragon Soul Brigade never accepts useless people, if you want to join, you must be assessed, and this assessment will definitely not release water, if you pass, I welcome you. "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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