Mengxi gritted her teeth and agreed directly, but Gu Shun, who was watching this scene from the side, really didn't mention how anxious she was.

"Why don't you give up? There's a good chance you'll not pass this test, and our training... You guys probably really can't stand it. "

Gu Shun persuaded him with good words, but Mengxi was unconvinced.

"Why do you think we can't do it? We're already here with suitcases, so there's absolutely no way we're going back. "

Gu Shun wanted to continue to say something, but was stopped by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said coldly: "It's useless to just use one mouth, after all, you can't conquer anyone, only practical actions can let everyone see your determination to enter the Dragon Soul Brigade, I'm buying it for you and think about it, if it's an assessment, you can't be sure if you don't have seventy percent." "

Mengxi hesitated, but she still discussed it with her teammates, but soon came to a consistent result.

"We have to take the test, why do we think we women can't? We just want to prove that we can. "

Chu Feng listened to Mengxi's words and nodded, not only with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Chu Feng glanced at Gu Shun, "If that's actually the case, Gu Shun, you take them to the dormitory, and when it comes to tomorrow morning, you will participate in our training first, and then let them decide whether they want to take the assessment or not." "

Although Gu Shun was unhappy and felt that this was inappropriate, he still didn't say anything and brought the five of them to the dormitory.

Seeing that Yang Rui hadn't left yet, Chu Feng raised his head and asked him if he had something to say.

"Boss, are you really going to let these women join us in training? "

Chu Feng got up and looked out the window, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you think the Dragon Soul Brigade is a bit boring? "

Yang Rui saw that Chu Feng said this, what else could he say? After saying that, he went back to his dormitory to rest.

And this matter has almost spread throughout the Soul Brigade, but the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade are all people with hot hearts and cold faces, so they didn't make a fuss for long.


I gathered at five o'clock in the morning, and when I heard the sound of the assembly at five o'clock in the morning, I really felt a little incredible, how could anyone gather at five o'clock to train?

But Mengxi still didn't say anything, and hurriedly woke up the people around her.

And after the Dragon Soul Brigade was all assembled, the five arrived one after another.

Chu Feng glanced at the five of them and said coldly, "This is your speed? I thought you had a lot of determination." "

Mengxi also looked at Chu Feng with an unconvinced face, Chu Feng also saw Mengxi's unconvincedness, and directly asked her if she was unconvinced and complained, Mengxi nodded directly and said yes.

The people of the Dragon Soul Brigade are really looking at each other, and they really haven't seen Mengxi so afraid of death.

"It's our first day and I think it's a good pace and tomorrow we can do better. "

Looking at the unwavering gaze in Mengxi's eyes, Chu Feng's eyes flashed with a smile that he hadn't even noticed.

"Start training, run five laps around the mountain, start now. "

Chu Feng commanded, and the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade were about to start, but Mengxi spoke out dissatisfied, "You are actually the person in charge of this Dragon Soul Brigade, shouldn't you lead by example and come together?"

Chu Feng rubbed his temples a little too ordinary, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, just overseeing you. "

As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, he joined the team, and when he ran to the third lap, everyone began to gasp, but Chu Feng did not have any reaction or discomfort.

Mengxi, who had been observing Chu Feng, really subconsciously felt that Chu Feng must be pretending, and she didn't want to make her face ugly, but what she didn't know was that Chu Feng's physical strength was so good.

By the time they reached the fifth lap, the five women were completely out of order, but they still held on, helped each other, and followed the end of the line.

Just followed the ass of the Dragon Soul Brigade tightly and ran back to the training ground.

Chu Feng really didn't expect that these five women would not be left behind, and he really changed his perception of them again.

Just when the five of them thought that the training was over, Chu Feng spoke again, "Push-ups, three hundred, start now." "

Chu Feng also consciously followed everyone to do it, and the five women, who were already physically exhausted, couldn't do push-ups at all, but when they saw where Mengxi gritted his teeth and insisted, he also followed along.

Chu Feng was also a little unbearable, and signaled to the five people to take a break if they really couldn't stand it, but the five people ignored Chu Feng, and they really got more and more energetic. _

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