Considering that several people were participating in training for the first time, Chu Feng did not embarrass them, and after several successive persuasions to no avail, he silently halved the day's training.

Of course, Mengxi didn't know these things, until the evening rest, he was still happy because he had successfully passed the first day of training, as for the members of the Dragon Soul Brigade, no one planned to debunk this fact, but after a few people couldn't wait to go back to rest, they all tacitly returned to the training ground, and let Chu Feng take them to train.

With the experience of the first day, before five o'clock on the second day, Mengxi got up from the bed with her own people, although the speed of cleaning up was not as fast as others, but the advance preparation also allowed them to surpass the progress of others.

"Yes, it was pretty fast today. "

Seeing that Mengxi and the others became the first to appear on the training ground, Chu Feng was somewhat surprised in his heart, raised his eyebrows and praised.

"Of course, I said it, yesterday was because of the first day, I don't know how long you trained. "

With Chu Feng's affirmation, Mengxi's face was a hint of pride, and she was as proud as a peacock.

"Now that everyone is here, I announce that today's training will begin..."

Looking at Mengxi's expression, Chu Feng was a little helpless, but he didn't argue with her about this matter, and saw that everyone else had arrived, so he started the day's training as scheduled.

With yesterday's experience, from running to push-ups, Mengxi and the others did not feel any discomfort until they heard Chu Feng's next voice.

"Next, climb the mud pit. "

Bringing everyone to a mud pit with no end in sight, Chu Feng was still expressionless during training.

"What, what? Captain Chu, you mean, you want us to climb over here?"

After listening to Chu Feng's words, and then looking at the mud pit in front of him that seemed to have no end, there were finally girls in the Mengxi team who couldn't help it.

"Or else?"

Without answering the other party's words, Chu Feng asked rhetorically, obviously disdainful of answering such a non-level remark.

"But, but..." The other party wanted to say something, but Chu Feng interrupted impatiently.

"I said it, since you didn't think about it, I'll let you try, but you can't do it, then please leave, don't talk nonsense in front of me, my time is not wasted. "

"No, we can do it. "

Seeing the impatience on Chu Feng's face, Mengxi hurriedly stopped his team members, Chu Feng was right, they actually decided to insist, he should do what he said, and he couldn't let the men in front of him look down on them.

"Okay, then I'll see. "

Regarding Mengxi's words, Chu Feng still had a look of disbelief on his face, as for what he thought in his heart, only he knew.

"Let's go, what they can do, we can too, come on. "

Seeing that the others set off one after another, leaving only five of them, Mengxi gritted her teeth, encouraged her teammates, and took the lead in climbing into the mud pit.

Although she resisted the dirty mud pit in front of her, Meng Xi had already taken the lead, and the others no longer hesitated, and crawled behind her one by one, as for Chu Feng, he handed over the training to others and dealt with other things by himself.

"It's okay you, I've heard you're not in good shape. "

Yes, the reason why Chu Feng suddenly left the Dragon Soul Brigade was because training had long been a common thing for others, and he didn't need his supervision at all, and on the other hand, it was because he learned that Leng Feng's situation was not very good.

Leng Feng, who had locked himself up with Long Xiaoyun for two days, looked up at him after hearing Chu Feng's voice, but he didn't say anything, and silently lowered his head again.

"Leng Feng, you are sober, you look like this, don't say there is no antidote, even if there is, you can't save Long Xiaoyun. "

Seeing Leng Feng's lifeless appearance, Chu Feng directly grabbed the collar of his clothes, and said hatefully.

"Without an antidote, Xiaoyun will be hopeless, without Xiaoyun, what is the meaning of my life, Chu Feng, you don't have to worry about me, in the future, you just should exist without me." "

knew that Chu Feng was worried about himself, but Leng Feng's heart had already become desolate because Long Xiaoyun had no antidote, and he didn't have the extra heart to take Chu Feng's feelings into account anymore.

"But have you ever thought that if you take someone home and don't send her to the hospital, it will only hasten her death, are you not going to give up without trying, have you ever thought that although there is no antidote, the hospital can at least prolong her life, and when the time comes, maybe we have found the antidote. "

As soon as he saw Leng Feng's loveless appearance, Chu Feng was angry, but he also knew that now was not the time to deal with Leng Feng, but to rekindle Leng Feng's fighting spirit.

Resisting the urge to beat people, Chu Feng told himself again and again in his heart to calm down. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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