After Chu Feng's persuasion, Leng Feng finally had a trace of fighting spirit and slowly cheered up.

"You're right, I can't just fall like this, Xiaoyun is still waiting for me to save her. "

As the so-called word wakes up the person in the dream, Leng Feng is in this state now, looking at the unconscious Long Xiaoyun, he finally realized his responsibility.

"Chu Feng, you'll help me, right?"

Looking up at Chu Feng, Leng Feng did not hide the fragility in his eyes.

"Of course, the relationship between the two of us, if I don't help you, no one will help you. "

Punched Leng Feng angrily, and Chu Feng was a little speechless.

"In that case, can you lend me the Dragon Soul Brigade?"

As soon as Chu Feng's words were finished, Leng Feng couldn't wait to speak.

"What are you going to do to lend you? Leng Feng, let me tell you, don't be impulsive, let's not mention that those people are the elites I have cultivated with great difficulty, it is you, if something happens, what will Long Xiaoyun do when the time comes?"

Listening to Leng Feng's words, Chu Feng suddenly had a bad idea in his heart, and subconsciously felt that Leng Feng wanted to do something stupid, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to persuade.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have the idea of taking them to fight hard, I just want you to lend me someone to assist me in my investigation, although they say there is no antidote, but I don't believe it, since the poison can be developed, the antidote must also be possible, even if the drug dealer has no answer, I think as long as I find the doctor who developed the poison, he will definitely be able to develop the antidote." "

Knowing that Chu Feng misunderstood his thoughts, and also knew that if he didn't explain, Chu Feng would definitely not help him, so Leng Feng didn't hide his inner thoughts.

"Okay, if you say so, I don't have any opinion, but if you just want to investigate, you don't need everyone, so let's ask Yang Rui to bring a team of people to assist you. "

After Leng Feng's explanation, Chu Feng was a lot more relieved, and he had no intention of stopping him again.

"Thank you!"

Knowing that Leng Feng planned to participate in the competition of the eight major armies, and it was a good time to train them, and instead of helping, he borrowed someone from him at this time, Leng Feng felt more or less in his heart, and these thanks were also completely from the heart.

"Okay, don't be hypocritical here, this is not what Leng Feng should be, don't worry, I'll send someone to take care of it at the hospital." "

Patting Leng Feng's shoulder, Chu Feng said solemnly. Chu Feng also knew in his heart why Leng Feng said this, but he didn't care, not to mention that the small team of people borrowed would not affect the competition of the eight major armies, and besides, with the relationship between him and Leng Feng, even if he didn't participate, he would definitely not regret it.

With Chu Feng's promise, Leng Feng finally put his mind at ease, he knew Chu Feng's character. As long as it is something that Chu Feng has agreed to, he will definitely do it no matter what.

After discussing with Leng Feng, Chu Feng suddenly remembered that he had promised to learn from the five elites, thinking that Yang Rui was about to leave the mission, and he didn't want him to have any regrets, so he hurried back to the Dragon Soul Brigade.

"Boss, why did you come back at this time? Didn't something leave?"

Seeing Chu Feng coming back, Yang Rui asked in surprise.

He knew why Chu Feng left, and it stands to reason that he shouldn't have come back so soon.

"Isn't this sending you on a mission? I'm ready to fulfill your wishes. "

Hooking his lips at Yang Rui, Chu Feng smiled a little weirdly.

"Really, boss, great, we thought you were going to release our pigeons like you did before. "

After Chu Feng's words were finished, before Yang Rui could react, Niu Qian had already rushed over excitedly.

"Yes, how about I give you a chance, do you plan to come up one by one and be abused by me, or do you plan to go up with five people?"

Looking at the excited Niu Niu's efforts, Chu Feng was not surprised at all, he had long been accustomed to his popularity, and he couldn't control his temperament when he heard about the fight.

"Boss, if you say that, we're really going to have to come up together. "

After listening to Chu Feng's words, Yang Rui and the others, who had planned to line up to ask Chu Feng for leave, suddenly smiled bitterly, originally planning to come one by one, so that Chu Feng could help them guide them, so that everyone's improvement would be more effective.

But now looking at Chu Feng's evil smile, they became nervous inexplicably, in order not to be abused by Chu Feng, several people decided not to talk about any morality in the rivers and lakes, and simply everyone could go together.

"Don't worry, whether you go together or separately, the result is the same, it's just the length of time. "

Chu Feng was not surprised at all by the decision of several people, and the reason why he made this suggestion was originally for a few of them to go together, so as to save everyone's time and send Yang Rui out earlier.

"Sister Mengxi, you said that any of them can win, although Boss Chu is powerful, but Captain Yang is not bad. "_

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