Since training with the Dragon Soul Brigade, Mengxi doesn't let others call her captain, but her sister.

Although the others felt that this was not good, they also knew that it was not appropriate to continue to call her captain in the Dragon Soul Brigade, so they obediently listened to her.

"I don't know, but looking at Boss Chu's appearance, it seems that he is confident. "

Regarding her sister's question, Mengxi said that she didn't know the answer either, of course, she was also full of curiosity.

"Of course, none of us can hold on to the boss alone for more than three minutes, and this time the five of them will last for half an hour at most. "

The person next to him shook his head when he heard Mengxi's conversation, and said with a smile.

"How is it possible? As far as I know, Yang Rui and the others are among the best in the entire army, is Boss Chu so powerful? I don't believe it. "

Hearing the words of the other team members, the girls expressed their incredibleness, after all, before Chu Feng came, Yang Rui and the others were already famous figures.

"If you don't believe it, just take a good look, our boss's strength is much more powerful than you think. "

Seeing that the girls didn't believe it, the team members didn't say much, after all, they also thought so when they challenged Chu Feng for the first time, who knew that they were slapped hard by reality, and it was precisely because of this that they knew Chu Feng's strength better than anyone else.

With the words of the team members, the five girls became even more curious about Chu Feng's strength, and their eyes widened one by one, they were really afraid that they would miss any wonderful pictures.

"Boss, you have to start a little bit later, otherwise if I am too seriously injured, there will be no way to go out of the mission.

Although they were looking forward to having a discussion with Chu Feng, they were still a little stunned when they thought that they would have to lie on the bed for half a month every time they finished doing something with him, and they couldn't leave the training behind in this half month, but fortunately, Yang Rui was about to go out on a mission, and with this reason, he could finally let Chu Feng's subordinates show mercy.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't let you lie in bed this time, and you can still do things for me after the discussion, so it's okay, right?"

Looking at a few people who were both expectant and a little nervous, some couldn't control themselves, and the first few times they did it were too heavy, and this time I didn't really want to hurt them.

After having Chu Feng's assurance, several people finally put their minds at ease and began to move without scruples, only to see a few people rushing towards Chu Feng from different directions, and from different angles, they launched attacks in both directions above and below him at the same time.

Yang Rui and the five are brothers who have been on missions together for a long time, and several people can be said to stay together as soon as they enter the army, full of tacit understanding, even if it is Chu Feng, they can't find any fault at this point, but even so, in the face of Chu Feng's absolute strength, several people still quickly fell behind, of course, this result was expected from the beginning, except for the five people of Mengxi, the others did not feel any surprise.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, I saw that Yang Rui and the five of them were beaten out by Chu Feng one after another, and fell heavily to the ground, but considering that Yang Rui was about to go on a mission, when Chu Feng threw him out, he skillfully let him fall on the other four.

"I said boss, you said that you are biased, but it is too much to be so obvious. Yang Rui is so heavy, you just threw it on us like this, isn't it a little too favoritism?"

Finally pushed Yang Rui off his body and got up from the ground, Niu Endeavor was the first to start muttering, of course, he was just addicted, but in fact, he didn't really have any intention of complaining about Chu Feng and Yang Rui in his heart.

"Okay, others don't know about you, don't I know yet, just your body, no matter how many times you smash it, it's really not good, and the next time you go on a mission, I'll let them give you a backdrop." "

Knowing that Niu was joking, Chu Feng opened his mouth very cooperatively.

"This is what you said, boss, don't go back, I also want to taste the taste of someone backing up. "

After listening to Chu Feng's words, Niu Li immediately became excited, and the pain on his body seemed to have decreased.

"Don't boss, you don't know the weight of the old cow, if you really lose it to me, I may never be able to mess with you again!"

Startled by Niu Dili's words, Yang Rui was the first to retort, not only him, but after the others heard it, they all shook their heads and refused.

"Okay, okay, I don't know who will go out next time, you guys, don't think it's okay if you don't go out, then give me good training, if the eight armies lose, I'll let you taste the taste of being a human sandbag, but it's not so simple." "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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