"Don't worry, boss, we will never disgrace you, we will definitely bring you a championship back,"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Niu Endeavor and the others only felt that their hearts were full of blood, others didn't know Chu Feng's temperament, but they were absolutely clear, according to Chu Feng's temper, if they didn't participate, they would definitely go to the championship if they participated.

"It's good to know, take everyone to training, Yang Rui and I will go to the office. "

Looking at everyone's energetic appearance, Chu Feng was very satisfied, although he knew that the strength of other armies was not bad, but he was very confident in the soldiers he brought out, the group of people in front of him were temporarily a little worse than the others in terms of strength, but in terms of tacit understanding, they could definitely rank first.

During that time, if you put a little more effort into them, you will definitely be able to raise their strength in a short time, and when the time comes, those who look down on the Dragon Soul Brigade will definitely blind their eyes.

"By the way, boss, I didn't have time to ask before, what is the mission going out for this time?"

When he arrived at the office, seeing Chu Feng's serious face, Yang Rui couldn't help but speak.

"You were there when we went to save Long Xiaoyun before, and she wasn't doing well, you know. "

Being reminded by Yang Rui like this, Chu Feng remembered that he hadn't had time to tell him what had happened.

"I know, but I thought you would have taken her to the hospital a long time ago, was there something else wrong with her?"

Ever since Long Xiaoyun came back, Yang Rui had been busy training the Dragon Soul Brigade, and he didn't have time to ask about Long Xiaoyun at all, and now when he heard Chu Feng mention it, he couldn't help but be a little curious.

"She was poisoned, I interrogated the previous drug dealer with Leng Feng, and they all said that this poison was just researched, and there is no antidote yet, I want you to lead a team of people to follow Leng Feng's command and find the doctor who helped the drug dealer study the poison before. But most importantly, the reason why I sent you there is to make you watch him well and not let him do anything impulsive. "

explained the truth of the matter to Yang Rui, but Chu Feng did not forget to explain his most important thing, after all, in the Dragon Soul Brigade, Yang Rui was the first to be the most familiar with Leng Feng.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely help you see him well, and I will never let him do anything stupid. As for the whereabouts of that doctor, I will also carefully investigate and find out. "

Knowing the relationship between Chu Feng and Leng Feng, Yang Rui nodded solemnly and assured.

"I'm relieved to have you, go to a team of people who are good at intelligence, go to Leng Feng, he is in the hospital now, someone will show you the way when you arrive, I have already arranged people in the hospital before I came." "

It was precisely because of his letter to Yang Rui that Feng decided to send him with Leng Feng, so there was nothing else to explain.

After Yang Rui left with the people, Chu Feng began to think about how to assess the five people of Mengxi.

"Boss Chu, do you have anything to do with us coming over?"

Finally waited until the end of the training, Mengxi, who had planned to go back and have a good rest, hurried over without taking a break after knowing that Chu Feng was looking for him.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask if you guys are used to it in the past two days?"

Deliberately brought Mengxi over after the training, just to see if she had any complaints about the training method of the Dragon Soul Brigade, or what she didn't want to accept.

"There's nothing we're not used to, on the contrary, we're happy to be part of everyone. "

I don't understand why Chu Feng asked himself this, but Mengxi still answered his question honestly.

"Very good, it seems that you can accept the training method of the Dragon Soul Brigade, in this case, I want to find an opportunity to arrange an assessment for you, what do you think?"

Mengxi looked sincere when she answered the question, and Chu Feng also knew that she was not lying, so he nodded and was very satisfied with her answer, and also said his plan by the way.

"I don't have any opinions, but I hope Boss Chu can tell me before the assessment, I'm afraid that the other sisters are not prepared. "

I didn't expect Chu Feng to really agree to let them be assessed, Mengxi was very happy, but she was afraid that Chu Feng would deliberately embarrass them, so she opened her mouth and asked.

"No, just tell them that I'll give you an assessment tomorrow. As for the content of the assessment, I will think about it today and tell you tomorrow, hoping that you can be mentally prepared. "

Chu Feng didn't have any idea about Mengxi's request, he had no intention of embarrassing a few girls, not to mention that since it was an assessment, and it was to enter the Dragon Soul Brigade, it should be carried out under everyone's witness.

After listening to Chu Feng's words, Mengxi's heart that she had finally put down rose again, and she was a little worried about whether she and the others could pass the assessment content set by Chu Feng, but compared to her own nervousness, she wanted to quickly inform the other sisters of the news and let them prepare together. _

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