"Oh. Chu Feng listened to the other party's voice lightly, and replied casually: "Then what are you going to do?"

"And who are you?"

Hearing that Chu Feng was still so unrepentant, his face became ugly.

"You don't even know who I am?" said the left front leaf's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Should I know?" said Chu Feng lightly.

"Look at you hillbilly, I know you don't know who I am. Young Master Ben is in a good mood today, so I won't worry about you, but you have to remember it clearly now, I am the left front leaf of the young master of the Zuo family!" Zuo Qianye said this sentence solemnly, and after saying this, he raised his chin very arrogantly.

Chu Feng couldn't help but glance at him, "Hmm." "

"You kid, you seem to be disdainful of all this, he is the young master who is the most beloved by the head of the Zuo family, if you don't beg him for mercy, I think your life will not be able to be saved in the future!" said a young man with dyed colorful hair next to the left front leaf.

Zuo Qianye heard the words of the people around him, so he looked at Chu Feng complacently.

As if to say, if you don't ask me for mercy, let you know why the sky is blue?

But Chu Feng didn't care about all of this at all, since Zuo Qianye wanted to get into trouble so much, then he naturally accepted it all.

"Zuo family? Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng's indifferent appearance made Zuo Qianye really angry when he heard it.

The left front leaf said this sentence to Chu Feng: "You stinky boy, you just don't know how thick the sky is. Today is a good day to sell the night, I didn't plan to, as long as you know how good I am, but now it seems that you are toasting yourself and not eating and drinking!"

"In that case, I won't let you go today!"

As a person in the underworld, the left front leaf naturally learned some fist and foot kung fu.

So when he said this, the evil aura emanating from the left anterior lobe up and down his body was not touched by the people around him.

The young man with dyed hair couldn't help but exclaim when he saw such a scene: "Young Master Zuo is going crazy, this kid is going to be miserable!"

The situation here was chaotic for a while, but Chu Feng and Zuo Qianye each stood in one position.

Chu Feng glanced at the other party with a flanked look.

The two of them came down the stairs in the corner, and they were Chu Feng's two teammates.

When they saw Chu Feng and the left front leaf, they couldn't help but frown slightly.

It seems that there is no reaction, and now what is happening.

After they asked the people around them clearly, one of them sneered: "I think this young master of the Zuo family really doesn't know the height of the sky, so we have to teach our boss a lesson at this time!"

"I also think that this white chicken is a young man, I'm afraid he is too well protected by the family, so he thinks that he is invincible all over the world!"

"You two don't talk nonsense, this young master of the Zuo family's fists and feet, but we all have it, I have seen someone here here before in order to snatch the young master of the Zuo family, so the two of them had a big fight, but they were killed by the young master of the Zuo family with a punch. "

The man interjected and said this, and he was afraid that the people around him would hear it, so he quickly covered his mouth.

The two teammates couldn't help but be slightly stunned when they heard what this man said.

I didn't expect this group of young masters to really have two hits.

But even if there are two hits, it will not be possible to beat their boss.

They thought to themselves.

But he didn't continue to speak at this moment.

They were originally going to go out to help the boss, but Chu Feng also noticed the two of them, and just signaled them not to come out with his eyes.

As for the words that the person in the crowd said before, Chu Feng naturally heard them clearly.

The corners of Chu Feng's lips were only slightly hooked, and he said this sentence to the person in front of him: "Are you going to fight with me?"

This pose is already set, it's not a fight, it's what is that?

Zuo Qianye's expression was slightly dark, and then he spit out this sentence to this Chu Feng: "If you want to admit defeat, I can not beat you, I just need you to kneel in front of me and call me grandpa!"

"Good. Chu Feng said slowly.

But he got the laughter of the left front leaf, "Then you can call me grandpa quickly!"

Chu Feng responded directly in the next sentence: "Sun Tzu is so good!"

Boom –

The scene became very quiet for a while.

The left anterior lobe has never encountered such a situation, so my mind is blank.

Chu Feng's posture was to hold his hands on his chest from beginning to end, and his whole body was in a state of stretching.

And the left anterior lobe is very sluggish.

No one had ever dared to say these things in front of him, and this man was the first.

The left anterior lobe bit his lip, and with a big "ah", he was about to scream.

The people around them involuntarily stepped back, whispering quietly in their mouths.

"Young Master Zuo is crazy! That young man is miserable!"

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