"The last time I saw Young Master Zuo go crazy, that person was directly killed by Young Master Zuo's punch!"

"Young Master Zuo is crazy and invincible in the world!"


"Old Hu, should we go and help the boss?" The man in the corner rubbed his fists and feet, and was about to make a move.

The person next to him was very cautious, and said: "The boss has already said just now, you don't need our help, even if we go out, it will be a help for nothing." Besides, the boss will definitely be able to cure that white chopping chicken!"

"Okay. "The man pressed his legs.

Chu Feng's eyes looked at all this in front of him lightly, and Chu Feng was a little surprised by the image of the other party suddenly going crazy.

I see.

I'm afraid this is the secret of the Zuo family.

The eyes of the left front leaf were full of bloodshots, and those eyes stared at Chu Feng, and directly smashed a fist towards Chu Feng.

The girls and people around them are running around, trying to find a space where they can hide.

They were scared, but they also wanted to see what was going on.

And Chu Feng just stood in place and didn't move at all.

Those people only felt that Chu Feng was scared stupid, otherwise they would not have stood still in place.

At least the last person still knows how to move.

"Ugh... I'm afraid this person is going to die in Huangquan too!" a woman stared at the screen in a large room and said regretfully.

"Don't worry, take your time. There may be a turnaround. The woman who spoke was none other than Ziying.

Zi Ying hooked the corners of her mouth, but she didn't think that Chu Feng was a useless waste.

Fuer, her eyes were still glued to the big screen in the surveillance.

Suddenly, Chu Feng's eyes slightly looked at the red dots inlaid in the ceiling above his head, and his lips hooked.

The woman beside Zi Ying exclaimed in surprise, "He... Does he know we're watching him?"

Zi Ying couldn't help frowning slightly, but she didn't rule out this possibility, I'm afraid that according to Chu Feng's smart head, she had already thought of it.

Just when everyone covered their eyes, they only heard a "snap".

Originally, everyone thought that Chu Feng fell to the ground and died, but they didn't expect that it was the left front leaf.

In an uproar, I didn't see the left anterior lobe getting up from the ground.

Slowly, a trail of blood spread from his body to all sides.

Several people in the group were so frightened that their legs were weak, and only the young man with dyed hair was bold enough to walk in front of the left anterior lobe, and put his hand between the snorts of the left anterior lobe to peek.

Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Still... And gas. "

Chu Feng naturally trusted his own strength, he controlled his strength just now and did not beat people to death.

It's just a cripple.

But all this, now these people don't know.

The woman in the monitoring room stood up, Zi Ying straightened the wrinkled clothes that were sitting on her body, and glanced at her eyebrows: "It's time to go out and deal with things." "

The woman who followed her didn't quite understand, but she also followed.

Everyone hid in the corner timidly, for fear that Chu Feng would be so beastly that he would kill all of them in one move.

After all, they could all see clearly just now, Chu Feng didn't dodge, and they had already beaten the left front lobe like this.

They all felt that the left anterior lobe would definitely not survive.

When Guoguo saw Ziying coming, she stammered: "Sister Zi, Sister Ziying, out, out of someone's life." "

The woman next to Ziying said lightly, "No one is dead yet, what are you talking about? What kind of people are killed? Are you smearing us to stay overnight?"

"If you dare to say anything to smear us, you will leave by yourself!"

As soon as Guoguo heard this, he felt terrible.

Her eyes were red, but she didn't dare to say a word anymore.

Zi Ying glanced at the scene lightly, and then ordered the woman beside her, "Hongfan, you let people carry him back!"

"Yes. "

After Zi Ying finished doing this, she saw that the people around her still looked flustered, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but hook slightly, and then said: "Everyone, don't be impatient, no one can predict this today, and it can be regarded as a basket that we have sold out at night to frighten everyone!"

"All that you have spent today will be counted on my night. "

"As for the night flower this time, it will be held three days later, and if you are there at that time, everyone will get an 85% discount!"

As soon as those people heard Zi Ying say this, they had already forgotten what had just happened.

The security guards who sold the night naturally cleaned up everything here.

Soon it returned to the previous sluggish scene, and I couldn't tell at all that this place had just been a big battle.

After Zi Ying finished dealing with this side of the matter, those eyes searched for Chu Feng's traces.

Seeing that Chu Feng actually called another top-notch cocktail, she smiled slightly: "It seems that you are not afraid at all!

"Isn't Miss Ziying too?" Chu Feng responded lightly.

Zi Ying sat across from him, and the person at the bar also handed her a top-notch cocktail she had just made, and she smiled back, "Each other!"

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