Chen Yan disguised himself as a salaryman and appeared next to a newsstand.

A man pretending to read a newspaper is sneaky and observes everything around him.

He wears a simple jacket of a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of inconspicuous black-rimmed glasses.

Chen Yan recognized the identity of the other party at a glance, and also picked up a newspaper, which was just unfolded at an angle that could block the pavilion master's view.

Such a move naturally attracted the attention of the man who was also reading the newspaper on the side, and the man

squinted at him, but did not see any clue. There was no reaction.

On the contrary, Chen Yan did not remain silent.

"Hello, Black Cat.

Seeing that the man didn't speak, knowing that the other party didn't recognize him, Chen Yan greeted him first.

The other party was shocked. Eyes wide open.

The black cat is a code name, and the person in front of him is a member of the anti-terrorism team, he heard that there was an accident at the police station

, and immediately went to the neighborhood to check, wanting to see who made the move, and by the way, he wanted to find out the whereabouts of He Chenguang and others.

Suddenly recognized, he turned his head in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Who are you? How do you know mine?" he looked Chen Yan up and down, the other party did not move, but there was a pain in his neck.

Another red mark! The

black cat looked at the extra scratches on his neck, and was a little confused for a while.

Chen Yan ...... "

I'm sorry, you're dead." Chen Yan hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled, as if nothing had happened just now

, dropped the two coins, and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Killed another one! Now there is only one person left in the anti-terrorist team, Li Erniu and Song Kaifei, and they are still alone. Although Li Erniu is stupid, this stupid person has stupid blessings.

Chen Yan knew that it might not be so simple to kill Li Erniu, so it was better to find Song Kaifei first.

The black cat finally recognized the identity of the other party, he didn't even see Chen Yan's movements! He was killed,

what a quick action this was! It was terrifying! Are they really the same soldiers?"

Miao Wolf reported.

Fan Tianlei didn't show any surprise: "Send it back to the original army, this kid is not very talented." "

Wolf Tooth doesn't leave soldiers with low talents, Fan Tianlei was not very optimistic about the black cat, his luck is much better than himself,

so that he can get to this point.

But he is not a good seedling to be a special forces, and his performance in this exercise is not very satisfactory to Fan Tianlei.

From the very beginning, the black cat was out of the situation, and after disguising himself, he wandered around the city, and

even indifferent to the whereabouts of He Chenguang and others.

All he did was observe the situation, and he didn't mean to take the initiative. Fan Tianlei doesn't like such an impulsive soldier.

On the contrary, Fan Tianlei still felt a little sorry for Xue Li's death, so he didn't immediately let Miao Wolf send him back to his original unit

, after all, this exercise was not the same as the first exercise to screen soldiers.

The exercise in the primary selection was to see how a soldier did when he was faced with a difficult situation, and the purpose was to screen, while this exercise was to look at the comprehensive ability.

Fan Tianlei also wanted to see Xue Li's performance.

"Yes. Miao Wolf replied immediately.

He also thinks that Black Cat has been able to get to this point purely by luck, and in terms of military/military quality and so on,

he is not a soldier who is very suitable to continue to stay in the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade.

"It seems that we can't face Chen Yan now, we can only predict his actions at the same time

, look for opportunities, find the hostages, as long as the hostages are rescued, the victory of this exercise is self-evident, and now the Skynet system is in our hands.

He Chenguang thought about it from a long term and analyzed it slowly.

Wang Yanbing questioned.

"But we don't know who the hostage is, how to find it?" Xu

Tianlong held the computer, and couldn't think of who the hostage would be, without the hostage's appearance or name

, even if he had the right to use Skynet, he couldn't find the other party's location.

The two looked at He Chenguang, and He Chenguang also fell into a contemplative ......

Now there are still two people left behind, and there are still two communicators in his hands that have not been given out

, if they can communicate with each other, then they can be scattered throughout the city to encircle and suppress Chen Yan.

"That's it, Long Long, you have the control of Skynet, and you can locate Chen Yan at any time through satellites,

unless Chen Yan can hack such a supreme technology as satellites.

He Chenguang believes that even if Chen Yan's ability is deformed, it will never be metamorphosed to the extent that he can hack the satellite.

"Then Yan Bing and I brought some light equipment to find

Song Kaifei and Li Erniu, and at the same time, while you were looking for Song Kaifei and Li Erniu through communication equipment, you also told us Chen Yan's location

at any time, once he got out of the downtown area, we would encircle and suppress him!"

He Chenguang is the leader of the anti-terrorist squad, and he controls every move of the squad at any time.

Li Erniu and Song Kaifei are easy to find, but Chen Yan is always elusive, and the satellite can only find a match through his original appearance, but Chen Yan is

a master of disguise, and no one knows what he will become.

He Chenguang was very big for this.

"The black cat is dead-"

At the same time that Xu Tianlong turned on the computer, such a sentence appeared on the screen, and he immediately told He Chenguang and the others.

Everyone frowned, but they were not surprised by this result.

"Hurry up and find Song Kaifei and Li Erniu, otherwise they will end up with the same black cat sooner or later.

He Chenguang realized this, and Xu Tianlong entered instructions on the screen.

The wolf's side immediately connected with the satellite and searched in Beishi, and it didn't take long to find the location of Li Erniu and Song Kaifei.

I have to say that Li Erniu pretending to be a migrant worker is really vivid, while Song Kaifei pretending to be a beggar is almost meaningless.

However, the two of them stood together without any sense of disobedience, and even exuded a kind of poor sourness around them, which made people not want to take a second look.

Although Li Erniu and Song Kaifei were disguised, their overall appearance did not change much, and

what made Xu Tianlong even happier was that the positions of the two of them overlapped.

Seeing this, Xu Tianlong was overjoyed: "Great, the two of them have already touched it."

He Chenguang also found that the two of them not only touched each other, but the location was not far from where they were now, so

he immediately set out to look for it, while Xu Tianlong followed the stronghold of Chen Yan at the beginning given by Skynet, and searched for it.

Chen Yan was overjoyed when he saw Xu Tianlong move.

Xu Tianlong's location is the basement where he stayed at the beginning, the basement is very large, but there are only

three exits, once these three exits are blocked, Xu Tianlong will be unable to escape, like a turtle in an urn.

But what the three of them didn't expect was that the moment Xu Tianlong turned on the computer, the police department received a signal ......

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