"Report! New signal source discovered!" Although

Qi Minfei asked for leave, the information technology department of the police did not stop searching for suspect No. 0.

Although Chen Shanming and Qi Min's faces were ugly when they flew away, they still didn't forget to tell everyone present to continue working, and the sharp-eyed people found that there was a red mark on their necks, but no one knew the inside story, so naturally no one asked.

Everyone was immersed in their work, looking for the source of the signal that hacked their computer.

And this signal source has been tampered with again by Chen Yan at this moment, and he directly built a deep connection between the IP port of the computer in He Chenguang's hand and the terminal of the police station.

In other words, this computer is now like a hot potato, and whoever gets it will be unlucky.

"This signal source is in Beishi!" The police's technicians were stunned, and they finally found a signal source from Beishi! The previous signal sources were all from Tiannan and Haibei, and there were all over the place, but this one was the only one in Beishi.

"Report, the IP of this signal source has been

connected to the terminal!" The technical staff of the police were not stupid, and immediately found out that this IP had been connected to the terminal, which was a big discovery

! "Quick! Continue to investigate!" Qi

Minfei was not there, and the deputy section chief took on the command of the entire information technology section.

"Yes!" was

immediately filled with hope.

Finally find it!

If you have the IP address of the other party, you can know where the other party is.

Xu Tianlong was completely unaware of this, he took the computer to Chen Yan's original stronghold, that is, the basement, he looked at the simple things here, and was a little disappointed.

I wanted to find some clues from here.

Now they have Skynet but can't use it, and they are very aggrieved.

Skynet is an accurate search system, through the satellite in the sky, you can locate the person on the ground, and monitor the person's every move in real time. But the premise of all this is to have the name of the person or to have the portrait and photo of the person.

Now I only know that Chen Yan has a hostage, and I don't know the identity, name, and appearance of the other party, so there is no way to find out.

This Xu Tianlong is not a fool, and he is still thinking about whether he can find a trace of clues from Chen Yan's original stronghold, but he is meticulous here, and nothing is left.

Xu Tianlong put the computer on the table in frustration, and suddenly he saw something red under the bed.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled out the instant noodle bucket from under the bed.

He turned the instant noodle bucket in front of him, could it be that Chen Yan had eaten it or had it been eaten by the hostages?

Xu Tianlong didn't know, but he tried to find some remaining clues on it.

He took the instant noodles out of the bucket, and there was a little woman's lipstick mark left on the instant noodles.

This was a faint lipstick mark left by Gu Xiaojie when she was struggling with whether to eat instant noodles, but she didn't expect it to be discovered by Xu Tianlong.

Gu Xiaojie didn't eat instant noodles in the end, but hid this instant noodles under the bed, thinking that she would wait until she was too hungry to eat, but she didn't think that she would transfer the location of the stronghold before she could eat it.

"The hostage is a woman! Light makeup!" Xu Tianlong sniffed the smell on the bubble noodles.

This woman doesn't use perfume, so who would she usually look for?

His mind was spinning rapidly.

He also observed the instant noodles with a trace of clues.

"I know!" Xu Tianlong suddenly realized.

No wonder he felt familiar, the color of this lipstick was exactly the same as when Instructor Xiao Tang first came to teach them!

Just as Xu Tianlong was deep in thought, suddenly there was a loud noise outside the basement.

"Attention inside, you're surrounded! Hurry up and surrender!"

was a policeman's voice.


Xu Tianlong didn't expect that he would be discovered by the police, so he scolded secretly in his heart, and immediately said into the headphones: "The hostage is one, and his lipstick color is specially distributed, there is no special smell, and he does not use perfume." "

Long Long, what's wrong with you?"

After He Chenguang received Xu Tianlong's news, he immediately heard that something was wrong around him, and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry about me, I'm being targeted! Eighty percent of this IP has been tricked.

Xu Tianlong immediately thought of the possibility, otherwise how could he have just connected to the Internet

, and the police touched him? In the end, it was still negligent!

Only Chen Yan could do this, but when did Chen Yan do it?

Xu Tianlong felt Chen Yan's power, and suddenly became in awe.

In terms of computer technology, he really has a lot of things to ask Chen Yan for.

Chen Yan is also a little too strong! He can do this.

Xu Tianlong laughed.

But that's what makes it interesting, isn't it?

He turned off the computer and immediately closed the computer screen.

The police came, but that didn't mean he was going to be arrested, and he Xu Tianlong wasn't a soft persimmon!

Xu Tianlong stuffed the computer into his bag.

He had explored this basement just now, there were three exits and a window, the window was not big, it was only enough for a child to crawl out, Xu Tianlong didn't think about it.

And the location of the three exits corresponds to three buildings, this piece is an unfinished building, and there is no following after repairing a general shape, the exit of this basement has been repaired, but it is still in tatters.

Xu Tianlong made up his mind to get out of one of the exits, maybe there would be a glimmer of life.

Although he is, he has the courage to come, which one would not be a powerful character?

Xu Tianlong is naturally no exception, his movements are very vigorous.

The police have surrounded all the exits of this basement, trying to make Xu Tianlong unable to escape.

However, Xu Tianlong is obviously not a bully.

The policemen guarding the door only saw a very fast figure running out of the underground passage.


This is the person who hacked the headquarters of their North City Police Department!

But they are not allowed to use live ammunition, and the Q tube is filled with empty cartridges and anesthetics.

Xu Tianlong was like an arrow, tearing open the police encirclement area and leaving this ghost place.

Everyone speculated that the other party was very big, and they couldn't tell what kind of criminal they were fleeing internationally.

However, Xu Tianlong rushed out fearlessly, his posture was very fearless, not like he was arrested, as if he was here to arrest someone, which made all the policemen stunned.

What is the origin of this kid?

The policemen are all like a great enemy, the encirclement has been broken, and the policemen reacted very quickly, and immediately chased after him, and Xu Tianlong rode into the dust.

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