"You're!" The lynx didn't know when Chen Yan ran behind him, he didn't even see the movement.

A heartfelt, fearful fear of the strong dominates him, making the lynx feel uncomfortable.

What's the matter? Even if he found the wrong person, why did this person make him feel creepy all over his body?

Chen Yan pulled back the Q that the lynx had just pulled out a few centimeters.

Then he immediately took a few steps back and turned towards the driver.

The persimmon has to pick a soft pinch first, this driver obviously looks a lot weaker than the lynx, rather than getting in the way, it is better to solve it first.

Chen Yan's physical fitness is not comparable to ordinary people, and the driver's eyes flashed, and Chen Yan's face appeared in front of him.

"Kill one. Chen Yan squinted his eyes and muttered as he moved.

The driver's back was cold, and he only felt that Chen Yan's eyes were like death.

There was a pain in the neck, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Fan Tianlei breathed a sigh of relief behind the surveillance footage.

Kill one! Then there's one terrorist left, so you can rest assured. Even if Chen Yan himself can't defeat the other party, Chen Shanming is already on the way, and Chen Yan's safety can be guaranteed.

"Get the snow leopard ready to catch. Fan Tianlei was obviously much more relaxed, the police had already said hello, and they would not come to disturb their arrest for the time being, and Chen Yan led these terrorists to a place with few people to avoid people's eyes.

Their movement will no longer be hindered.

Besides, the driver has fallen to the ground, and the lynx is left next. His defeat is not far off, according to Chen Yan's ability, when Chen Shanming arrives, eighty percent will be over.

"Next up is you. Chen Yandao, he did not have a weapon on him, although the police car is generally equipped with a Q branch, but the connection position of this Q branch is an alarm, once he pulls out the Q to attack the lynx, then the police station will also receive the alarm at the first time.

His identity will also be revealed, and he does not want to fail the exercise.

Beads of sweat the size of beans slid down the lynx's cheeks.

What the hell is going on, why does this man feel so terrifying

to him? But after all, he is also a member of the Cobra organization, and he recovers quickly, and it doesn't take long for him to look like usual, and even a little domineering.

It's just a soldier, and he's also an excellent soldier with one enemy and five enemies, isn't it just that his physical fitness is a little better than him, and his speed is so much faster than him, so why should he worry? Isn't it all over the hard times?

The lynx subconsciously touched the scar on his palm.

Chen Yan captured this action.

Distraction in a fight is a serious thing, especially when you know that the opponent's ability is much higher than your own, and it is very likely that you will lose your life.

Chen Yan's move was swift, and the lynx's eyes flickered, and he knew that something was wrong.

He was unexpectedly distracted just now!

Immediately resisted with a knife, retreating in defeat, Chen Yan pressed forward step by step, and pulled out an electric baton with his backhand.

This is the standard configuration of the police, in the city can not use lethal weapons, but also to subdue the other party, then you can only use electric batons and the like, so that the other party loses the ability to resist, so as to arrest.

The two are intertwined/entangled, Chen Yan did not kill him, he also wanted to capture him alive.

An electric baton makes the tiger come to life, and the lynx realizes that its knife is completely useless, and its eyes show murderous intent.

It doesn't matter who he is, kill him.

"Lynx, I want to live. Just as the lynx was about to pull out Q, the sound of a snake's nest suddenly came from his headset.

It turned out that the snake nest had been monitoring every move here, and found that Chen Yan was a rare warrior, so he immediately had the idea of wooing him.

The boss of the snake nest is codenamed Parselly, and he loves to play with snakes, and the more poisonous the snake, the more he likes it, and often does some reselling contraband.

But recently, his business has been hindered, and the investigation has turned out to be a proposal made by Xu Sien's father, which has caused his money to plummet.

Parselly was furious, and personally flew to an island on the border between the two countries with some of the Cobra members, eager to give Xu Sien's father a little color.

Xu Sien was the first step in his demonstration.

I didn't expect to bite the gold halfway.

When he first found out that Chen Yan was not Xu Sien, even he was shocked for a moment, there was someone whose camouflage skills could be so good.

Parseltongue thought that if his smuggling/smuggling business could have a disguise master like Chen Yan, then it would not be difficult to sneak into anywhere.

And now that he found that Chen Yan's striking skills were so powerful, he could actually suppress the lynx, and he wanted to collect Chen Yan as his subordinate more and more.

"But, Boss," said the lynx, ...... Middle Eastern.

Chen Yan raised his eyebrows, although he didn't hear the words on the other side of the headphones, but the system automatically translated the lynx's words, and such an answer had already made him guess a few points.

"I want to live, and if I die, I'll ask you. Parseltongue spoke in a resolute tone, he just likes to be strong, snakes too, and people too.

"Also, that driver, dispose of it, such a weak thing is also worthy of dangling in front of me?" His brows furrowed, remembering that the driver was beaten down by Chen Yan with a move just now, and he was a little unhappy.

"Yes. "The lynx is helpless.

One of the several subordinates who was finally brought into the country had to be solved by him personally.

The lynx pulls out the Q and shoots a Q at the driver at lightning speed.

Chen Yan frowned.

The life and death of this driver should not be decided by these outlaws.

Before he had time to think about it, he picked up the electric baton in his hand and rushed towards the bullet, his dynamic vision was excellent, and

the path of the bullet was clear in his eyes, but he also knew that there was not much chance of blocking a bullet with just one electric baton.

So Chen Yan quickly turned the direction of the electric baton in a second, his hand was slightly numb, and he gritted his teeth and followed the spiral force after the bullet was fired, pushing it away in another direction.

Bump -

The bullet enters the Q at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the bricks crash and burrow into a hole.

"You!" the lynx had never seen anyone able to block a bullet.

Parseltongue and Fan Tianlei were eye-catching at the same time, and it was the first time they had seen their bodies and bullets playing against each other.

And Chen Yan actually succeeded

! Ordinary people don't say that they can catch up with the speed of the bullet, even if they can predict the trajectory of the bullet by the direction of the Q mouth, it is impossible to use an

electric baton to block a discharged bullet! The driver is not dead, he is still unconscious, and the electric baton in Chen Yan's hand has been rubbed by the rapid friction of the bullet to create a black scorch mark, revealing the circuit in the middle.

Chen Yan shook off the electric baton, his eyes were resolute, and he said with a heartfelt voice:

"Your feet are our land, and his feet are also our land, and you will never be allowed to behave like this on our land, and his life and death are no longer up to you to decide." "

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