Chen Yan's words were righteous and awe-inspiring, and the lynx was suppressed, and he didn't say anything for a long time, and he couldn't help but doubt in his heart.

Could someone who can say such a thing be co-opted by them?"

Boss ......"

Lynx looked at the Parseltongue across the headset, trying to persuade him.

Unexpectedly, Parselly even thought Chen Yan was interesting and a talent that could be wooed.

"I've heard it all, but I'm still going to keep him alive, and if I come up with enough money, he'll be tempted. The

lynx saw it clearly, what was burning in Chen Yan's eyes was the soul of a soldier/man

, he couldn't easily join the Cobra organization, but he couldn't disobey the orders from above, and he felt that his head was big for a while, so he could only replace the bullet in his hand Q with a tranquilizer bullet.

can only do his best, as for Chen Yan, if he doesn't take refuge, then his life will naturally be harvested, and it will be none of his business at that time.

"Heh, our boss wants me to capture you alive. The lynx spat out its intentions.

Immediately, with Q in one hand and a dagger in the other, he attacked Chen Yan.

Chen Yan didn't expect that the lynx would not give up after seeing the hand just now, and still attack him.

He didn't panic, though, because he knew he could beat the lynx.

The lynx had a Q in one hand and a dagger in the other, and they attacked Chen Yan with each other.

Chen Yan didn't have an electric baton, only a small dagger at hand.

The two fought together and clashed extremely fast.

Chen Yan struck the handle of the dagger on the lynx's face with his backhand, and this time it was accurate and fast.

The lynx visibly felt her gums cracked, and took a few steps back in pain, anger in her eyes.

"Don't be arrogant, boy. He let out a mouthful of blood foam and refused to give up.

The lynx released a Q, this tranquilizer bullet is no more than an ordinary bullet, and the speed after ejecting the chamber is much slower

, if it weren't for the lynx's position not far from Chen Yan, he wouldn't have put this Q.

After hitting this Q, the lynx moved quickly again, ignoring the pain in his body, and swung the dagger towards Chen Yan.

"The snow leopard has come to the rescue. The system sensed Chen Shanming's arrival and immediately told Chen Yan.

Chen Yan wanted to fight back, but when he heard this, he immediately relaxed, straightened his waist, his eyes were full of clarity, and

the corners of his mouth hooked up a smile of unknown meaning, staring at the lynx attacking him.

The lynx was puzzled, but there was no stagnation in the action.

Bump -

At this moment, a bullet hit the lynx's feet, which made him, who was staring at Chen Yan intently, immediately shrink in fright.

Someone was coming!

He understood at once, stopped moving, and didn't move.

At this time, if you can't hold your breath, then everything is bad.

So now is the most important time, the current situation is that if you don't realize the crux of the problem at the first time,

then there will be a bunch of problems waiting for you.

"Don't move, you're now within our range!" Chen

Shanming's voice sounded, and many well-equipped special forces suddenly appeared on the surrounding high-rise buildings

, and the lynx found himself surrounded, and his eyes flashed.

Now there is only one person in him, and there are eight or nine people scattered around here, still fully armed

, and there are at least two sniper Qs on this tall building aimed at him at any time, and it is impossible to escape even if he is winged.

"Hello, mercenary," Chen Shanming walked up to Chen Yan and the lynx with a stinging look, and then motioned for Chen Yan to walk away with his eyes.

Chen Yan understood that Chen Shanming was going to take action in person, although his strength was unanimously recognized by the wolf's teeth, but in the end he

was not a formal team member, if it was just an emergency, it would be fine, if it was on the real battlefield,

Fan Tianlei would not be willing to let a good seedling who was not a formal team member perform such a dangerous task.

He could understand such an arrangement, and besides, with so many people staring at the lynx, even if someone came by helicopter, it might not be able to save him.

And the driver just now, he has been knocked unconscious, and he can't wake up in a few hours, even if the lynx can run, this driver can't run.

Chen Yan smiled, facing the lynx, and stepped back behind Chen Shanming.

Although Chen Shanming had been staring at the lynx vigilantly, Chen Yan also had to guard against him and prevent him from making any unexpected moves.

Chen Shanming took two steps forward and protected Chen Yan behind him.

This is their precious rookie, who has already risked his life and dragged these two terrorists for so long, and the task has been completed.

Of course, Chen Shanming had to follow Fan Tianlei's instructions and take over everything that followed, including arresting the terrorist in front of him.

"Hmph, special forces, do you think I'm so easy to catch?" The lynx stared at Chen Yan behind Chen Shanming hatefully, with resentment in his eyes.

He didn't expect to meet such a powerful helper.

"Come with us anyway. Chen Shanming was calm, and took out a headset from his pocket and threw it to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan understood, put it on his ears, and Fan Tianlei's voice really came from inside.

"What did you just tell him, his face changed so quickly?" Fan Tianlei was puzzled.

Chen Yan knew that he had already used Skynet to monitor his every move early in the morning, and he was not surprised, but said lightly: "I said, I know his identity."

Fan Tianlei was shocked, this is something that even he hasn't found yet! Chen Yan, this kid, actually knows again, where did he get so much information!

" Say. "

He now only knows that the other party is from outside the country, and it is a terrorist organization in the Middle East.

"Cobra Organ. Chen Yan spit out five words.

Cobra! It turned out to be this group of people

!"How do you know?" Fan Tianlei was very curious about Chen Yan's information source, it was even more powerful than the database of the special forces

! What kind of search ability is this!

" I searched his face on the black web, matching it with a surveillance camera in a small place in the Middle East a few years ago,

and he followed behind a man with a cobra tattoo on his face. "

The dark web is the black area of the local area network, where you can check everything as long as you pay for it, but only some skilled programmers can enter the dark web.

Chen Yan was able to obtain the key to the black network, Fan Tianlei was not surprised at all, he was surprised that Chen Yan was able to avoid so many network surveillance and enter the black network!

And from the beginning of his encounter with these people, in just 10 minutes, he was able to quickly judge and make appropriate measures to deal with

it, and even exposed the other party's old bottom, which is very commendable.

"Well done. Fan Tianlei praised, "What other information?" "

The driver wears a name tag around his neck with a small cobra on it and a logo. Chen Yan's observation was very detailed, which

made Fan Tianlei praise again.

"I've seen a lot of information about foreign terrorist organizations on the dark web, and one of them is a cobra logo.

Chen Yan continued to explain.

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