
Fan Tianlei saw everyone get out of the car, and the fox's smile became more and more unhiding.

These are all the fresh blood of the Wolf's Tooth Special Operations Brigade! They are all good soldiers that he fancies!

The black cat has been sent back to its original unit, and the final winner of this selection remains. No, can't be said to be a winner. Because the training after that will only be more difficult, for those who are repatriated back to the original unit, it may be lucky.

Everyone got out of the car with a smile as if they had come to the wolf's tooth on the first day.

But this time there were only seven people, and when they first arrived at the wolf's tooth, there were more than 20 people! Thinking of the scene at that time, everyone sighed for a while.

The people who can stay are real warriors!

Everyone immediately stood upright, and did not say anything in advance, but saluted Fan Tianlei in a uniform manner.

Fan Tianlei nodded with satisfaction, and everyone lined up and stood neatly.

Chen Yan looked at the rest of the people, except for one Xue Li who was unexpected, the rest of the people were the same as in the TV series, there was no difference.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, Xu Tianlong, Song Kaifei, Li Erniu, Xue Li and him.

"You've worked hard. Fan Tianlei said a greeting and swept over all the people present.

In the end, he still planned to leave Xue Li, this type of technical work is really beyond the ordinary type of technical work, no, even there are too many ordinary soldiers, Fan Tianlei saw a burst of hard work from him.

"It's not hard!" shouted the Seven.

"From now on, you are a member of the red blood cell special operations team, the team leader is tentatively Chen Yan, and your instructor will be there tomorrow.

Fan Tianlei spoke to a group of rookies in casual clothes who stood as straight as pillars.

"Congratulations, rookie! No, you shouldn't be called a rookie now.

His eyes narrowed, and the folds at the corners of his eyes couldn't hide his smile.

Fan Tianlei looked at the seven spirits with satisfaction, and waved his hand: "Okay, since they are all back, let's quickly change into formal clothes and go to dinner, we still have a trip after dinner."

Fan Tianlei's smile deepened, and Chen Yan suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Will he be so kind to let us all go to rest?

Just thinking about it, Fan Tianlei's eyes swept over, with a little watching the play and a little warning.

He seemed to sense that Chen Yan was aware of something and wanted to shut him up and not tell the others.

"Let's disperse.

Fan Tianlei waved his hand, and everyone dispersed.

Li Erniu was very happy: "You see that the staff/counselor/chief looks a lot better on our faces, it must be because we are very powerful, there must be a lot of delicious food today!" Chen

Yanxin said: No, he has already selected the members of the red blood cell group in the crowd, and all the member data are like Spiegel in his heart, only pick the best, and Fan Fox smiled like this, there is absolutely no good thing today!

His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about what Fan Tianlei would do today.

Fan Tianlei is such an old fox, he likes to watch the soldiers challenge the limit the most, he offered to continue the exercise today, this Fan Fox is not moved, it must be because there are other things that can train them better.

Chen Yan subconsciously turned his head to look at Fan Tianlei behind him, with an inexplicable smile on his face, very sneaky.

Such a smile suddenly made Chen Yan's mind flash with inspiration, and he seemed to understand something.

If it was really that incident, then it would be normal for Fan Fox not to let them continue the exercise, after all, that matter was difficult to make an appointment!"

"Erniu, give you a piece of advice, even if you are extremely hungry, no matter how delicious the food is, don't eat too much today." The corners of Chen Yan's mouth twitched.

He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong exchanged a look with each other.

"What's wrong Chen Yan?" The

last time Chen Yan said this, it was when he came to the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade on the first day, and they didn't listen to Chen Yan at that time, but they were all a little sick to their stomachs after a training session at night, in short, it was miserable.

Chen Yan felt two sharp eye knives behind his back, hesitated for a long time, and finally shook his head with a wry smile.

"Nothing, just remember that. Chen

Yan left quickly, his back was deeply hidden in his merit and fame, which made He Chenguang and his second monk confused, and their heads were full of confusion.

Seeing that Chen Yan didn't say anything more, Fan Tianlei's eyes softened.

This kid is so smart that he can see the clues from the clues, he has to keep an eye on it, don't let this stinky boy leak his plans in advance.

Chen Yan and the others changed into formal clothes and lined up to the cafeteria.

The aroma of tofu wafted outside the canteen, and Li Erniu and the others swallowed their saliva and walked neatly into the canteen.

Tofu brain, crab roe tofu, preserved egg tofu, mapo tofu, braised pork...... There are so many tofu banquet dishes today!

Chen Yan was relieved, and when he took the plate, he cried and laughed, and reminded again: "Don't eat it."

Xu Tianlong, He Chenguang, and Chen Yan held the dinner plate and looked at each other.

"This dish ......" Xu Tianlong pulled the tofu.

"It's hard to ......" He Chenguang stopped talking and swallowed his saliva.

"Hmm. Chen Yan nodded.

Two lines of sight immediately pierced the back of the three of them, and Fan Tianlei's warning eyes chased after him again.

"Why don't you eat? Aren't you hungry?"

Wang Yanbing looked at the three of them who only made eye contact and didn't move their chopsticks at all, very curious, and it was not right not to be curious at this time.

So now this is no problem.

"I don't have an appetite. He Chenguang pushed the plate in front of him.

"I can't eat it. Xu Tianlong couldn't say anything, and he didn't know what to say.

As if they had seen something amazing, Song Kaifei and Wang Yanbing glanced at each other and took over their plates.

"We'll help you!" the two smirked.

Although Chen Yan also had an indescribable expression, he hesitated again and again, but still started eating.

"Don't, eat, hold. He Chenguang paused word by word, reminding Song Kaifei and Wang Yanbing.

Li Erniu and Xue Li on the side looked at each other and asked in unison, "Why are you repeating Chen Yan's words?"

He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong knew that they couldn't say more, Fan Tianlei's eye knife had already fallen several times, and the two of them shook their heads as if they were smiling.

Chen Yan continued to eat.

It doesn't matter what kind of jackal, tiger and leopard it is next, it is true that it is full first, and if it is not full, how can it have the strength to face it? Chen Yan is not an iron man, he has only eaten two instant noodles in the past few days, and the Five Organs Temple can't stand it, and now there is such a delicious meal, if you don't eat it for nothing, you won't eat it.

He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong quietly gave Chen Yan a thumbs up.

It's so strong

! Can you still eat it when you know what's next, is Chen Yan a human being after all! It's too perverted!

The two complained in their hearts......

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