Miao Wolf smiled and watched the jubilation of a few people's eating, he knew what to do next, this group of rookies didn't know what they were about to face now.

"Eat more to have strength!" Miao Wolf laughed, quite a bit of Fan Tianlei's flying look.

Instead, he asked, "Chen Yan, why don't you three eat?" Chen Yan

said in his heart: If you know what to do next, I think that you veterans will be able to eat!

He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong exchanged looks.

"No, we're not hungry, we ate before we came. The

two of them spoke in unison, and Miao Wolf's eyes were full of unexplained smiles, which made the two of them feel cold behind their backs, and a lot of goosebumps appeared on their bodies.

He didn't dig deeper.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if you can eat it or not, you always have to face it later.

Miao Wolf ate a big bite of crab roe tofu and muttered in his heart: It tastes good.

After eating, the sun was scorching, and a group of red blood cell team members in formal clothes stood happily in the square, in front of a blue bus.

The bus of the special forces was actually driven by a special driver!

Everyone was waiting in front of the bus, but Fan Tianlei, Miao Wolf, and the others had not yet arrived, and without their orders, no one dared to get on the bus first, so they could only wait eagerly.

"Where do you say this counselor/counselor/chief is taking us?" Li Erniu was puzzled, touched Wang Yanbing with his elbow and asked.

Before Wang Yanbing could speak, Song Kaifei on the side swore and said: "It must be to treat us well

, you think about how hard we have worked all the way, we will definitely take us to have a good time today, and eat a bunch of delicious food." His

eyes lit up.

After eating so much tofu at noon, there seemed to be a bunch of tofu shaking in his stomach, but this was much better than the previous hunger.

Fan Tianlei strode over and saw Song Kaifei's flying expression, but he didn't say anything unexpectedly.

On the contrary, when Song Kaifei saw Fan Tianlei coming, his expression immediately closed, and his smile turned serious.

Fan Tianlei and the others are also wearing rare solemn formal clothes, seeing Fan Tianlei wearing field uniforms for a long time

, he has changed his formal clothes this time, but he feels a little less like a fox and a little more serious.

"Alright, get in the car. With a wave of his hand, everyone got on the bus. First the red blood cell group

, and then the veterans of the Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade, Miao Wolf and Chen Shanming were among them.

"Chen Yan, why do you say that Miao Wolf and Snow Leopard are also there? Could it be that the counselor/conspiracy/long conscience found out and wanted to build a team?"

Song Kaifei chose the position next to Chen Yan and asked softly.

He has always admired Chen Yan, and it is rare to have such a good opportunity to say a few more words to Chen Yan, so naturally he can't let it go

, Chen Yan is really powerful, better than all the soldiers he has ever seen!

He is like a child going on a spring outing.

Chen Yan smiled bitterly: "You'll know later." "

He knows the plot of the special forces, and this is also a level that he has to pass.

This is actually a test for him, in fact, he has never seen Q kill with his own eyes, and he doesn't know what kind of bloody and blurry picture it is, and he is

rarely a little apprehensive in his heart.

"Host, I can give you a preview of the Q killing scene in advance, and I can also show you the no/code HD scene of the real battlefield. The

voice of the system suddenly sounded in his head.

Chen Yan: "......"

Who wants this kind of high-definition no/code!

He was a little speechless, and complained in his heart, this system always appears when it shouldn't be.

"Understood, host. The system deliberately ignored his complaints, said such a sentence lightly, and then the system's picture rotated.

Chen Yan rolled his eyes and said: What do you understand

! He always had some bad premonitions, just thinking about this, and then he felt a chill behind him, and his brain had already begun to automatically play

the picture, which turned out to be a real battlefield! It also almost made Chen Yan feel that it was a Blu-ray picture in high definition, with stumps, blood, and brains splashing everywhere, just like tofu in the morning.

He had never seen it before, and the scene once made him feel a little disgusting, after all, he had never searched for such a picture before, and he

was not allowed to put it on domestic websites at all.

"Host, HD no / code yo~" The system doesn't feel like it's done anything earth-shattering at all.

Chen Yan: The picture of "......"

is too stinging/exciting, which makes him a little sick to his stomach when he sees the battlefield for the first time.

Fortunately, he didn't eat! Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to churn in his stomach now, and he would definitely vomit!

"Chen Yan, what's wrong with you?" Song Kaifei muttered a lot of words by himself, but seeing that Chen Yan's eyes were empty,

he was in a daze, and he couldn't react for a while.

"Is it motion sickness?" Song Kaifei wondered.

Is he so strong that he will get motion sickness if he is stumped?

Chen Yan unexpectedly patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's hard for you." This made Song Kaifei confused, and

he didn't know what Chen Yan was talking about.

It's hard to say that Chen Yan was much stronger than them during the exercise, so he felt embarrassed about them

......?" It's okay...... You are so much better than us, you will naturally crush us, don't be too relieved.

Song Kaifei's brain twitched, and he said what he thought in his heart.

Fan Tianlei in front of him heard this, and suddenly glanced at Miao Wolf and laughed.

Chen Yan, this kid, is smart, but sometimes his brain is like Li Erniu, and it is also unpredictable.

The soldiers in the car drove all the way, and the soldiers in the car were like elementary school students going on a spring outing, completely unaware of any danger.

"Eh, you said that Shen Shen/Mou/Chang is really so kind to take us out to play?" Xue Li saw that Chen Yan's expression was wrong

, and he also began to doubt the purpose of this trip, and the person he asked was He Chenguang.

He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong both guessed a few points, but no one dared to pack tickets.

"It's a long way to go, I'm afraid it's ......" Xu Tianlong suddenly snapped.

"Long Long's words are wrong, this is not out of the market yet, why is it a long way away. Wang Yanbing raised his eyebrows.

"Anyway, enjoy the quiet moment. "

Because your stomach will turn over after a while!"

Xu Tianlong coughed and said seriously.

"Stumped and pulling us to the drill again?" Xue Li was startled, as if he felt something.

"Alright, don't speculate. Miao Wolf shouted, "It's about to be a place ahead, it's quiet, and I'll talk about it when I get out of the car."

He Chenguang and Xu Tianlong swallowed a mouthful of saliva one after another.

Their stomachs were empty, only stomach acid, and although they were a little hungry, they both knew that once they ate, it would be a toss-up.

"Pull up the curtains!" Fan Tianlei said.

As soon as he said this, no one dared to disobey, and immediately drew the curtains and hid his curiosity in his heart.

This time they could not see anything, but it aroused their doubts even more.

What the hell is this place?

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