Speed Is King

Chapter 152 - Lightning Energy

The burning Chiron wreckages made a high speed exit out of the corner absolutely impossible.

Only a small five meter gap on the OUTSIDE lane was available for the other racers to pass through, and they had to change their racing lines on the fly.

"Damn it, of all the lanes they could block, they had to block all of the inside lanes." Kara cursed vehemently. "It'll make it difficult to pull away once I deal with the neon Chiron!"

The outside lane was the hardest lane to tackle a corner.

Kara had to approach the corner from the inside, and then brake hard before turning sharply into the corner. But she couldn't fully take the inside lane. She had to position herself and her car trajectory perfectly parallel to the line created by the outermost edge of the wreckage.

Failure to do that would result in an additional wreckage added to the pile.


Thankfully for Kara, the primary burden to create the line would fall on the neon Chiron. All she had to do was to follow his tail and take whatever racing line he used.

And it being a super slow corner, there was no issue with dirty air.

"But forget all those things. I'm not trying to overtake him anyway. I am trying to fishtail him! And this set up is perfect!"

In her mind, the neon Chiron was as good as dead.


All of them immediately shifted down to the first gear and slowed to a mere 40 kph to tackle the sharp corner.

As soon as Kara saw that the neon Chiron's nose had cleared the corner, she slammed on her accelerator and her Chiron leapt forward to crash into the neon Chiron's rear!


Kara kept her foot down and completely floored the accelerator!


Her Chiron roared like a furious beast and pushed the neon Chiron violently off-course!

Taken by surprise, the neon Chiron's driver braked hard to keep his car under control and to block Kara from overtaking him while he straightened his car.

But it was too late.

His Chiron was pushed too far ahead, and a wide space where Kara could pass through had been created.

Kara grinned evilly and immediately maneuvered her car into the gap.


Kara and the black Chiron behind her blasted past the neon Chiron who was just starting to accelerate once more from a complete stop.

The neon Chiron was as good as disqualified. It would take a miracle for him to catch up to Kara and the black Chiron.

A two-way race between Kara and the black Chiron had begun!


"What happened next? Did the neon Chiron catch up? Did you win?" Elliot asked as he stared wide eyed at Kara who was telling him about her Hidden Dungeon Challenge.

"The neon Chiron crashed. I guess he got overly frustrated by his inability to catch up. By the last lap, it was only me and the black Chiron. And my instincts were absolutely right. The black Chiron fishtailed me the exact same way I fishtailed the neon Chiron. What a jackass. I got second place." Kara sighed.

"Second place is good. At least you survived, and got yourself a "fabulous" reward." Elliot remarked sagely.

"I guess so." Kara shrugged with a smile.

"Well? Out with it!" Camelia said impatiently.

"Out with what?" Kara pretended to ask.

"The reward of course! What did you get? Tell me!! QUICK!" Camelia almost shouted at Kara. She reeeally wanted to know what the "fabulous" reward was!

"Hehehe. Okok. I got a weird skill called Lightning Hand. I tried it a few times, it basically allows me to fire weak lightning bolts out of my fingers. Here, look." Kara raised her index finger up to the sky and muttered something.

True enough, a small streak of lightning shot up and disappeared after a hundred or so meters.

"Wow! That's really cool!" Camelia gushed.

"To be honest, it's slightly disappointing." Kara sighed. "When they said "fabulous", I was expecting something more. But all they did was turn my hand into a walking electrical socket."

"No. They gave you more than that." Elliot grinned widely at Kara. "Congratulations, by the way. You're about to embark on a journey that will completely change your life."

"What are you talking about, Elliot?" Kara asked in confusion.

"When you fired off that lightning bolt earlier, what did you do exactly?" Elliot asked.

"I merely said the trigger words. Lightning Bolt. And then thought about lightning shooting out of my finger." Kara said.

"What happened within your body after you thought about lightning shooting out of your finger? What did you feel?" Elliot asked again.

"I felt…" Kara frowned as she tried to remember.

"Try it again and pay attention to the energy within your body." Elliot said.

"Lightning Bolt."


A slightly stronger streak of lightning shot to the sky.

"I felt a surge of energy moving rapidly around my stomach area, and then shooting to my hand and out of it." Kara replied slowly.

Elliot nodded in satisfaction.

"Keep casting Lightning Bolts and keep sensing the energy in your body. Stop and rest when you're tired, and then resume doing it when you're recharged. No pun intended." Elliot chuckled at his own play of words.

"Okay… What am I looking for, exactly?" Kara asked.

"You'll know when you know." Elliot said mysteriously. "Now go practice. Camelia, supervise the setting up of the bunkers and then take all of the men and take on missions number four and five. Make sure you secure at least the Bugatti Jirzon. Winter and Rex will go with you to ensure your safety."

"Yes boss." Camelia replied.

With that, the two girls left him alone once more.

"Did she really get lightning energy from the aliens?" Elliot asked Gilgamar incredulously. "That's crazy! I had to fight AND win the entire Battle Royale to get my Fire Dragon Energy. And she got lightning energy simply by getting second place in a Hidden Dungeon Challenge?"

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