Speed Is King

Chapter 153 - Apocalypse Survivor Weekly Update

"There is no comparison between the two." Gilgamar said quietly. "Yours is a Red Dragon Blood Essence, something that is scalable all the way until you become a full red dragon. You will unlock the full power and glory of a red dragon if that happens. Kara merely got a slight mutation in her body, one that allowed her to carry a limited amount of renewable lightning energy."

"Well… I guess if you put it that way…"

"Enough chatting. You've had your rest. It's time to resume your training." Gilgamar said.

"Alright." Elliot quickly agreed.

The sword training was extremely important to Elliot.

Although leveling up was also very important to him, he didn't have to worry about it anymore. His many apostles were doing it for him very efficiently when they explore and kill all the beasts that they came across.

A constant flow of attributes and experience came pouring in every hour of every day.

Training with the sword, though, was something that he had to do by himself.

Through the first few movements, he realized that he was woefully underskilled. Compared to many aliens out there who had years and years of training, he was probably no different than a superstrong beast.

The power he got from his system was merely brute force, a sledgehammer that allowed him to deal a horrendous amount of damage in a direct manner.

Against mindless beasts, he would win ten out of ten.

But if he were to fight an alien at his level who was skilled in fighting, ten out of ten, he would definitely lose.

Against Rak'Tharos?

He would have absolutely no chance. Rak'Tharos would probably eat him up for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And so, he threw himself body and soul into the sword training.

His waking hours became a blur of weaving his Fire Dragon Energy to manipulate the energy of nature, endless practicing the moves of his sword play, its countless stances and movements, as well as deep meditation to absorb the Red Dragon Blood Essence as fast as he could.

The process of rising up above the category of powerful but unskilled mindless beast into a true warrior was not an easy one. Nor was it like a curved road where shortcuts were possible.

No, it was a long and straight road of hardwork, training and with some luck, insightful guidance that could save him from long hours of stagnation.

Without him realizing it, the next few days passed very, very quickly.

All around him was a buzz of activity as the other nine survivors set up the bunkers and tried to make some sort of a defensive wall using trees.

The others had set up their semi-permanent camp near the site of the Corrupted Sedgedoom Belcher's explosion, around three kilometers away from where Elliot was training.

They had found four bunkers, each of them an impressive five meters by five meters by five meters. They had positioned them at the four corners of a thirty meter by thirty meter area, and created relatively large nine hundred meter camp which could comfortably house the beasts and the ten of them.

The seven men split up into two groups of three and four, and claimed two bunkers for themselves. The two girls would share a bunker, and Elliot got one for himself.

The remaining task for them was to set up the walls. It wouldn't last long against even a level seventy beast like Brock was when Elliot first met him. But having the walls in place gave them a sense of security which they desperately needed and craved.

So they did it anyway.

Brock, and Ellie had enthusiastically helped out with the felling of the trees while Winter gave a nudge here and there if one of the men needed the slight help.

Rex merely sat atop one of the huge five by five by five bunker and kept a watchful eye on the girls.

Not that they needed Rex to help though.

For starters, they were already stronger, faster and smarter than the men. Heck, Camelia herself probably could take on six of them by herself!

And to make matters worse for the aspiring criminal, Elliot's beasts were incredibly powerful with supernatural senses. Even if they managed to do whatever evil deed they planned to do, there was no getting away from the beasts.

They would be dead men walking the second they did something evil.

And they knew it.

And so, the seven men were model examples of upright and helpful men. A few of them were quiet and solitary, but that was to be expected. They were, afterall, survivors of an incredibly bloody apocalypse. They probably lost more than a few family members and friends during the massive beast invasion.

The rest of them were polite to the girls, and friendly even. Both girls were beautiful in their own way, and the men, being men, harbored thoughts of having them for themselves. Rightfully as girlfriends or as life partners, of course. The unrightful path, though briefly considered, were immediately cast aside, dumped into the obscure category in their minds labelled "Creative ways to commit suicide".

Without most of them realizing it, the seventh day of the apocalypse came and went.

The wild alien beasts, which had been in a chemically-induced state of rage and bloodthirst, gradually calmed down as the chemical's effects wore off. Many stopped their violent ways, and immediately dove into survival and clan building mode.

Not that they could have afforded to continue their violent ways much longer though. Due to the increase in grade and level cap for the beasts, high level legendary and mythical beasts now roamed the land.

These were powerful and semi-intelligent Patriarchs and Matriarchs which coordinated their underlings' movements and expansions much more methodically. As a result, instead of ten million survivors, there were barely one million.

The beasts would have to hunt each other to continue to survive and expand, now that almost all of the easy prey was gone.

Although Elliot was pretty strong, from that moment onwards, all his enemies would be giant beast clans led by Kings, powerful alien fugitives which were also banding together under the leadership of Kings, as well as powerful survivors which would be receiving powerful boons from more Diamond and Adamantium Sponsors very soon.

The Games of Earth was truly becoming a Battle of Kings.

As they say, ignorance is bliss.

And for the moment, the ten survivors were in bliss.

The heavy atmosphere of gloom and doom, though not entirely dispelled, began to lift slightly and allow for a tiny bit of cheer and hope to settle on the camp.

At that moment, a psionic message appeared in everyone's minds.

"Congratulations for surviving the first week! We have made an Apocalypse Survivor Weekly Update. Please take a look at what your fellow Earthlings had been up to for the past action-packed week!"

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