Speed Is King

Chapter 311 What did you say?!

“The Chairman and I have agreed that the best defense is offense. We cannot afford to wait for them to be fully prepared to invade us, and wage a costly defensive war with their full might thrown against us, and with our entire universe blown wide open.

They could sabotage our production lines, massacre our life planets, and wage a dirty but bloody effective war against us that would see us completely cut off from critical supplies in less than a hundred years.” Harold Sands said.

“You don’t want that happening to us, but you want to do exactly that to them.” Monkey King said quietly.

Harold Sands merely nodded and said, “Better them than us.”

“Have you confirmed that they have hostile intentions against us?” Monkey King pressed on with his question.

Harold Sands looked at Monkey King and gave him an amused look.

“I did not expect that you, of all people, would be asking such a naive question, Beast Master.” Harold Sands said. “A stag does not need to ask if the wolf has hostile intent or not. It sees the wolf and is immediately confronted with two options. Run, or attack with its antlers.”

“You do not know if we are facing a wolf, or another stag.” Monkey King said stubbornly.

“Valid concerns. But there is no question that we are faced with wolves. Take a look at this.” El’Taras responded to Monkey King by pointing at both him and Jul’Taras.

His eyes glowed purple, and immediately his pre-selected memories appeared in their minds.

Within the vision, both Monkey King and Jul’Taras could see El’Taras standing before a very strange frozen corpse at the Ice Caps of a certain planet.

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It was a colossal, four meter giant warrior of some sort. Completely humanoid, but with three eyes, four arms that ended in two hands each, and three legs.

The freezing temperature had kept the corpse completely intact, and El’Taras was able to trigger a forbidden spell to reanimate it and look through its memories.
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His eyes glowed a fearsome blood red at that moment, and the ice around the corpse instantly melted. Its eyes snapped open and its mouth opened up wide, revealing rows of extremely sharp, pointed teeth.

“DARJARO KARYATOS!!!!!!!!!” A deep, guttoral roar sounded from it before it exploded into a billion pieces!

In the vision, the massive explosion completely cracked the Ice Caps, and caused massive tsunamis to flood the entire planet. However, it was not the end.

To their surprise, the top of the planet suddenly cracked open, and in a blink of an eye, the planet imploded within itself.


The vision ended there.

“What did you see in his mind?” Jul’Taras immediately asked her uncle as soon as they were released from the trance.

“A billion, maybe more, of such warriors. Created for one purpose only. Planetary Destruction.” El’Taras said very simply.

Monkey King and Jul’Taras immediately paled.


These new universe bastards were definitely wolves!

No, they were more than that.

They were rabid zombies that deserved no mercy whatsoever!

“How ready are we?” Jul’Taras asked her uncle softly.

The fact that she used the word “we” was not lost on him.
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“We have recruited fifteen Primals and ninety seven Ancients to our cause. And we have alerted every single Primal, as well as most of the Ancients in our universe regarding this. They have been ceaselessly preparing for this as well.” El’Taras said without hiding anything.

Jul’Taras couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Harold Sands and his spectacular acting earlier on.

She had merely asked for five Primals and twenty Ancients, and he had already squawked like a skinned chicken!

“I have eaten more salt than you have rice, little one.” Harold Sands chuckled.

“Well, eat all the salt you want. Aren’t we here at this point now, with all of your cards fully revealed to me?” Jul’Taras retorted back slightly with a smile.

“Beggars can’t be choosers. We have to tell you everything since the keys to our victory are both in your hands. But even if we can’t choose, we can at least squeeze. How else can we survive? Ha ha ha!” Harold Sands laughed loudly.

“We will be committing all of our forces behind this new Empire, without reservations.” Chairman El’Taras said. “I won’t be joining in all of the politics. I will be maintaining my hold on the Gaming Commission and making sure that you get a steady supply of funds. I will release Director Sands into your service. With the storm that’s brewing, you will need him at the helm of the armies you will be creating.”

“Indeed. I am sure you know by now, but a universal war has unofficially started.” Harold Sands said heavily.

“I thank the new Chief Minister for her generous praises.” Harold Sands bowed low with a smile.

“I don’t dare to receive a bow from such a venomous viper!” Jul’Taras dodged his bow with a laugh.

Harold Sands laughed good naturedly. In actual fact, he was quite proud of his recent feat. Twenty two powerful but highly troublesome Ancients and Peak Hegemons assassinated. Although not the most glorious in his resume, it was certainly among the top five.

“The deaths of the Seven Gods of the Eastern Reaches as well as the Fifteen Warlords of the Southern Wilds have completely destabilized those two regions. The North is under your control, so that’s fine. The West is the Gaming Commission’s stronghold, so that’s more or less under control too. Our only problem is the Central Galaxies, especially the Dragons. They seem extremely intent on capturing Elliot at all costs.” Jul’Taras sighed.

“Linhasa will declare war on the Golden Dragons by tonight. That’s the best I can do right now to keep their powerhouses away.” El’Taras said with a sigh.

“Oh? You have taken care of the Linhasans and the Golden Dragons? That’s actually great. Because I had taken care of the other three too. All three remaining Galaxies, Rimmel Belt, P.O.G and Gwaine System have banded up together, and will declare war on the Gaming Commission tonight too! In fact, their assassins are already enroute.” Jul’Taras said brightly.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?!” Chairman El’Taras roared in shock!

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