Speed Is King

Chapter 312 The difference is...

Jul’Taras merely laughed out loudly at her uncle’s shock.

She had expected that he would react that way.

The Gaming Commission was, after all, his own personal creation which he had built brick by brick, bribe by bribe, kill upon kill, massacre after massacre.

In all of its long and illustrious history, it had never once shed its neutrality and entered a war!

It had meddled behind the scenes, of course, but that was merely out of sheer profit, and not for a cause.

And now, it was in a war with not one, not two, but three MAJOR powers?!

“An open war with three of the five Central Galaxies? Are you completely mad?” Chairman El’Taras glowered at his niece.

“Of course I am not mad. Well, actually, I am quite mad, but not in the way you think I am. You do know that I too have mastered God’s Eyes right?” Jul’Taras replied.

“I do know that. I also know that you’re at the novice stage. You do not have the strength to enslave Ancients, much less Primals.” Chairman El’Taras said slowly. The bluster was completely gone from him.

If God’s Eyes were involved, then the situation should probably be stable.


“Explain yourself.” Chairman El’Taras demanded.

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“My God’s Eyes… They only work on males.” Jul’Taras said with a smile that was not a smile.
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Chairman El’Taras’ eyes widened slightly.

He had heard of such a variant before.

Many thousands of years ago, one of the earliest God’s Eye warriors of the Taras clan was a powerful female fighter who had grown so ferociously powerful that near the end of her life, she had enslaved over a hundred Ancients, and even a few Primals.

But the strange thing was, all of her targets were males.

Before she died, she swore her slaves to secrecy about her power, and passed them on to serve the Taras clan as exalted shock troops called “The Immortals”.

The Immortals were extremely high profile, and incurred the jealousy and fear of the rest of the universe.

However, her descendents wisely realized that too much power would cause the rest of the known universe to rise up against them, and they slowly retreated into the shadows.

The Immortals were never put into play, and they disappeared into seclusion, becoming the trump cards that the Taras clan would depend on for the most serious of emergencies.

Additionally, they also stopped using their God’s Eyes openly. When they used it, it was always to insert a high ranking pawn here and there, striving to extend their octopus-like influence everywhere.

They never made their pawns reveal themselves, no matter how dangerous the situation became for them. But one way or another, the pawns did their parts to perfection, always using the oblique approach to diffuse all of the Taras clan’s emergencies.

Striking the East to diffuse the crisis in the West, and other strategems to that effect.

The Taras clan became an information organization, and their secondary power, Omniscient Eyes, became what they were known for.

Slowly, over the countless eons, their God’s Eyes faded into legend, known and remembered only by a select few who were completely scared into silence.

And throughout those countless eons, none with that female warrior’s unique variant had appeared. None until… Jul’Taras, apparently.

“My God’s Eyes isn’t technically the same skill as yours. Have you ever wondered why The Immortals remained faithful to us, even unto their deaths many thousands of years after the death of Ancestor Grenada?” Jul’Taras asked her uncle.
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“I have my suspicions, none of which can be proven, and all of it outrageous.” Chairman El’Taras said.

Jul’Taras glanced at Monkey King for a moment, who chuckled lightly.

“Don’t worry. I told you that I know for certain that I am not a victim.” He said with a reassuring smile.

Jul’Taras nodded and smiled at him as well.

“My God’s Eyes, like Ancestor Grenada’s, is actually a much weaker variant compared to yours. I do not have the strength to completely enslave my target’s soul. However, my God’s Eyes has a unique effect on its target. It will completely stimulate their souls to view me, to the exclusion of everything else… as their one and only true love.”

Chairman El’Taras nodded. It was one of the theories he had come up with.

“A single moment that lasts a lifetime. My targets are all convinced that they love me utterly and totally. I do not have the complete physical control over them the way you do. They are all masters of their own minds.

But the love they feel for me binds them to me much more strongly than your soul control can ever achieve.

They very willingly, with all of their hearts, minds and strengths, live and fight for me.” Jul’Taras’ voice grew soft and slightly troubled at this point.

“I do not want you to ever think that you-” Jul’Taras started to say to Monkey King again.

“Too late.” Monkey King said with a laugh. “I immediately suspected that you used the skill on me the moment you told me about it. I even started to panic a little.”

Jul’Taras face fell, but confusion still shrouded her face.

“Why are you still here then?” Jul’Taras asked.

“It’s very simple. The very fact that I can panic about this whole situation simply proves that you didn’t use your skill on me. If you did, then I probably wouldn’t even care enough to panic.” Monkey King chuckled.

“Hahaha! Good point! Very good point!” Harold Sands laughed. “But as you say, a useless realization. Whether she uses her skill or not, either way you’re stuck with her! You’re no different than all of her victims!”

Jul’Taras frowned deeply and scowled at Harold Sands. His sharp words was totally uncalled for. Why the heck would he say such an insensitive thing?

“Of course there’s a difference.” Monkey King immediately said with a smile. “The difference is that… for my case, she loves me too.”

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