Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 37 Dispel The Curse! Wind Speed!

Seeing that the king of his own race is going to fight against the humans.

But not a single Lingqiu Eagle stepped forward to help.

They even hoped that the Eagle King of Lingqiu would die in the hands of Zhou Nan.

The reason for this move is simple.

The Eagle King of Lingqiu has a higher bloodline than them.

As long as it devours its flesh and blood, ordinary Lingqiu eagles also have a chance to evolve.

This obsession with higher bloodlines has been deeply engraved into their genes.

Therefore, Lingqiu Eagle, which is a carnivore, will eat [Lingqiu Fruit].

At this moment, next to Lingqiuguo Hill.

The BOSS launched an attack.


Lingqiu Eagle King's sharp claws swept across the ground and grabbed a hole.

After Zhou Nan released a skill, he had already retreated along the hill where Lingqiu fruit was piled up, and easily avoided the boss's blow.


Zhou Nan activated his exploration ability to look at the boss.

Its properties panel appears in front of you.

【Lingqiu Eagle King·Silver BOSS】

Level: 15

Health: 73.4w/74w

Attack: 3750

Skill: Life Growth: Increases HP by an additional 10%.

Super Storm: Summons a blood storm to attack enemies in the front area and apply a bleeding effect.

Wind Speed: Greatly increases movement speed.

Eagle Roaring in the Sky: Screams, boosts own attack, and stuns the enemy for 3 seconds.

It is also a level 15 silver boss.

The strength of Lingqiu Eagle King is much weaker than that of Skeleton King.

Skeleton King, as a boss of difficult dungeons, has 30% higher attributes than wild bosses of the same level.

"This silver boss is too weak."

"Normal attack, I can fully handle it, and then passively rely on HP to recover the lost HP."

"Only the super storm skill can threaten my life."

Zhou Nan's physical resistance is as high as 1616 points, plus 200 points of damage block, Lingqiu Eagle King's basic attack can only cause 1934 points of damage to him.


Under the effect of [Life Drain].

Zhou Nan can restore 2500 health points.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Nan had a complete battle plan in his mind.

Whirring whirring! ! !

He decisively raised the black bone staff and released a series of flames towards the back of King Lingqiu. Because of the passive blessing, the flames flew very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they caught up with the BOSS.


-1249! (crit)


Each fireball can reduce Lingqiu Eagle King's defense by 20 points.

At the same time, after 5 seconds, the effects of bleeding and poison will be applied, and a bunch of "-1050" and "-200" numbers will continue to appear above its head.

Even Lingqiu Eagle King has 50% bleeding resistance.

The damage is still considerable.

Zhou Nan estimated a little in his heart.

After reducing Lingqiu Eagle King's defense by 200 points.

The average output per second reaches 8000+.

When the cumulative damage exceeds 5%, the BOSS decisively uses the [Eagle Sky] skill.

"Yeah!" After Lingqiu Yingwang turned his body, a scream came from his mouth, strengthening his attack power, and immediately, he dived to the ground, and his claws swept straight towards Zhou Nan's body.



"Battle Tip: Your HP is reduced by 12.9%, triggering the effect of the King's Armor, damage reduction +20%, shield +1468 points, lasting 5 seconds."

This damage is simply throwing the BOSS card. Zhou Nan completely ignored it.

He continued to stand up and output.

Because the interval between each attack of the Eagle King of Lingqiu is 8 seconds, this time is enough for Zhou Nan to recover the lost HP.

After a while, the BOSS's HP was suppressed to 80%.

【Super Storm】!

Lingqiu Eagle King stopped in mid-air, fanned his wings frantically, and the blood-colored energy condensed like a torrent, forming a hurricane, and then slammed to the ground ahead.


The action of this attack is too obvious.

Zhou Nan started flashing, teleported to 70 meters away in an instant, and was blasted out of a giant pothole.

Just master the timing of your skills and keep your attack rhythm.

Kill the silver boss of the same level.

For Zhou Nan.

Just don't take it too easy.

To describe it with a popular word today, that is, it is enough to have a hand.

Less than ten minutes.

The Eagle King of Lingqiu let out a whimper, and then the blood bar was emptied, and the huge corpse fell from the sky and crashed to the ground.

"Ding, you killed the 15th-level Lingqiu Eagle King and gained 41280 experience points."

"Ding, congratulations on your ability to devour extreme speed (super rare)."

See the death of Lingqiu Eagle King.

The surrounding Lingqiu eagles finally couldn't hold back and rushed forward frantically, vying for the flesh and blood of the BOSS.

Zhou Nan quickly picked up the dropped items.

"Congratulations on getting the spoils: gold coins x 120, [Lingqiu Eagle King Heart (quest)], [Lingqiu Eagle Short Sword], [Life Crystal (Small)], [Lingqiu Eagle War Boots],..."

Something in hand.

Zhou Nan turned around and ran, and even a hundred meters away, no Lingqiu eagle came to chase him.

After getting out of combat.

Zhou Nan decisively used the City Returning Talisman.

He went back to the hotel.

At this time, Zhou Nan looked at the spoils safely.

【Life Crystal (Small)】

Quality: silver

Effect: Permanently increase HP by 1000 after taking it, limited to 10 pieces.

Very rare item.

Only special types of bosses will drop.

Zhou Nan took the crystal, and his health rose to 30470 points.

Secondly, that boot, he can also equip it.

【Lingqiu Eagle Boots (Silver)】

Part: feet

Life +500

Defense +30

Agility +60

Trait: Movement Speed ​​+10%

Equipment requirements: level 15 general occupation

Zhou Nan put on this new shoe.


The last important reward is the skill swallowed from the boss.

[Wind Speed ​​Passive (1/10)]

Effect: After releasing a skill, own movement speed +500 points for 10 seconds.

This is also a common ability.

Wild monsters near the main city of East God have this skill.

After leaving the Novice Village, Zhou Nan can find opportunities to stack up his passive.

Finished harvesting.

Zhou Nan immediately set off for Uncle Hunter's house.

ten minutes later.

Zhou Nan walked through the alley of the residential area, reached a private house, and knocked on the door.

"who is it?"

The hoarse sound entered the ear.

A middle-aged man with a pale face was standing in the yard, with a layer of hemostatic cloth wrapped around his right hand and upper body, and a little girl of five or six years old standing beside him.

Apparently the hunter's daughter.

She was looking at Zhou Nan with some fear. Saw Zhou Nan's figure.

The hunter was stunned for a moment, then said in shock, "Brother Zhou? Why did you come back so soon?!"

Zhou Nan said in a low voice, "The Eagle King of Lingqiu has been solved. This is its heart."

He took out a clump of blood-red hearts.

"Thank you for your help! You are my savior!" The hunter's eyes were flushed with excitement.

"Uncle, hurry up and dispel the curse on you." Zhou Nan smiled.


The hunter took out a small knife and cut open King Lingqiu's heart, and a stream of pure blood flowed out. Seeing this, he quickly put the blood on the wound on his chest.

When the red blood and the black blood touched, it seemed to produce a violent chemical reaction and instantly vaporized.

Soon, the septic curse on the hunter was dispelled.

You don't have to die.

A smile appeared on the hunter's pale face.

System prompts continue to sound.


"Congratulations on completing the hidden mission: [Dispel the Curse], get: experience x5000, gold x30, hunter's gift."

"Hunter's favorability for you +35, current: 90 (revered)."

"Xiaohua's favorability for you +40, current: 85 (revered)."

The favorability of the father and daughter has risen a lot.

"Little brother, please wait a moment." The hunter said solemnly: "I have some treasures to give to you, as a thank you for your life-saving grace!"

The hunter entered the house, leaving his daughter standing in the yard.

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