Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 38 Shadow Mage Transfer Trial!

At this moment, the little girl was no longer afraid of Zhou Nan, but said in a soft voice: "big brother, thank you for saving Xiaohua's father."


She bent her small body and bowed to Zhou Nan, then the little girl raised her head and reached out to wipe her wet eyes from worrying about her father.

"No thanks." Zhou Nan smiled gently.

He reached out and rubbed Xiao Hua's head.

"Big brother, Xiaohua also has a gift for you!" The little girl trotted into the room.

After a while, the hunter came out with the treasure chest.

"These are treasures that I have treasured for many years. Today, please accept them!" He said respectfully.

"Okay." Zhou Nan readily accepted.

He opened the box and took out the items stored inside.

"Ding, congratulations on getting: [Shadow Mage's Class Transfer Handbook], [Pharmaceutical Collection (Middle)], [Blast Ring], and some materials."

Except for a bunch of stuff.

Everything else is of gold quality.

Among them, the transfer handbook and the potion book have the highest value.

Zhou Nan glanced over the panels of the two items.

【Shadow Mage Transfer Code】

Quality: Gold

Effect: After using it, you will go to the Shadow Valley to get the occupation inheritance quest. After mission success/failure, use it again to teleport back to the original location.

【Pharmacy Collection (middle)】

Quality: Gold

Effect: Collected 8 black iron, 8 bronze, 3 silver and 1 gold quality recipes.

This potion book contains four black iron and four bronze quality attribute potion formulas required by the gambling agreement.

Today, the winner of the bet is none other than Zhou Nan.

However, he did not intend to inform Hei Ye Yueyao for the time being.

After obtaining the professional inheritance, consider this matter again.

at last.

Another [Blast Ring] is also the best equipment with excellent attributes.

【Ring of Wind (Gold)】

Part: finger

Magic +20

Agility +50

Spirit +30

Abilities: Movement Speed ​​+15%

Equipment Requirements: Level 15 Mage


Zhou Nan replaced another level 5 ring and put on a new ring, his three attributes increased by a small amount.

"The harvest of this wave of actions is amazing." Zhou Nan said with emotion.

At this moment, the hunter's daughter ran over, holding a dazzling prismatic gem in her little hand.

Seeing this, Zhou Nan's eyes brightened.

The quality of this magic gem is probably not low.

"Big brother, this is a present for you!" she said expectantly.

"Thank you, little flower."

Zhou Nan took her gift with a smile.

Nodding to the father and daughter, they left the yard.

In the alley, he checked the detailed properties of the gem.

【Magic Gems】

Quality: Gold

Effect: Embedd on the weapon, each time you attack with a skill, it will add 50 points of true damage.

Durability: 10/10

Requirements: Only weapons with a quality of at least gold can be inlaid.

It's actually a rare gem that increases true damage.

In the previous life, Zhou Nan did not meet the hunter's daughter after completing the task, so he did not get this gem.

It was a surprise.

"Good stuff."

Zhou Nan happily put away the gem.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the blacksmith shop first, spend 100 gold coins, make a hole in the [Black Bone Staff], and then set the gems on the weapon.

Gem durability -1 point.

The gems of [Sky World] can be reused, but each time it is inserted into a new equipment, the durability will be reduced by 1 point.

Done with this.

Zhou Nan returned to the hotel.

He glanced at Feiyue Village's ranking list.

He is without a doubt number one.

Players who have reached level 10 can be on the list. There are currently 7,336 players above level 10, and 1,964 players who are not on the list.


These players are very close to level 10.

Zhou Nan estimates that when all players reach level 10 this afternoon or evening, the main quest of the second stage of the Novice Village will be open to everyone.

"I still have enough time to go to the Shadow Valley of the Sea Spirit Divine Kingdom to obtain professional inheritance."

Zhou Nan secretly said.

The Sea Spirit Kingdom is the game area where the players of the Sakura Kingdom are located.

In [Sky World].

By mastering the teleportation props, players can go to the game areas where other real countries are located, unlike the virtual games produced by real world companies, which block the areas of various countries in the early stage.

As long as the player has the ability, he can even swim across the ocean and travel to other countries.


On the land where the Eastern Divine Kingdom is located, there are foreign players' forces, such as the orc empire in the north, and players from the Nordic country and the bear country.

The Dark Empire in the west has players from Never Falling and Western Europe.

thought here.

Zhou Nan took out the transfer letter, injected mana into it, the magic of the space descended, and the whole person disappeared into the hotel room.


Sea Spirit Divine Kingdom, Shadow Valley.

This map is close to Qinghe Village, where the core members of the Sakura Country Tofu Yamashita gang are located.

"It's a familiar place."

Zhou Nan exclaimed.

Now, he came to the Shadow Valley one day earlier than his previous life to accept the professional inheritance experience.

"Complete the job transfer as soon as possible, then go to Qinghe Village and directly snatch their novice dungeon boss." Zhou Nan's mouth curled into a smile.


He stepped forward and stepped into the quiet valley.

The system prompt sounds.


"A player with the Shadow Mage's Legacy Code was detected and entered the Shadow Valley. Congratulations on receiving the occupational inheritance task: [Defeat Tian Guang's clone]."

"Trial monsters have been refreshed according to the challenger level."

There was a change in the valley, and a strange roar could be heard faintly.

Zhou Nan walked in directly. Just over ten minutes after Zhou Nan entered the Shadow Valley.

A group of players followed.

The IDs above their heads have the prefix of [Big Sakura].

The leader of this group is the deputy leader of the Sakura gang [Spiran].

He is a knight player, riding a black warhorse under his crotch.

The Big Sakura Gang is the fifth-ranked gang in the Sakura Country.

However, worldwide, it did not make the top 100.

Even the No. 1 gang in the Sakura Country, which claims to be blessed by eight million gods, the [Toyama Shita Gang].

It is only ranked 48th in the world.

The reason is very simple, the players of Sakura Country are too weak.

In the various virtual games in the real world in the past, they were almost hanged and beaten by players from major countries all over the world.

At this moment, the deputy gang leader Spilan asked quietly, "Songsang, where is the hidden area you said?"

"Lord Spiran, it's the entrance to the valley on the left front!" A warrior player [Osakuramatsu] excitedly stretched out his finger to the front left.

Deputy gang leader Spiran continued to ask: "Tell me about what you found in the valley yesterday?"


Da Sakuramatsu said respectfully: "We walked around the valley and didn't find a single monster! This is very strange."

"And, in the deepest part, a stone staff was found embedded in the stone wall!"

"Well, it's really like a hidden area." Spilan nodded proudly: "This gang leader's talent can play a role again!"

His talent is called [Transcendent Eye], which can detect hidden information of the environment or objects.

Therefore, Spillan is in charge of the gang expedition team, specializing in searching for hidden missions.

"Fortunately, the bastards of the Fushanxia gang are all working on the novice dungeon. In the past two days, no one has finally competed with us for hidden tasks."

"Under the leadership of Lord Spiran, we have completed five hidden tasks!"

The members of the big Sakura gang touted it one after another.

Before this, the Toyama Shita gang specially dispatched an assassin with the legendary stealth talent to stare at Spiran 24 hours a day, causing them to be robbed of more than a dozen hidden tasks and rewards.

Hearing the praise from the team members, the corners of Spilan's mouth rose slightly and said with satisfaction: "If I can get a reward for this operation, I will give everyone a bonus!"

"Thank you, Lord Spiran!"

"You are the best helper in the world!"

The members quickly bowed 90 degrees to express their gratitude.


Spiran rode a dark horse and led dozens of team members into the valley.


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