Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 50 Demon-Suppressing Suit! Surgeon's Hand Scroll! Fruit Of Life!

The two started a chase.

The magician Wang Ling chased and killed Zhou Nan.

The results of it?

Zhou Nan's blood volume is always at full value, but the magician's blood volume ~ has been slowly decreasing.

"Bastard! How can there be such a disgusting and wretched mage in this world?!!"

"Don't run away if you have the ability!"

The sorcerer Wang Ling roared furiously.

The same is true for remote occupations.

His attack distance is simply inferior to Zhou Nan who has various passive bonuses.

It's outrageous!

However, this also strengthened the idea that the sorcerer wanted to occupy Zhou's body.

"The movement speed of the sorcerer Wangling is not high."

"Switch to an assassin or melee boss, I'm afraid they would have caught up with me long ago."

After a while, he came to the magical monster area, Zhou Nan used the magic lion's attack to trigger the passive.

"Battle reminder: You are attacked 100 times, triggering [Blood Rage] effect, casting speed +100%, magic power +50%, deducting 1% of the maximum life value per second

-359!-359!-359! …

There was an injury on the top of Zhou Nan’s head.

The casting speed skyrocketed to 11.78/s.

Whirring whirring!!

A series of fireballs flew out, and the output exceeded 10,000 per second!

The blood recovery per second has risen to 11,000 points.

This kind of data can only be described as "crazy".

"The time has come!"

A gleam flashed in Zhou Nan's eyes.

He turned decisively.

The sorcerer Wang Ling was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smirk: "Young man, aren't you good at running? Why don't you run away!"

Jie Jie... Prepare to face the punishment that this old man bestows on you!"

Soul Blast!

An invisible magic power rushed to the area with a radius of 100 meters.


Zhou Nan felt his heart sank, his blood volume suddenly dropped a lot, but he didn't panic at all, he raised his staff, aimed at the boss ten shots and blasted wildly.


A series of green numbers popped up above the head, and the blood volume quickly returned to full.

After turning on the fury.

There was only one thought in Zhou Nan's mind.

Real men don't be shy!

Just go up and do it!

In less than a minute, the magician Wang Ling's blood volume dropped by 10%.

He... panicked.

"Damn it, wait until the old man finds his physical body and restores most of his strength before I come to kill you!

The magician Wang Ling planned to run away.

"Want to run? Too late!"

Zhou Nan chased after him with cold eyes.

Only at this time did the magician remember that his speed... seemed to be slower than Zhou, and a look of despair flashed in his eyes.

call out--

A fireball flies to clear the Warlock's health bar.

"I.....won't.....let you go..."

Finish this sentence.

The soul of the sorcerer Wang Ling was wiped out, and colorful trophies fell from the sky and scattered all over the ground.

"Your soul has dissipated, how can you still trouble me."

Zhou Nan smiled indifferently.

He didn't care about the last words of the sorcerer Wang Ling.

"Ding, you have gained 0 experience points for killing the soul of a level 15 magician Wang Ling."

"Ding, congratulations on devouring the Soul Requiem Curse skill (perfect)."

Because the level of the sorcerer Wang Ling is lower than Zhou Nan.

Killing monsters has no experience.

But it doesn't matter.

There was another reward waiting for him.

When the player kills the first BOSS of gold level, diamond level and other qualities, and occupies more than 50% of the output, a world announcement will be triggered.

as predicted.

Then the system prompt will sound.

"Ding, world announcement:"

"Congratulations to the player [Zhou Nan] who became the first player to kill the gold boss, and received rewards: gold coin x5000, reputation x5000, firmament essence x1 and diamond treasure chest x1."

After the announcement sounded.

The players are all numb.

"Good guy, as expected of Zhou Nan, who is known as a coward, we are still fighting the black iron boss, and the boss is already killing the gold boss."

"I feel that Mr. Zhou Nan regards the announcement as his own home, and he can use it as soon as he wants!"

"Hey... Can Mr. Zhou Nan take me with me, my sister?"

"Let me tell you, women will only affect God Zhou Nan's spellcasting speed! So, ladies who wear women's clothes, you should be more conscious."

Dragon Kingdom players kept speaking on the World Channel.

And foreign players are already afraid to speak.

I am afraid that they will be slapped in the face like the siege incident in the Sakura Kingdom.

the other side.

The colorful gang mobilizes members from all over the country to search for rare props and gold professional tasks to carry out the plan to kill Zhou Nan.

At the same time, the officials of the Lighthouse State secretly provided a lot of support.

It is worth mentioning that after the siege incident, Yinghua Kingdom also contacted Qicai Aotian, willing to provide help, the only purpose is to destroy "Zhou Nan".

Prevent the Dragon Kingdom from giving birth to superpowers.

After all, Zhou Nan's strength in the firmament world is as strong as Kai Hang.

If this body power is synchronized to reality.

That would be a nuclear weapon.


Although players from various countries know that the power in [Sky World] can be synchronized to reality, they don't know the specific means.

After all, the only way to get the essence of the sky is through the world announcement in the early stage.

"Damn! Damn!" Qicai Aotian gritted her teeth and scolded: "Why is his strength growing so fast? Can't he just stop for a while and wait for other players?!"

Every time an announcement rings.

Qicai Aotian became a little nervous.

Now his head is about to explode with anxiety.

Even, Qicai Aotian thought of giving up killing Zhou Nan.

such a pity.

There is no turning back when you open the bow.

This matter has long been out of his control.

The consortium behind the scenes even revealed their true identity to Qicai Aotian.

They are the official people of the Lighthouse Country.

Now that I know the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Qicai Aotian couldn't help but reject this plan.

Otherwise, the spies hidden by his side will definitely kill him, and then send a new person to take over the position of gang leader.

"Zhou Nan——If it wasn't for your appearance, how could I have fallen into this predicament!"

Qicai Aotian's resentment towards Zhou Nan deepened.

Immediately, he found a new assistant, and asked in a cold voice, "How is the collection of props going now?"

The assistant replied: "With the assistance of several other gangs, we found hundreds of props of at least bronze quality. The effects include silence, blinding, stun, applying debuf or adding buff to our own people, etc."

"Okay, good job!"

Qicai Aotian finally heard the good news.

As long as there is enough control, Zhou Xing is not at their mercy?

He seemed to see the picture of Zhou Nan being charged to death.

Qicai Aotian said coldly: "At that time, Zhou Nan will be sniped live on a global live broadcast, so that everyone can see his fall! Only by doing this can the anger in my heart be resolved!"

thought here.

A pleasant smile appeared on his face.

It was said that the new assistant was also a descendant of Qicai Aotian's family, with his head lowered, hesitation flashed across his face.

In the depths of the ancient forest.

Zhou Nan didn't care much about the world announcement.

He is used to it.

After the death of the sorcerer Wang Ling, Zhou Nan turns off the blood rage, and the passive skill enters the cooling state of 1 hour.

Immediately, he ran out in a hurry and picked up the items all over the floor.

"Congratulations on getting the spoils: 1250 gold coins, [Sorcerer Scroll], [Skill Experience Talisman (Large)] [Suppressing Demon Leather Armor]..."

Zhou Nan counted it.

There are more than forty reward attributes.

The lowest quality is also black iron.


So cool!

As expected of a special boss, the rewards dropped are much better than those of wild bosses.

"[Sorcerer's Scroll] has been taken by me, then, let's see if there is a chance to get that precious hidden item from the Sorcerer's servant!"

Looking at the scroll, an idea came to Zhou's mind.

Immediately after.

He looks at other rewards.

First of all, it is the demon suit, all lv15 gold suits.

【Demon-Suppressing Leather Armor (Gold)】

Part: upper body (1/3 part)



Constitution +50

Magic +30

Feature: Life Regeneration +15 points/sec

【Suppressing Demon Boots (Gold)】

Part: Foot (2/3 parts)

Agility +80

Constitution +20

Defense +35

Features: Skill displacement distance +20m

【Suppressing Demon Leggings (Gold)】

Part: Leg (3/3 parts)

Constitution +40

Dexterity +40

Defense +50


Feature: Life Regeneration +15 points/sec

The properties of the three pieces of equipment are excellent.

Zhou Nan didn't hesitate to change into the demon-suppressing suit.

The next moment, the effect of the suit will be added to the gain bar.

[Suppressing Demon Suit (3/3)]: Casting speed +10%, movement speed +10%, 4D attribute +20 points, damage +30% when attacking non-lord units.

This effect is strong.


When facing normal, elite and boss monsters, the damage is increased by 30%, which greatly improves his monster spawning speed.

In addition, except for the skill and experience talisman, other loot is valuable, but for Zhou Nan, it has no effect.

After browsing it at will, you can directly enter the backpack.

Finally, there are system rewards.

Zhou Nan directly used the seventh sky essence.

Attribute synchronization increased to 35%.

He estimated that his actual physical fitness was at least twenty times that of a normal person.

The power of one punch can definitely kill a cow.

"Not bad!" Zhou Nan showed a satisfied smile on his face.


He opened the diamond treasure chest.

"Congratulations on getting 5,000 gold coins."

"Congratulations on getting the Fruit of Life (Small) x1."

"It's actually this thing!"

Zhou Nan's eyes lit up.

【Fruit of Life (Small)】

Quality: Diamond

Effect: After eating, get 20 free attribute points, limited to 3.

Items that increase free attribute points in [Sky World] are quite rare.

Zhou Nan ate the fruit in a few bites.

"System prompt: You gain 20 free attribute points."

After thinking about it, he rationally assigned power.

The magic value has increased to 622 points, which is equal to 1244 points of magic damage.

...asking for flowers...

"It's getting late. After destroying the altar that summoned the magical creatures, today's tasks will be completed."

Zhou Nan opens the map.

He was some distance from the altar.

It's evening now, but there are light blue flames floating everywhere,

The light it emits illuminates the dark forest.

After half an hour.

Zhou Nan arrives at the area near the altar.

There were dense woods ahead, and the road could not be seen at all.

This is a magic formation arranged by the enemies of the Abyss Demon Kingdom, which disguises the environment. Without the method of breaking the formation, it is difficult for people to find the altar.

However, Zhou Nan is different.

He clearly remembered the altar coordinates.


Zhou Nan opened the system map, marked the location of the altar on it, and then proceeded directly to the marked direction.

He was getting closer and closer to the position of the altar.

That's the benefit of having navigation.

The altar is in the forest.

There are a total of 36 nodes in the camouflage array arranged by the enemy.

Abyss Demon Country sent a large number of assassins, in the form of two teams, distributed in various nodes to guard against enemy sneak attacks.

Node 18.

Two assassins are hiding in the surrounding bushes.

Among them, one person looked in front of him and said hesitantly, "Brother, I always feel something is wrong, could someone be lurking in here?"

"Don't worry, this magic circle is arranged by the priest, and people outside will never find it!"


"Even if someone happens to enter the magic circle area, I have a hundred ways to ravage them."

The other said with an oath.


"Then I'm quite ashamed that there is only one way to kill you all."

Just then, a word came from a distance behind him.

"Hey, you have to know me—fuck!" The assassin reacted, his face changed, and he immediately shouted: "There are enemies behind me!"

when speaking.

The two enemies had already taken out their weapons, turned quickly, and looked at the dimly lit woods.

"Who are you!"

they shouted sharply.


Suddenly, Zhou Nan flashed to the right of the two of them, holding a black bone staff in his hand, aiming at the body of one of the enemies, he said in a cold tone: "Kill your people!"

Earth Thunder!

Zhou Nan waved his staff, and a lightning flashing fireball swept out with a "bang", blasting through the enemy's chest fiercely.

Wear two directly.

In the real world, with this kind of injury, the district will be gone.

But [Sky World] is a digital world.

Unless the blood volume is emptied, the head will be pierced, and the person will not die.



Because [Penetration] is passive, enemies behind take 50% damage.

At the same time, the two received the same passive effect, and several elemental damage numbers appeared above their heads.


Zhou Nan waved his staff frantically.

-3654! (crit)




The two were level 15 bronze elites with only 50,000 HP.

And Zhou Nan accumulated damage in the first second, up to 35865 points.

Kill the enemy directly.

Then he waved and summoned the shadow clone to kill the last enemy.

"Ding, you kill a level 15 abyss assassin and gain 0 experience."

"Ding, congratulations on reaching 5 agility."

"Ding, congratulations on your devouring the snake venom skill (rare)."

The fight lasted less than two seconds.

Changed to other players, there is no team of ten people, and they can't even beat the abyss assassin.

Zhou Nan glanced at the panel.

【Snake Venom Passive (1/10)】

Effect: Add poison to your skills, causing the enemy to be poisoned, -100 HP per second for 5 seconds.

Poison damage is up to 1000 points per second at full stacks.

The damage is okay.

"Xiao Xi Suo Suo..."

At this time, there were frequent abnormal noises in the forest.

someone is coming!

Zhou Nan's purpose was to destroy the altar, so he didn't want to entangle with the assassin too much, so he quickly retreated into the darkness.

"Quick! Quickly stop this kid!"

"He must be trying to destroy the altar of magic transformation!"

"Don't let him run away!"

When the assassins heard the movement, they chased and surrounded Zhou Nan.

Too bad they are so slow.

Where to follow in his footsteps.

Zhou Nan was like walking a dog, leaving all the hundreds of assassins far behind. Soon.

He found the altar.

There were dozens of black-robed mages sitting around. They stretched out their hands and injected magic power into the altar. One after another magical creature emerged from the black vortex in the middle.

【Abyss Priest·Bronze Elite】

Level: 15



Skills: Abyss Strike, Soul Requiring Shield

"Boy, it looks like you've gone to the wrong place.

"Can you come here?!"

Noticing Zhou Nan's figure, the black-robed mages stood up with dangerous gazes in their eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm here!"

A smile appeared on Zhou Nan's mouth. .

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