Spell Devour: I Only Need One Fireball

Chapter 51 Soul Relief Crystal! Complete The Main Story!

A smile appeared on Zhou Nan's mouth.

【Sky Fire】!

Raising his hand and firing a group skill, the crimson fire light illuminated the dim forest, and dozens of flames fell to the altar, hitting every black-robed mage.




Everyone lost nearly one-fifth of their health.

"Kill him now!"

Feeling the power of Zhou Nan's skills, the black-robed mage's expression changed, and he hurriedly focused on attacking Zhou Nan.

Dark magic surges in.

It is their skill: [Abyss Strike].

Zhou Nan didn't mean to dodge at all.

He is still outputting.

Boom! Boom!

With high defense and passive blocking, this skill can cause up to "-322" points of damage. Cumulatively, Zhou Nan's HP only dropped 10,000 points.

Don't panic!

In just one second, Zhou Nan can recover 6000 life points.

The black-robed mage's skills have a five-second cooldown.

Whirring whirring!!!!!

Under Zhou Nan's stormy attack.

For 2 seconds, resolve an enemy.

The kill notification sounded incessantly.

"Ding, congratulations on your devouring the soul-requiring magic shield (super rare)."

"Seven-Five-Three" has no experience point reward.

However, he was very satisfied with the ability to swallow the skills.

After a minute.

Zhou Nan wiped out the black-robed mages.

[Soul Soul Shield Passive (10/10)]

Effect: Gain 10000 shields, which can resist physical and magic damage, and refresh the shield value every 10 seconds.

With this passive.

Zhou Nan's survivability has become stronger.


He attacked the altar.

When the durability dropped to zero, the altar shattered, revealing the core of the magic circle—the soul-soothing crystal.

As long as it is taken away, the enemy cannot rebuild it.

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the hidden item [Soul Soul Crystal], please submit the task to Meng Zhi, the head of the escort regiment as soon as possible.

Zhou Nan put away the props.

He looked at the panel and said secretly: "1 minute and 20 seconds, it's almost time."

Zhou Nan turned to look at the forest behind him.


Hundreds of assassins just came into view.

"Damn it, how dare you destroy the altar?"

"You have been surrounded by hundreds of us, I see where you are going!"

The enemy said with a gloomy expression.

"Escape? Why should I escape?"

Zhou Nan smiled and said: "It's you, but be careful. Because...you are already surrounded by me!"

Say it.

He flashed directly into the crowd and started a brutal killing.

"Ding, congratulations on reaching 5 agility."

"Ding, congratulations on devouring the thunder skill (rare).

Although there are hundreds of assassins in the Abyss God Kingdom, it is impossible for them to hit Zhou Nan at the same time.

Only nearby enemies can hurt Zhou Nan.

However, due to the passive influence of [Curse of Requiem].

Their damage is reduced by 20%.

Basic attacks cannot break through Zhou Nan's defense, and only skills can deal weak double-digit damage.

If it is not the [Corruption] skill, it can apply the highly poisonous effect.

Then Zhou Nan's HP will not decrease a little.


Zhou Nan shot the assassins to death.

Devour from them to 60 Agility and 10 Poison Passive.

Zhou Nan glanced at the new passive that he recently acquired.

【Poison · Passive (10/10)】

Quality: Rare

Effect: Add poison to your skills, causing the enemy to be poisoned, -1000 HP per second for seconds.

【Curse of Requiem · Passive (1/1)】

Quality: perfect

Effect: After the skill hits the enemy, it reduces its defense by 20% and damage by 20% for 10 seconds. Cooldown for 15 seconds.

Zhou Nan attacking a person continuously will refresh the duration of the poison effect, which is equivalent to causing an additional 1000 poison damage per second.

However, [Poison] can stack with other passive poison damage.

As for [Curse of Soul Rejuvenation], this is a passive swallowed from the magician Wang Ling.

The effect is strong!

Whether it's a boss fight or a normal battle, it can play a huge role.

"Okay, the quest items have been started, go back and hand in the quest.

Zhou Nan secretly said.

The Eastern Divine Kingdom Guard Corps was hunting the assassins of the Abyss Divine Kingdom in the forest, and he didn't know the current position of the regiment leader, so Zhou Nan sent a message to Tianyun Chaohan and others.

Soon, they replied to the message and informed the coordinates of the regiment leader.

With a thank you, Zhou Nan set off immediately.

Relying on empty A to trigger passive, his movement speed skyrocketed several times.

After half an hour.

Zhou Nan finally found the escort group.

I saw many enemy corpses lying on the ground in front, and some players were talking to the head of the group, Meng Zhi.

At this moment, he felt a trace of abnormality.

Out of the corner of Zhou Nan's eyes, he glanced at the big trees on both sides of his eyes.

the other side.

After hearing footsteps.

All the guards looked behind them.

Zhou Nan just walked out of the dark woods, a hundred meters away from them.

"Zhou Nan, you're finally back." Meng Zhi immediately left the player and stepped forward to greet Zhou Nan. "

Just then, a mutation arose.


There was a faint sound of wind in the air.

Mengzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shouted: "Be careful!"

There was a twist in the space, and the next moment "Seven assassins with daggers appeared.

"You mice in the stinky ditch, can't you finally resist?"

Zhou Nan said indifferently.

With killer intuition, he had already detected the hidden enemy.

"kill him!"

Although the assassins were astonished, they still carried out their orders staunchly, instantly activating the Poison Skill, and Bi Zhi burst into a cold green light.

Then, he stabbed Zhou Nan from all directions.


Zhou Nan flashed ten meters away, easily dodging the assassin's attack.

"You slaves of the Eastern Divine Kingdom should all die!"

The assassin leader roared with a grim face.


They concealed their figures, rushed to Zhou Nan's side, and stabbed them with daggers.

"We got close."

"Look at how you hide from a fragile mage!"

Hearing this, Zhou Nan's face was calm, and he even wanted to laugh.


That's really embarrassing.

This adjective has nothing to do with him.

-0-0-0-0! …

Seven zero numbers appeared above Zhou Nan's head, while the stripes remained motionless.

NPCs can't see damage numbers, but players can see...


One by one, their eyes widened in shock.

Although it was the first time everyone saw Zhou Nan with their own eyes, as a Feiyue Village player, they had naturally heard all kinds of unbelievable rumors about Zhou Nan.


The players couldn't help but gasp.

"This is Zhou Nan! A level 15 bronze elite's attack can't break the defense?"

"It's fucking outrageous!"

"It's no wonder that players from all over the world call him a hooker, and he really didn't call him the wrong nickname.

"Mad, as a warrior, I shed tears of envy. Shouldn't this kind of defense appear on warriors or guards?"

The warrior players in the passers-by have some mental breakdowns.

at the same time.

The assassins also found that their attacks did not cut Zhou Nan's skin.

"Damn, what kind of ghost mage is this?"

"Everyone, get out!"

Failing a single blow, the Assassins prepare to retreat.

There are also powerful escort groups nearby, and if they are surrounded, they will be dead.


At the moment when the enemy decides to shoot.

They had lost their last chance to retreat.

【Sky Fire】!

Zhou Nan waved his staff and lowered the sky fire!



Damage explosion.

With the effect of [Ice Flame], it reduces their speed to turtle speed.

Can't run at all.

Shadow Clone!


Zhou Nan and the shadow clone frantically output the enemy.

less than 10 seconds.

The seven assassins were directly killed.

Players: "1"1


Good guy!

Zhou Nan's defense is so high.

The damage and casting speed are so exaggerated!

It's so omnipotent!

The mage player who saw this scene felt for the first time that he and Zhou Nan were playing two professions.

Zhou Nan is the real mage.

In the group, only the head of the group, Meng Zhi, was relatively calm, because he was a 45-level mid-level professional in 3.3, and he was much stronger than anyone present.

Zhou Nan is not his opponent either.

After all, he is only a 17th-level trainee professional.

There are two big realms.

"Yes, Zhou Nan, your strength is similar to when I was young, and you have a bright future." Meng Zhi said with a hearty smile.


Are you complimenting me?

Still complimenting yourself.

Shaking his head, he said helplessly: "Lord Colonel, the task you gave me has been completed. Also, halfway through, I found the altar of summoning demonic creatures.

"Altar? Where!"

Meng Zhi restrained his smile, and his face was rarely serious.

"It has been destroyed by me."

As Zhou Nan said, he took out the [Soul Soul Crystal].

After Meng Zhi carefully observed, his eyes suddenly lit up: "That's right, this is the core of the magical transformation!"


"Header Meng Zhi has +10 favorability towards you, current: 85 points."

"Because you complete the hidden condition of the main quest [Destroy the Demonic Creatures], the reward will increase."

"Congratulations on getting: Experience x10000, Gold Coins x100, Gift of Enlightenment (not issued), Eastern Divine Country Prestige +500.".

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