Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 11 - Avengers Tower

Avengers Tower was very interesting. Crazy disorganized and messy, but interesting. Peter and Nat spent a large portion of their time together just taking the tour of the place,since it had changed since the last time Peter was here. And greatly so. Tony and Bruce had their own labs here, Dr. Strange had his own small study, Steve had a gym-thing, Clint had a tiny archery range, Thor had a bar, and Natasha had literally everywhere else. She read a lot, Peter didn't want to know exactly what, because who knows what a lethal and seductive spy would read for fun.

Something that stood out the most, however, was a doorway that had a curtain over it. Peter raised an eyebrow and Nat was about to answer it, before Tony did first. "That's a lab for you." Tony stepped up beside them. "But just because you tell me you stuffed Otto into a Rubix Cube and expect me to instantly trust you, doesn't mean I'm about to give it to you. Keep your word about the trap you set for that vibranium contact and I might think about it."

With a bitter but understanding nod, Peter tore his eyes off the curtain. "Well, then can I use your lab for a second? You can supervise me if you'd like. If I'm gonna catch this contact by myself, I need to formulate a plan and something to help me pull it off. A fellow scientist to maybe help me check my ideas, and a smart cookie of a spy to help formulate the plan itself. If the contact has vibranium for sale, it's very safe to ȧssume that he'll be using it, too. So how do we combat it?"

Peter thought for another second before he took a cartridge of webbing out from his suit, which appeared for just a second. He then went to through some of Tony's crap and put together a few nano-bots. His gears still turning in his head, he mixed this in with the webbing before he put it back in his webshooter. He turned to Tony. "Do you have a disposable electronic? Like a cheap phone or something?" Tony had just that, as he turned it on. Just as he did, Peter shot a ball of the new webbing at Tony, the nanobots wriggling out of the webbing and travelling up Tony's arm. In no time, they swarmed the phone before dropping to the floor immediately after. Said phone was now completely nonfunctional. Peter had programmed those nanobots to hack any electronic on the person that he shot the webbing at. The nanobots would then stop working when their purpose was fulfilled. Over the next few minutes, with the help of Nat, they put together a strategy of getting close enough to get the contact with the webbing without giving away what they were doing.

Peter then turned to Nat. "Would you mind if we went back to my office before we go kick ȧss?" Receiving a shake of her head, they went back to his lab. Immediately, he set to work on an idea he had while making the sort of emp webs. If he could program nanobots to shape webbing, he could probably make constructs or complicated shapes out of his webs. Possibly even blunt weapons out of them. Testing this theory, he spent the next hour or so experimenting with this, all while Nat sat on his lab counter and watched him work. Occasionally, he would ask her opinion on something related to it, partly for the actual opinion, and partly so she knew he wasn't ignoring her.

When it was done, he implemented a few of those web cartridges into his suit along with the others that he could cycle through. Leaving the office for Avengers Tower, so Nat could grab her gear, they left. What they hadn't expected to find that night, was Venom running around with a red tinge to him. Somehow, Taskmaster had mixed Venom and Carnage together!

Cursing every ounce of his Parker luck, Peter switched to his taser webs, hoping that still worked a little. Getting thrown way too many feet at the same time, he realized they didn't and cursed. "Wonderful suit, Parker. Care to let me rip it off?" Venom/Carnage snarled, lashing out at him with his symbiotic tentacles and constructed weapons, the latter courtesy of Carnage.

Peter's mechanical arms triggered and started fending them off a bit while Peter frantically tried to come up with a plan. Seeing no further option, he shot a web out to the side to nab an electrical unit. Throwing it at Venom/Carnage. On its way, he shot an impact web at it, hoping to get it to explode in V/C's face. Thankfully, it did. Unfortunately, it only stunned him. Groaning, Peter dodged back over the spot that he ripped the elctrical unit from. Small tongues of flame sprouted up and Peter quickly removed his suit, for a fraction of a second, to take off his shirt. His suit forming again, he set his shirt on fire with it. Brandishing his flaming shirt as a sort of torch, he backed V/C towards the edge of the building.

Grinning, Peter switched to his new webbing and tested it out, a hammer made of webs formed out of his wrists. Spinning to get a little momentum, he nailed V/C under the chin, hard enough to send V/C to the street below and onto a car. That was the best thing that could've happened, as the car alarm blared and drove the symbiotes nuts. What they left behind was a dazed Eddie Brock and a small ball of goop under his shoe. Peter went down and webbed Eddie to the car, tossed a small vial of dry ice at both Venom and Carnage, freezing them in place so a containment team could retrieve them.

Peter was a little careless though: He didn't notice the maroon and slightly black ball of goop lob itself onto the foot of his suit.

AN// Yes this is some setup for Toxin coming in. Just to confirm.

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