Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 13 - Evolving Tech?

Symbiotes, Venom and his descendants in particular, have always been a very adaptive and constantly evolving race. That's the main reason why Venom was such a pain in Peter's ȧss to begin with.

The same principle applied here, but a tad bit differently. If Toxin was not fused to Peter's suit, and Toxin ate heroes or villains, he would adopt versions of or full-on just take their powers. This said, since Toxin IS fused with the suit, he eats tech. He uses this tech to evolve Peter's suit. He did so with Gobbie's glider.

Peter soared straight across the roof, little gliders made of the same nanotech of Peter's base suit and infused with Toxin underneath his arms. Back before Parker Industry was a thing, and before Otto even took over, Peter used to use little webwings. Now, it was those on steroids. On the very edge of these nanotech gliders, small boosters no bigger than a superball kept him stable at whatever altitude he was at. If he wanted to go down, the gliders under his arms would adjust their angle on the edges. Or if he wanted to bank or turn, one glider would change its angle.

Fascinated by this, Peter let the gliders stop midair and plummeted down, before he swung very high into the air, using the gliders at the top of the swing. A helicopter pilot beside him widened his eyes before Peter waved (and one of his arms did, too) and went back to his secretary and took her back to the office. Making a show of leaving, he came back out of the office building and made sure she was okay before offering her a day off. She refused, and the day went on as usual.

Today was designated for him to spend with Carol, and he smiled as he swung and glided his way to her apartment building. And all the while, Toxin was cursing Peter out, so bad that Deadpool would faint, because he had more options for tail than anybody in existence currently or ever.

Rolling his eyes, Peter rolled onto Carol's rooftop and deactivated his suit. She was standing near the ledge on the other side on her tiptoes and a hand over her eyes watching for him. He chuckled to himself and webzipped himself forward, sliding on his back between her legs to look up at her. "Hi."

With a cute little shriek, she jumped back and gave an even cuter little stomp, a small segment of the roof cracking under her foot. "PETER PARKER!" She was cute when she was mad. She was wearing blue skinny jeans, brown boots, a white tank top, and a relatively tight brown leather jacket. Her long (I like the long hair better, let me have it please) blonde hair floated around her shoulders as she pouted a little and punched him weakly in the ċhėst. Although, being Captain Marvel, it still made him cough a bit. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! YOU DICK!" After she was done pouting and being an adorable mad blonde, she grabbed his hand and pecked him on the cheek. "But at least you're here. I saw a little on the news about you and Green Goblin. You okay?" Usually, Peter didn't come out from a fight with Norman looking great.

Peter smiled and shrugged. "I'm good. He didn't really hit me at all. And he was far easier than he usually was, considering the upgrades he made. Then again, that's probably thanks to Toxin." Answering the question on her face, he activated his new suit, as Toxin detached a bit, a little symbiotic hand forming and waving at Carol.

Toxin's voice, both in person and in Peter's head, was like Venom's voice, but if he got high on something and mellowed out his bitch vibes. "Hello! I'm Toxin- Ohshe'sgonnapunchmebye!" Panicked, Peter spent the next 5 or 10 minutes explaining why Toxin wasn't as bad as Venn and Carnage. It took a lot of convincing, but eventually, Carol let it go. Toxin blatantly refused to come out like that again to her. He liked his face too much.

Following this fiasco, Peter strung a web tightrope across up the street and to another stairwell exit. (There's so fuċkɨnġ many, whyyyyy) Setting Carol in front of him, his hands on her hɨps to keep her balanced, even though she could easily just break her fall by flying, they started slowly walking across the tightrope. Toxin, secretly, was watching this part of Peter's life like it was The Bachelor, because he's a real man.

In the middle of their pointless stunt, the tightrope suddenly snapped. Before Carol could even react, Peter had her back on the roof, flicking a few grains of sand off his shoulder. He then ġrȯȧnėd. "That'll be Sandman." He turned to her. "You wanna help? Or just watch your boyfriend kick ȧss?" Since he was technically all the girls' boyfriend, he was allowed to say that. Blushing heavily, she waved him off to do his thing, as she tore a chunk out of the roof and wrote on it 'KICK HIS ASS BABE' (AN// Wholesome power couple...wholesome for now at least. Until the next day with Felicia)

Grinning like a fool under his mask, Peter swung off to fight Flint Marko, better known as Sandman. Sandman's upgrades weren't apparent yet, but Peter was sure he'd find it. "T, you getting anything?"

Dropping to the ground, Toxin immediately ate a firehose, Peter sending an apologetic wave before swinging circles around Sandy, small firehose nozzles forming on the back of his wrists. "T, you're the fuċkɨnġ greatest." Peter praised, as he soaked Sandman from head to toe because he could actually reach the rest of him that the firefighters couldn't. Sandman went down actually rather quickly after that. His upgrade seemed to just be a bit higher resistance to water, but firehoses didn't care about that shit.

Getting back to Carol, who kissed him hard for a second, he deactivated his suit and smiled. "So, enjoy the show?"

With a smirk, Carol replied, "Hottest show I've seen in ages." Peter's mildly flustered reaction and his new penchant for changing the subject when he was nervous made her softly giggle.

"Well, anyway, the tightrope?" He gestured to the roof they originally set out from. She rolled her eyes and dragged him to a restaurant. She cared very little for anything too fancy, so they ended up just getting fast food, which suited the both of them just fine.

Together, they talked over what had happened the last few days, the developments in Peter's suit and whatnot, and a few other things. Mostly small-talk. Following that, Peter took her back to her apartment, where she invited him inside. Hesitating for a second, Peter eventually shook his head. "No, not this time. I still technically work tomorrow, if CEO's actually work at all, so I should probably head back to my office." After a quick pout, she gave him a quick kiss and a playful push to the ċhėst before closing the door. Peter went back home and passed out, the anticipation for the next day with Felicia the furthest thing from his mind.

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