Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 17 - Plans

Peter was sore. But he was also thinking.

Felicia, in his room busy getting dressed in a t-shirt and shorts of his, let him work in his lab for a bit.

What he was working on in his lab at the moment, was relatively important. Less about being more powerful, a little bit more about his probable sėx life, but even more about not dying depending on who he's in bed with. Captain Marvel? He would literally die because of her strength being far beyond his. Or at least, his pelvic bone would fracture some.

This led to needing to not necessarily make himself stronger, but make himself more durable. As he was thinking, Felicia came into his lab, which was currently playing Iron Maiden quietly in the background, and wrapped her arms around him. Kissing him on the cheek, she looked over his shoulder at the paper he wrote some ideas on. If Peter's face was any suggestion, he wasn't quite happy with any of them. Thinking with him for a minute or two, she voiced a question. "Pete, have you done any research on other spiders?"

Turning to her, his eyebrow raised, he shook his head. "No. Why?" A few minutes later, Peter had an entire whiteboard full of research notes based on existing spiders. "If I had any gene technology I could use, I could start on some of these." He clicked his tongue. "Whenever I can get around to it, I guess." One if the spiders he found, with a scientific name he couldn't quite pronounce, had armor fused into their limbs. His hope was that he could use that, not necessarily to give himself armor fused onto his limbs, but moreso into his limbs, like a big bulletproof friend of his, Luke Cage.

This particular spider was his main focus for now, but until he could get his hands on gene tech, he was stuck. His knowledge of comics lent him knowledge of Alchemax, the various alternate Spider-Men, Spider-Man 2099 to be exact, and the origins of said Spider-Man. If he could tweak the tech some, he could easily pull off what he wanted to do. {Hey, T? Keep an ear out for a company called Alchemax. As soon as they're even an idea, let me know.} Getting an affirmative from Toxin, he laid out this part of his plan.

He wasn't the type to steal tech. He just wasn't. But since Alchemax would one day be rather villainous, he could easily buy the company as soon as it started. Or at least bargain for some kind of foothold in it. Maybe make it a puppet company for him? That would mean that his particular universe would never have a Spider-Man 2099, but that Alchemax would never go as corrupt as it would.

Nodding to himself, satisfied with this course of action, Peter saved it onto his computer with a reminder set so he didn't forget. Felicia liked all of this, but she had already left once he'd started listing spiders.

After a hasty late breakfast, Peter left, heading to Avengers Tower to confirm the plan for the vibranium dealer bust. Tony was currently stuck in a room experimenting with other AI, for whatever reason, so he was finishing up the plan with Nat.

She wasn't stupid, far from it, so she could quite easily tell by the slight gimp in his step and the ruffled appearance that he'd banged somebody the night before. The slight nail marks peaking over his collar gave away who it was. Suppressing a glare, she started putting together her own plan. Her plan to get him on the next Friday. Weekends were fair game for any of them, but this weekend would be busy.

Before they could go do any of that bust though, the Avengers had a surprise visit from a really fuċkėd up Iron Man suit. Peter heard it, as did Nat, so they booked it to the main lounge area. Cursing, Peter launched a taser web at the attacking skeleton of an armor, shorting it out. Unfortunately, the newly dubbed Ultron had already left the suit of armor and run away. Carol was away, doing space stuff for the next few days, probably until Tuesday. Glancing to the coffee table, Peter inferred what was happening, that being everybody trying to pick up Thor's hammer. Peter just rolled his eyes. In an attempt to actually be his usual funny self, and to try to lessent he tension them and himself, he walked over to the hammer. "Guys, are you serious? You can't pick this up?" Knowing full-well why they couldn't, he still tried to lift it.

What happened next was a surge of electricity through his body as Mjolnir lifted off the table. Panicking immediately, Peter dropped it bavk onto the coffee table, which proceeded to break.

After about 10 minutes of stunned silence, Tony finally voiced what at least half of them were thinking. "What the fuċk?!"

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