Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 18 - Worthy?

Peter gave a confused and stunned look around the room. Tony was confused, understandably, but not out of "Oh damn he picked it up" but moreso out of "How can we even be sure he's back? And now he's supposedly worthy? B.S."

On the flipside, Thor was simply speechless, looking like a fish on a dock. Peter hastily tossed Mjolnir back to Thor, who didn't catch it. Instead, it thunked him in the ċhėst. With a soft grunt, Thor snapped out of it and picked it up, a very awkward look on his face.

The other Avengers, Clint, Bruce, Rhodey, and Steve, who before Peter had come the closest to picking it up, just watched quietly. Tony left quickly to stew for a bit. Nat just shrugged it off and sat down.

Eager to get the tension off of him, Peter quickly bailed on the whole thing, busting out of one of the many windows and webbing it up as he swung away. He very quickly told Toxin to track Ultron's signal, possible due to to Toxin discreetly swallowing the junk Iron Man suit. Peter also now had a mild repulsor blast type of thing, more for stun than damage, and a small light on the buŧŧ of his ċhėst spider.

Following the signal as far as he could without leaving New York, he uploaded the signal to his computer so he could track it. Turning around, he came face to ċhėst with the burly thunder god.

"Never have I thought you would ever be worthy." He almost looked angry until he gave a smirking smile and stuck his hand out to shake Peter's hand. "A mortal has been deemed worthy of the hammer Mjolnir. This is cause for celebration. Celebration on Asgard!" He bellowed heartily before Heimdall beamed them up like Scotty.


Meeting Odin was weird. In fact, meeting most Asgardians in Asgard was weird. They all had either a distrust of him, or a feel of superiority over him. Odin a little moreso. Thor's mother, on the other hand, was a goddamn saint. She calmed Odin's tɨts long enough that Peter was able to prove his worthiness by Thor simply tossing it to him. He caught it and waved it at Odin for a split second.

Odin's mouth simply stopped working, as he lost all of his hot air. "It's-It's true...a Midgardian truly is worthy." This was the general procedure when a mortal or someone who wasn't the owner of a worthiness-based weapon, picked up or wielded said weapon. One of Odin's comrades and friends, the Dwarven King Eitri of Nidavellir, stepped forward. His presence there had been requested by Thor, and now Eitri knew why. By the next Midgardian year, a weapon or armor for him would need to be made, as per Asgardian tradition.

While all of this happened, Toxin was simply taking in the golden place, trashtalking the people who were dɨċks to Peter, and made mental notes of what, if anything, he could eat.

Eitri and Peter exchanged brief introductions, and Eitri cut to the chase. "As per the Asgardian traditions, a weapon and armor is ta be made fer the fact o' yer worth. What're ye lookin' fer in a weapon or armor?"


Several hours later, Peter's brain muddled from how quickly everything was happening, he was given a straight-up chunk of Uru metal which Toxin eagerly swallowed, integrating it into the suit's defenses. The whole suit now had a mild sheen and shine to it. Vibranium, eat your heart out. A vague weapon design was drawn up by Eitri upon Peter's description of chakrams, a pair of circular bladed weapons that could be enchanted to.come back when thrown, or be used in close combat. They would be great for taking down bots or injuring his rogue's gallery enough that he could web them up. Interrogation would also be much quicker now.


Happy to be home, Peter collapsed on his bed at 3am Earth time, only for his phone to be blown up by his sudden invite to a group chat. Groaning, he took a look at it. It was all of his girlfriends discussing how they would schedule the dates and whatnot. Peter chimed in with the request to wait until Ultron and the vibranium dude were taken care of.

They only partially listened. Those of them that could take part in said Ultron situation, this being just Black Widow, would be essentially free to spend whatever amount of time with him whenever she could. (hint for next H18) Groaning, Peter gave a quick goodnight message and passed the hell out.


Obviously, Peter crashed his party by tossing him a tiny tablet with Ultron's signal beeping on it. He was in Sokovia. With an eyebrow raised, Tony was about to ask where Peter got it when Toxin poked his head out from the suit. "I ate the junk suit." He reteated into the suit at the same time that Tony threw an instinctual punch from his quick-change suit.

He went to his knees upon impact, cradling his now throbbing hand. Turns out, Uru is greater than Iron or steel. The more you know. Peter sent his suit and Toxin to standby mode, Nat raising an eyebrow. As it turns out, the only way for the new suit to stay nanotech while still being magic like Uru was, it had to be stored differently. This came in the form of a runic enchantment tattoo on Peter's left bicep, containing the magical energy. Because of the new method of storage, Toxin was now bonded to both the suit AND to Peter.

Nat decided she liked the ancient runic tattoo that looked a little bit like a spider.

The next few hours were spent planning, until Tony got an alert on his computer while typing on it that two people were discovered to have been taken into custody, recruited, or otherwise by Ultron.

Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

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