Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 19 - Spider-Man Angry

Glancing between Tony, Clint, and the others who seemed to almost be panicking, Peter felt distinctly at a loss for words. He had no goddamn clue what was happening.

From the bits and pieces of rushed urgency coming from the others, he ȧssumed they'd already come across them before. Figuring he'd probably get a crash course on what's happening, he went in the general direction the others were. Next thing he knew, he was stuffed into a QuinnJet between Nat and a wall.

From the 30-45 second rundown Tony gave him, the Maximoff twins, at least so far, were a pretty big thorn in their side. Tony had suspicions about why, but since they hadn't really said yet, they couldn't know. Nat pretty quickly sidelined her plans for the sake of the mission. Her only concern was for how Wanda's powers could affect Peter, if at all.

Peter, meanwhile, was combing through his relatively untouched comic knowledge in his head. It was here that he sorted through the different versions of Wanda. The one he ȧssumed he'd meet was not the ɨnċėstuous one. If it was, he would literally kill himself.

When they were on the ground, Peter felt a distinct lack of swingable stuff. Shrugging it off, he just followed the Avengers into the base.

~~~~After the warehouse fight~~~~

Peter was going to turn this robot into scrap metal and then shove it up Tony's ȧss. Right after he got Nat back.

The other Avengers took the burning fire in his eyes and his supremely mean scowl as signals to not talk to him. Losing Nat was something he could take revenge on Ultron for. But the Maximoff twins' reasons for what they're doing? That was a whole different story. They had a deep grudge for Tony and for Peter. Tony's company had been the cause of their parents' deaths, and Peter's company apparently had been the cause of their orphanage being destroyed. He had no way to defend himself against that yet, since the two weren't really listening. Of course, they didn't know he was Peter Parker, so he had to phrase it a specific way, but still. Peter turned his eyes to Thor. "If possible, try to expedite my order. I'm gonna tear this robot motherfucker in half."

When Felicia and Mj showed up, hearing about what happened, they were aghast and shocked to find Peter drinking. Drinking hard. He may not be the same Peter, but he had all the same memories. Thus, this situation with the company and with Nat had him fuċkėd up.

Through Peter's bitter and cynical ramblings, they pieced together what happened to Nat and ȧssumed the company bit. Now fully understanding why he was taking this so hard, they managed to get him to put down the whiskey and sleep before they both left.


The next morning, besides a crippling hangover, Peter had a eureka moment while he was making coffee. [Hey, T? I just thought of something: Can't you just eat Ultron?]

Giving a mental shrug, Toxin replied. {I would ȧssume. His probable robot drones, too. This is a great opportunity to improve your suit as you melt Ultron down to make buŧŧplugs out of him.} Laughing at Toxin's joke, his hangover making him regret doing so, Peter nodded. Toxin then continued. {And by the way, a business address or something of the sort was placed under the name Alchemax yesterday.}

The panicked hurricane that became Peter Parker that morning immediately clamored to buy all the stocks he could, which came out to almost all of them. Being the highest stockholder and being who he was, this would allow him to possibly get his hands on the gene technology. As he left his building, taking limo to Alchemax as a CEO probably should for these things, he put Toxin to the task of finding all the unique spider species he could.

During the drive, Toxin came up with 10 or 11 spiders:

indicoblemma lannaianum (have fun saying that)

anelosimus eximius (have fun saying this too. Terrifying spider, by the way. Don't google)

Ogre-Faced Spider

Darwin's Bark Spider

Wolf Spider

Whitebanded Crab Spider

Diving Bell Spider

Jumping Spider

Brazilian Wandering Spider

Spitting Spider

Toxin proceeded to log these according to whatever powers they could possibly give him, in the same order the spiders were listed:

Psychic connection with spiders

Unique, lasso like webbing structure, and a luring pheromone to give off.

Webbing doesn't just stick to things anymore, it sticks to things the same way the stick'em powers do.

Normal webbing, now possible to be released organically, is incapable if being ripped or torn.

Nightvision, ultraviolet, and infrared vision, interchangeable.

Color change instead of simple cloaking or camouflage.

Webbing is now waterproof, and punches, kicks, or stabs from mechanical arms now distinctly hurt more. Extra arms now barbed.

Jumping and leg strength to astronomical levels, eyesight improved to also astronomical levels, and strategy/adaptability to situations passively improved.

Mechanical arms punch and stab through literally anything and everything, on the level of Wolverine or higher.

Peter smiled to himself, almost maniacally. Ultron was already fuċkėd. His presence among Alchemax officials, literally less than an hour after he all but bought the damn place, already guaranteed that he was on at least the board of directors, not to mention at least access to the gene technology to test the quality. What he did instead of simply test the thing, was to make it the same exact way Miguel O'Hara did, which he did in minutes since the base of it was already made.

Using it differently than how it was maybe meant to, he didn't directly zap himself with the DNA stuff, he instead filled 11 small vials with his blood. Combing through databases, he was able to input genetic codes for specific things out of the spider DNA's Toxin found. He corked them and immediately left back to his lab.

Downing them all like shots, he passed out immediately. When he woke up, Ultron would be fuċkėd royally.

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