Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 20 - More Spider Than Ever

Waking up from unconsciousness, a vague dream slipping away from his mind, Peter woke up, still passed out on the floor. His eyes shot open, which he regretted, as he slammed his eyes shut again to adjust to what he was seeing now.

As he looked at things, information streamed through his head about any and all information he knew about it, like a refresher course, except going at all times on a loop. He attributed this to the jumping spider DNA. He heard a rambling voice in his head, shrill like if they were on helium. Tracing it a bit, he found a Daddy Long-Legs spider in the corner, its only thoughts: "WEB WEB WEB WEB LEEEEEEGSSS WEB WEB WEB WEB LEEEEEEGSSS" This, he attributed to the colony-type spider.

Immediately asking Toxin to do a manual fix on filtering that shit out if he could, Peter went to stretch his legs and such, given that sleeping on the floor wasn't super comfortable. His surprise was real upon leaving cracks in his floor with his feet while also accidentally catapulting himself across several rooms.

Resolving to lock himself in a vault if anything else caught him off-guard, he almost passed out when he felt like Instagram filters were switching on and off in his vision. One second, he was seeing normally, the next he was getting the information stuff, still the next was night vision, blinding in the day time, then infrared, and then a psychedelic experience with ultraviolet. He officially said "Fuck it" and put on sunglasses, using his spider-sense to walk around, although his spider-sense was now even more accurate and helpful than it had ever been before.

He left his office and went to Avengers Tower. Everyone there was in various states of panic. Peter didn't even see them, instead beelining it for their gym-type area. He left the suit off, limbering up carefully before he did a handstand kick towards the punching bag. Said punching bag flew across the room and slammed against the wall. He tried the same with a punch, to far less drastic results. He also noticed something. Usually when he used a punching bag or something, it tended to be rough on his knuckles. He felt nothing this time other than the impact itself and the overall texture. It didn't really hurt or feel like he'd get nasty splits in his knuckles from it. Grinning at this fact, he spent several hours blowing off some anger about Nat being kidnapped.

Said anger being blown off resulted in over a dozen flat punching bags, and sand from inside them literally everywhere. When he was done he glanced around the gym and crinkled his nose a little. "I don't like sand. It's all coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere." He mused out loud, confused immediately. Where the fuċk did he get that reference from? He didn't even know what he was referencing, just that it was a reference.

In a room overlooking the gym, Tony was crying on the floor after Peter's reference. Crying of laughter out of the sheer brilliance of the timing.

Peter shrugged and brought out his suit. It felt completely different. It felt like his suit had morphed with Peter's bulletproof yellow and black suit. At least in terms of how the suit was structured. (AN//for people who played the PS4 game, it's the Spider Arnor Mk II. For the plebs, including me, it's just the bulletproof suit.) The general design and color scheme were the same.

His mechanical arms were super badass now. Each of them now had a small barb on the underside, facing back. This would allow Peter to either rip shit out with them, or keep himself anchored on something. He swung out, only to realize that his swings had far more tensile strength, and his speed of swinging was upped immensely. His webs weren't just sticking to things, they were forming molecular connections on the fly, an almost unbreakable bond forming between his webs and whatever they stuck to.

He had to be conscious now of how he landed on things so he didn't cause property damage. After landing on the building, he pushed off with his legs, finding himself quickly on the building across the street without needing to swing. Raising an eyebrow, he went to the roof and simply jumped a high as he could. He was eye-level with the tip of the Empire State Building's needle. He had jumped off a simple apartment building and gone up countless stories with a single jump!

Nodding his head, satisfied, he went back to Avengers Tower to be met with various looks from the Avengers. Peter just shrugged. "I made some improvements, sue me. How do we get Natasha back and get back at Ultron?"

The rest of that night was spent planning.

The next morning, before any Avengers were in the tower, Peter snuck in. He'd been unconscious when they'd gone to Clint's farm and when they hsd gotten Ultron's body. Getting nailed in the head by Ultron would do that. He had awoken to the fact that Natasha was taken. He snuck in for one reason: to stop Tony Stark and Bruce Banner from creating Vision. In the comics, Vision was killed by Thanos for the Mind Stone. The body would be better off destroyed, but he wouldn't go THAT rogue. Spreading themselves that thin was, in general, a bad idea. Especially when it came to a Mad Titan. He was just preparing for the worst case scenario. If vision was still created, great! But he won't have the mind stone. That's going in a tight box and into Peter's lab forever. The signals the stones give off in the comics that lead Thanos to them would be nullified. Unless he took the Mind Stone out of the box, earth would be safe from Thanos's wrath. At least, as far as the mind stone went. That was the only one he could really do anything about.

The other Avengers didn't need to like it. Doctor Strange needed to tell them that Peter's actions had at least prolonged the universe's snappage.

Peter would wait for that.

AN// Obviously, Peter wasn't around for some of the Age of Ultron arc. I'm basically using that as my excuse for the gaps in the story. Plus, I bȧrėly remember Age of Ultron.

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