Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 5 - Developments

It took Peter a solid minute or two return to the land of the conscious from his blackout. He shook his head and stood back up. "Uh...well, anyway, is there anything on the Avengers side of things that I can help with?"

Tony and Steve glanced at each other and shrugged before Steve spoke up. "Taskmaster is around again, but other than that, nothing. If you'd like to help, feel free, but he already knows most of your-"

Peter cut him off as he activated the nanotech suit, along with the arms. "I've got a couple new tricks. Otto may have been a total dɨċk, but his brilliance can't just be denied. I made some modifications to the arms, and obviously an all new suit. The nanotech consistently and constantly replenishes my web cartridges, and I've even installed a camouflage function." He pressed a buŧŧon on the inside of his wrist and went invisible. He reappeared behind Carol. "Taskmaster won't know what hit him." His suit deactivated, arms and all, and he went to his phone and ordered pizza. "Get comfy, I ordered some pizza. I need to catch up on whatever I've missed."

Left with no choice they all sat around on his couches and his recliner. Meanwhile, Peter made another call, to a contact he had within Wakanda, to inquire about vibranium. He faked an Octavius tone of voice and hung up. Tony rose an eyebrow, Peter throwing a smile his way in response. "I faked it. I had to listen to it enough, it wasn't very hard to imitate it. I just called a crooked contact that...I, I guess...used to have in Wakanda that supplied the company with small amounts of vibranium. In doing what I just did, I not only set him up to finally get taken in and dealt with, but I also established an act of goodwill and possibly, maybe, some vibranium to improve my suit some more. Otto focused on mainly just attack and offense, brutally so, but defense is important too. My arms blocked a punch from Reed earlier today, and they didn't hold up quite as good as I'd like."

Tony shrugged. "Fine, whatever. Don't expect to get free vibranium though." Peter conceded the point. "What is it that you've missed that you'd like to know?" He leaned on the arm of the recliner. In said recliner sat Thor, Bruce leaning on the other arm. On one couch sat Hawkeye, Steve, Aunt May, and Gwen leaned on the arm, holding Harry's hand. They were both very happy to see Peter back to himself. (Harry doesn't hate him in this universe) On the other couch sat MJ, an empty space next to her, and then Natasha and Carol next to each other.

Peter shrugged and leaned against the wall. "Well, politics, world affairs, whatever I should probably know." He held up a finger so he could get the door. He brought in the six pizzas, 4 pieces for each of them, and set them on the counter. He brought down some paper plates and evenly divided them before pulling a waiter's move, lining plates across his arms. May only wanted two, so he took one of her other two and gave the other to Thor. Peter sat between MJ and Natasha, Carol standing up and proceeding to use Peter's head as a table to set her plate on.

Tony took a bite of pizza and started filling Peter in. "Okay, so - God, this pizza is good - for starters, the biggest thing right now in at least the US, is the reinstitution of polygamy, with the addition of, like, a bajillion restrictions and conditions on it. The only real reason for it coming back in the first place is the existence of polysexuals. Because, of course, being politically correct and treating everyone fairly is important." He shrugged.

When he first mentioned polygamy, Peter almost choked on his pizza. That was...way too coincidental that he had several women who liked him or loved him already. He mentally shivered as he felt the almost unnoticeable conversation had between the eyes of MJ, Carol, and Natasha. He only knew they were subtly suggesting something, and he was afraid. He was very afraid.


After a quick rundown of the rest of the political issues plaguing the U.S., everybody else left, letting Peter know to watch his phone for any call about Taskmaster.

That is, everyone except MJ, Nat, and Carol. Raising a scared eyebrow at them, he was about to open his mouth before MJ beat him to the punch. "We're waiting for our last guest." Peter inwardly ġrȯȧnėd as he spotted in the distance outside his window, a figure clad in a skin-tight black catsuit with the signature platinum blonde hair.

When Felicia got there, it was.... jarring...how she and the other girls interacted. It was like they were all best friends or something. Once they had greeted each other, they each turned a smirk to Peter, who grabbed a small buŧŧon of his dresser, like the Staples buŧŧon, except instead of saying "That was easy" it said "RAAAAAAAAPE!!"

Surprisingly, **** was not committed in that meeting. Instead, Peter was simply...informed and notified...that the four of them wanted him. They also informed him that they would be sharing him, with additional members to be thoroughly vetted and/or restricted. Sweating buckets, Peter now stood in his lab, creating a kazzoo. An unnecessarily high-tech kazoo, called the **** Kazoo. (Shoutout to the story "Filling in Big Shoes" and "I'm No Hero" on Wattpad)

His calendar for the rest of the weekdays, today was Monday, was ȧssigned to one of the 4 women. With trepidation, he accepted the terms, moreso afraid of declining for the sake of his health. After a strange Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament thing, MJ got Tuesday, Carol got Wednesday, Natasha got Thursday and Felicia got the coveted Friday. According to them, Friday was coveted because of what usually tended to happen on Fridays. Peter sighed to himself and activated his suit. Time to do some heroing so he didn't worry himself to death.

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