Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 6 - Shocking Discovery

Peter was definitely less worried about how hectic his love life was. Instead, he was currently worried about the burgundy and gold pajama guy trying to rob a bank. He used to be relatively easy, according to Peter's memory, but apparently Shocker had a sponsor. Clearly, his gear was upgraded. Then again, so was Peter's. currently he was perched above Shocker, his arms pointed down at him, prepared for the netting. Right before he was going to, his spider-sense blared in his head. He shot himself down onto Shocker's head, gave him a quick punch to the face, and zipped to a wall. He had just bȧrėly dodged an ambush from Electro. [Well, shit.] Peter tapped his fingers softly before he shot a web at Electro's face to blind him, jumping in front of him and in clear sight of Shocker. "Hey Herman! Get the piñata!" Shocker proceeded to charge up a healthy blast at Peter, if it weren't for his dodge that sent the blast into Electro instead. Electro went sailing into a wall, soon to be cased in by dozens of layers of webbing nets. Peter turned back to Shocker and cracked his knuckles, withdrawing his arms. He needed a good workout. Actually, he might just go work out anyway in his spare time. Superhuman strength is only as good as the human strength it's added on to. Herman started to charge up again, only for Peter to web Herman's face so he couldn't aim well. As he was about to direct his attention to the ground, Peter shot webs at his legs and swept him off them, Shocker clocking himself in the face with his gloves. He was out almost instantly. Peter sighed. Where was the challenge? With another sigh, he left the bank.

After he was away from the bank and perched on a roof, Peter had another second to think. Shocker's gear was upgraded, and Electro had caused a much louder ring in his spider-sense than he ever had before. Someone was sponsoring them. He narrowed his eyes and sighed to himself. "But who?" He muttered to himself.

Felicia had snuck up on him and perched next to him. "Who what?" Peter almost fell off the roof. Felicia just giggled. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

Peter settled back down and laughed. "Not quite yet." He slightly teased back, to her surprise. "Anyway, I just took out Shocker and Electro in a bank. But, they seemed better than they were the last time I, or even Otto's me, took them on. Somebody is sponsoring them. And I don't know who yet." He scratched his chin a bit.

Felicia rose an eyebrow. but smiled at him. "There's my Peter. Already taking his job way more seriously than any of the rest of us do." She lifted his mask a bit, gave him a quick peck on the lips and put his mask back down before she patted his ċhėst a bit. "Don't worry. It'll come to you." She gave a small squeeze to his arms and left back to her apartment.

As she left, Peter smiled and went back to his office/room to do some research.


He hadn't come up with anything yet, but he rigged a program to keep searching for him as he went to bed.

This night, he would have a nightmare. In said nightmare, he was skydiving. It was thrilling like you wouldn't believe. Time came to pull the chute, but his wasn't working!

It never did.

He came down in the middle of a stunt show and never even made it to the ground, pulverized by a currently stunting truck (TRUCK-KUN WE MISSED YOU)

He woke up immediately and fell out of bed. "What the fuċk?" He breathed out. That dream was actually how his last life died. Not that he knew that as of yet. He shook off the dream and went into his lab to take his mind off of it. He didn't really want to before, but he figured it would open a lot of options, so he edited the arms so they could now help with the webswinging. His maneuverability would increase exponentially, but he felt like it could eliminate the need for him to manually webswing at all. He settled for only giving two of the arms the ability to do this, his upper two. With a sigh, he left his lab, but not before tucking his special Rubix Cube into his brėȧst pocket.

Today was his date with MJ. He hadn't gone on a date with her since... before Otto took over. And way before, at that. Of course, this was a new Peter we're talking about, but still.

She said she wanted to do late lunch and maybe a quick movie before he had to do patrol. This date would be very different to the others, since the patrol could be part of their dates. But he and MJ would just have to make do.

He left his office at about noon, establishing some projects for the different departments to start work on, and met MJ outside. "So, the usual?" He asked, referring to their favorite diner.

She smiled. "Yeah, I'd like that." The redhead bombshell tangled their fingers together as they walked down the street to the diner. At a stoplight, waiting to cross, she lifted a dainty finger to his chin and turned his head to leave a quick peck on his lips. "It's been too long since I've been able to do that, Tiger."

He brought his black sleeve up to politely remove the lipstick off his lips. He smiled. "You see me complaining?" After their casual lunch, and the movie was over, he took her home, leaving her with a kiss and a hug, and went back home to chill for a bit until he needed to go on patrol.

AN// I'm really tired, it's like 10:30 at night right now, I need to sleep, but I promised you a chapter! I don't break that promise. Don't forget about the harem requests. If I don't have any by the time Felicia's date (and the first H-18 scene) comes around, I'll just fill the free spots with whoever I can think of.

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