In order to make sure that he would not get lost, Qin Xiao left markers along the way.

After nearly two hours of in-depth.

The temperature around him was getting higher and higher, and the hot Qin Xiao took off his shirt and walked in front shirtless.

Even the flying mantis behind him sweated like rain.

The two-hour journey can be described as quite difficult for Qin Xiao and the Flying Mantis.

First he was chased by Rumble Rock, and then he encountered a large rock snake that was woken up.

After finally escaping, he was almost intercepted by a few wrists.

If it weren't for the flying mantis with its winged attack, it would just be able to restrain the fighting system and drive the wrist forces away.

I'm afraid that the current Qin Xiao would have gone to see his second master a long time ago.

And that's not even the most unlucky.

Just half an hour ago, Qin Xiao suddenly felt a reminder from the treasure exploration compass.

He knew that there must be rare Pokémon activities in the vicinity, so he and the Flying Mantis began to look for it.

To Qin Xiao's surprise, he really let him find a Coco Dora.

Thinking of Coco Dora's final evolutionary form, Qin Xiao immediately decided that he must subdue it.

But who would have thought that the Pokémon affinity failed again, not to mention, the Flying Mantis was also unable to defeat it because of its attributes and injuries.

In the end, Qin Xiao could only watch the Coco Dora swagger away from under his nose.

Qin Xiao was depressed, but he didn't blame the Flying Mantis.

After all, you can't blame it, you can only blame it on the Pokémon affinity that didn't work at that time.

Just as Qin Xiao continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, I heard a "plop" sound behind me!!

When I looked back, I saw the flying mantis falling to the ground, struggling to get back up.

Qin Xiao hurriedly helped it up and asked anxiously: "Are you okay, Flying Mantis!"

The Flying Mantis shook its head weakly, wanting to step forward again, but almost fell down.

Looking at the injuries it had suffered to protect itself before, Qin Xiao's heart twitched, and he patted it on the shoulder and whispered, "Okay man, don't insist any longer, let's go to the Poke Ball and take a rest!"

Qin Xiao understood that the Flying Mantis was worried about himself, and without its protection, he would encounter danger.

Seeing the Flying Mantis so faithful to protect the Lord, a warm current flowed through his heart.

But for the sake of its physical condition, Qin Xiao still continued to persuade him:

"Don't worry, the wrist strength and the little fire dragon should have recovered by this time, if there is danger, I will let the two of them out to protect me, you don't have to worry!"

"Bang..."The flying mantis showed a hesitant look on its face.

Qin Xiao chuckled, took out the Poké Ball, and before the Flying Mantis refused, he took it back into the Poke Ball.

Looking at the Poke Ball in his hand, Qin Xiao said softly: "Rest in peace, let me go down the next road!"

With that, Qin Xiao put away the Poke Ball and continued to go deeper into the cave with a resolute gaze.

I don't know if it's Qin Xiao's luck or what, but on the way after that, he didn't even encounter a wild Pokémon.

It is said that such a hot cave should have fire-type Pokémon to inhabit it.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Qin Xiao subconsciously raised his vigilance, thinking that as long as he noticed the slightest mistake, he would run away immediately.

I walked for about half an hour.

Qin Xiao, who was almost exhausted, suddenly saw a light appear in the depths of the cave.

At the same time, the treasure compass began to release information frantically.

"The hint given by the treasure compass is even stronger than the previous discovery of Coco Dora.

"Could it be that there are wild Pokémon in this cave that are more precious than it?"

Qin Xiao suddenly came to his senses.

Knowing that it must be the end of the cave, he refreshed his spirits and walked briskly towards the light.

But as he got closer to the light, the more he felt that something was wrong.

"Why is that light fiery red?

"Also, why do you feel a burning sensation in your skin? "

Could it be magma?!"

Qin Xiao was stunned.

Fortunately, in this world, the general physique of human beings is much stronger than in previous lives.

Otherwise, the scorching temperature in the air would definitely burn Qin Xiao's whole body on a large scale

! He walked to the place where the light was in shock, and when he saw the scene in front of him, his shocked expression had already changed to horror!

At this time, Qin Xiao was so excited that he trembled all over, his mouth was half open, and his heart seemed to be blocked by something.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

As soon as he walked in, a wave of heat hit him, and then he was greeted by an extremely large space.

And he himself was standing on the edge of a cliff at the moment.

Beneath the cliffs, fiery red magma is surging and churning.

A fiery red lake is formed.

This was not the most shocking thing for him, but the most shocking thing was that there was a naturally formed stone platform in the middle of the fiery red magma lake.

On the stone platform, there is also a sleeping Pokémon.

Being able to sleep peacefully in such a hot space is naturally none other than fire-attribute Pokémon.

And right now, this Pokémon is still the best in the fire attribute.

It is known as the Three Holy Beasts - Emperor Yan!


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