The moment he saw Emperor Yan, his eyes were full of horror, and he took two steps back.

The foot was crooked, and then he fell.

He sat on the ground, and his body was still trying to fall backwards: "This.... How could there be an Emperor Yan here!"

The stones under his feet fell down the steep cliff into the boiling magma.

He never imagined that there would be a second-level god hidden under his farm.

"Second master, what kind of feng shui treasure land did you leave me!!"

He stood up and walked to the edge of the cliff with trepidation and looked down curiously.

It's not that he's timid, but that this Yan Emperor down there is too deterrent.

He almost scared the hell...

Compared with the anime in the previous life, the living Yan Emperor lying on the stone platform is more powerful, more powerful than Mr. Weimei.

Huge, lion-like and tiger-like.

Orange-red hair covers his body, and his strong limbs are covered with iron rings.

Behind it is a mane that flows like a white smoke cloud, and under the smoke cloud is a sharp brown hair.

There is also a red six-pointed star-shaped structure on his cheeks, and a golden hair like a clover embedded in his forehead that resembles a crown of hair.

It looks majestic.

According to the official introduction of this life, Emperor Yan, as a second-level god, was born when the volcano erupted.

It spits out flames hotter than lava.

Legend has it that when the Yan Emperor roars, its roar may cause a volcano somewhere to erupt suddenly.

I just don't know if the volcano that the official is talking about is Mount Fuji!

When Qin Xiao looked down at Emperor Yan, what he didn't know was that Emperor Yan at this time had already woken up when he first stepped here.

There are two main reasons why he has not launched an attack on Qin Xiao, a bold guy, for a long time.

First of all, this Yan Emperor is not a native of this place, and he just came here not long ago.

It was a thunderstorm and a stormy ......

Belch... In fact, there is not so much to say, but Emperor Yan happened to pass by and found that this place, the ground exudes a kind of energy that is beneficial to it.

So I plan to stay here for a few days.

But who would have thought that as soon as it came here, it found something special about it.

Deep in this underground magma, it seems that there is an amazing guy sleeping.

So, in order not to disturb the dream of the master here, Emperor Yan had to take a rest on this stone platform for a while.

As a guest, it is naturally not good to flip the table and smash the bowl on someone else's territory.

That's rude.

And the second, and most important.

That is, when this weak human appeared in his heart, for some reason, he suddenly had an inexplicable sense of closeness to him that he had never felt before.

And it's a very strong feeling.

I tried to force this feeling down, but to no avail.

It only exacerbates this feeling.

So much so that it now wants to turn its head and bounce at the humans on the cliff.

That's not going to work.

This would be too degrading to its dignity as a second-class god.

Emperor Yan on the stone platform shook his huge head, wanting to quickly clear the thoughts in his mind.

And Qin Xiao's side saw that Emperor Yan moved, and he was so frightened that he took two steps back, and after waiting for a while, he saw that it didn't seem to want to attack him.

The courage gradually grew.

I had to take out my mobile phone and take a photo of Emperor Yan on the stone platform.

"Hehe, I have to take two photos of it quickly, this chance to meet a second-level god is not much!" When

taking pictures, he didn't forget to praise the quality of his mobile phone.

"Phelps' special copycat machine, high temperature resistance, it's a cow

!" "Click!" After

the photo was taken, Qin Xiao looked at Emperor Yan who seemed to be asleep again, and other thoughts moved in his heart.

"What if... If... I'm throwing a Poké Ball at it now, can I take it in?"

It's that he just suddenly thought of the famous scene of Gou Hao's subjugation of Shuijun in the anime in his previous life.

It was also Gou Hao's ball that forcibly pulled Shui Jun, one of the three holy beasts, down from the altar throne of the second-level god and reduced him to a water dog.

Also, second-level gods like the Three Holy Beasts, the Three Holy Birds, the Three Holy Pillars, and so on are not unique.

The strength of the same kind of second-level gods is also strong and weak.

This can also explain why Gou Hao's water monarch is so strong that it can be captured by a human trapping net.

And most importantly, legend has it that Emperor Yan can't completely suppress the power of the body to be full, so he likes to wander around.

I may be here today, but I don't know where I'm going tomorrow.

It can be said that he is a poor homeless man who has no fixed home.

And Qin Xiao, as a very caring young man, naturally couldn't see it wandering around.

Therefore, he didn't really want to subdue Emperor Yan, but wanted to give the other party a home, so that it could always feel the warmth of home.

"I just don't know if this Yan Emperor down there will be like Gou Hao's Water Monarch.

As soon as the words fell, Qin Xiao remembered to take out the Pokémon Illustrated Book from his pocket to check it.

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