Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1670: Water monster

Ye Shaoyang looked back at him with surprise. "What do you mean?"

Guagua went over, and the look looked at the human skin on the ground in a complicated way. He said: "This thing is a kind of otter that grows in the Yinshui River. In the waters of the Taiyin Mountain, it receives a strong yin effect. Many souls will be sinister and grow into evil spirits. This kind of otter is one of them, and many of them have become the ones."

"Taiyin Mountain!" Ye Shaoyang said, "Do you mean that this thing is sent by the Promise Ghost King?"

Guagua nodded. "I have been in the Taiyin Mountain after all, so I will recognize him at a glance. There will be no mistake."

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

Guagua bit his lip and said: "This water is strange, 80% is the ghost king sent to arrest me, but I did not expect to kill others..."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said: "It should be directed at me. Xu Gong said yes, Taiyinshan does not want me to find white in front of them."

What Guagua wants to say, Ye Shaoyang ordered him to find the four treasures, and Cao Yu, he himself stayed in the camp, guarding the players.

Sibao and Cao Yu came and saw the human skin on the ground. It was also a big jump. Especially Cao Yu was an ordinary person. When he saw this scene, he was scared almost on the ground. Zhang Dazui couldn’t say a word.

Ye Shaoyang told them about the origins of the water monster.

After listening to the four treasures, he meditated and said: "How could it be so clever, what was attacked by the wizard yesterday, and today was attacked by the people of Taiyin Mountain. Is it because they are a group?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said: "It should be really coincidental. Taiyin Mountain is almost close to the yin. It has never been with humans. It does not bother to cooperate with human beings. When it comes to coincidence, I think it should be that Taiyin Mountain has something in common with the wizards who deal with us. The purpose, so they want to confuse us into the middle, take the opportunity to deal with us."

Sibao thought for a moment: "You said this, it is possible, maybe these guys want to follow us down the tomb, if you find it, then use the opportunity to kill us, kill two birds with one stone, what do you say?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and glanced at the man skin on the ground and said, "Don't say anything else, Cao Zong, this man you deal with it, it is best not to let them see it, or it will cause panic."

Cao Yu nodded his face and returned to the camp. He called two soldiers. When he saw the human skin, he was shocked. But these are not ordinary soldiers. The psychological quality is very good. Under the order of Cao Yu, A tarpaulin wraps the human skin.

"Mr. Ye, since the human skin is here, where is the flesh and bones of the man?"

"It is estimated that it was swallowed before, or it was directly smashed, and it is possible to throw a bone in a certain place. Anyway, people are already dead, let alone this."

Cao Yu sighed: "No matter what, no, this kind of investigation, before the team members signed a risk agreement, someone was killed, although we regret, the pension is given, just like the guide last night, at least one The whole body, like today... there is only one human skin left, how do you tell me how to tell the family of the deceased."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "I am not sure about the bones. If there is, the deceased has never been separated from us for too long. The place where he is actually killed must be on the way we are coming. So, you are looking for The man sent the skin back, just as I let the melons and escorts along the way, and also found the body by the way. If you find it, you can put the human skin back on the body. There is no way to find us."

Cao Yu nodded evenly. Although he thought of putting the body on the human skin, he immediately numb the scalp, but this is indeed the best way.

Ye Shaoyang called the melon, and said this, Gua Gua promised.

"The wizard, it is against us, it should not attack you. As for the people in Taiyin Mountain, the main goal is me. You should not have anything, but I am still not at ease. Just when you are on the road during the day, you go to the Yin Shi, Just look for oranges or who will accompany you for a trip."

Guagua nodded: "Do you want to call them up to help you?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment: "You brought me the military division, I need him. The rest wait for me to notice."

Guagua decided to come down and asked him when he would leave. Ye Shaoyang asked him to help him stay for another night.

Sibao asked: "Why did you name the military officer?"

"Because he is a military sergeant, come over and help me out."

See the four treasures, Ye Shaoyang said: "Don't disobey, we can catch more people in the ghost league. But than the brain, no one is better than the cold jade and the military division. Lengyu can't come now, so I have to let the military master come over."

Cao Yu asked at this time: "Mr. Ye still has a helper, just call it, I will pay the fee."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You can't spend money on your money. Afterwards, you can burn more paper money."

Cao Yu realized that he was looking for a ghost. He suddenly felt a bit stunned and decided to say: "I listen to your previous discussions, what is killing... Taiyin Mountain, what does this mean, an organization?"

"It's an organization, but you are an ordinary person, don't ask about it, tell you that you don't understand."

Cao Yu nodded and said: "What do you do now? When I was in the past, the players were very surprised. I don't know what happened, how can I explain to them?"

The three men discussed it and then returned to the camp. Sure enough, all the players stood by the campfire, staring at each other and looking at them in horror.

Ye Shaoyang confessed that the boy was killed, the cause of death is unknown, but the matter has been resolved, and the body is buried... As for more details, it is not said.

Originally, Cao Yu wanted to lie to them that the boys were missing, lest they be afraid, but Ye Shaoyang felt that they were qualified to know the truth and then decided to stay.

Sure enough, after learning the boy’s death, the expedition team immediately blew the pot, especially before the boy was fine. When he went to the toilet, he died. This is simply confusing.

Cao Yu and others all calm down and told them that there will be soldiers returning the bodies of the boys tomorrow morning. If you want to follow the way out, you can go back together.

As a result, most of the members have to go.

This is also expected in Cao Yu, although the expedition team has not been to the place to disperse, he is very unwilling, but he can not force, take the life of others to joke.

"I will follow! I will not go back!" Professor Sun said a little reluctantly.

Professor Sun’s performance made Cao Yu somewhat surprised.

"I have seen the information you gave me. I suspect that this tomb is probably related to the Loulan site. You know, I am 60 years old this year. I have never been married. Apart from teaching, I have used all my experience in archaeology. After reading your information, I have been looking forward to this ancient tomb.

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