Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1671: Military division driving to 1

Now I’m just looking at it, you let me go, how can I do it? If you look at this tomb, you can uncover some mysteries of Loulan civilization. Even if you die inside, I will die without regret! ”

Then he turned to look at Ye Shaoyang and said: "If you study feng shui, you should understand the ancient culture. You can understand it, and you can hear it. You should understand this truth."

Ye Shaoyang did not understand the ancient culture at all, but the meaning of this sentence is still understandable. At the moment, he nodded. Although the two sides had had quarrels before, the spirit of Professor Sun’s eagerness and eagerness made him admire him.

Professor Sun’s impassioned words made the people present feel a little moved. The beautiful woman Mengna immediately stated that she would stay, and there was another boy who said that he had to go back on the spot and said that he would follow along.

Doctor Ge wrote: "I am a doctor, you can't leave me, I don't leave."

Cao Yu was very touched.

Ye Shaoyang asked: "How many more journeys?"

Cao Yudao: "From here to the monitoring station, there are still dozens of kilometers. At our speed, if we leave tomorrow morning, we can get there tomorrow night."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and for a day, there would be no scorpions.

In the evening, after everyone had entered the tent to rest, Ye Shaoyang arranged the array and the horror array in the camp. It was double insurance. If there were evil things in this way, it would be invaded, unless it was a son-in-law.

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao are both wearing military coats, sitting around the campfire, and the melons are sitting opposite and discussing together. The topic is Taiyin Mountain.

Sibao knows the least about Taiyin Mountain. He listened to the melon and said a pass. He wondered: "I have always heard that the Lord of the Taiyin Mountain is the king of the Promise, and how much is it?"

Guagua Road: "Although I was a ghost king, I became a demon. It was his son, but I have never seen a ghost king, and almost no one has seen it."

Four treasures: "You haven't seen it yourself. How do you know that others haven't seen it?"

Guagua Road: "The Taiyin Mountain is the right hand of the ghost king."

"Call the scorpion?"

"Right hand."

"I know, I am asking you to call the blind, what is the head."

"It's called the right hand. It may have a name, but no one knows it. I don't know the origin. He is the actual master of the Taiyin Mountain. I only rushed to see one side. The appearance is the same as ordinary people, wearing a robe, long and handsome, hair. It’s all white, but that kind of temperament... It’s just that you don’t look up, it’s like a big wind.

Everyone is called Youjun. I have never heard of him before, but I know that he has been repaired to heaven. It is very powerful. His men are said to be the top five Rakshasa. They are all super strong. Before dealing with our haze generals, in front of the five major Rakshasa, it is just a small role, let alone the right king, it is estimated that they can not say a word in front of the right king. ”

"I rely on, such a cow..." The four treasures sank. "Since there is a right hand, there must be a left hand?"

Guagua Road: "I heard that there is, but I have never seen it."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and asked me, "You haven't told me before."

"Well, I don't want the boss to know too much about Taiyin Mountain, but now that they are asking you for trouble, I have to say something to you. Boss, you are a human master, you absolutely can't think of how powerful Taiyin Mountain is, the inner layer The level of the organization is almost the same as that of the Yinshi."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I can imagine that Taiyin Mountain has existed for so long, and it has always been a big problem in the heart of the Yin, but it has no ability to annihilate. I think about it."

Guagua said: "But there is something you absolutely don't know. The Taiyin Mountain is very orderly. At least on the surface, it is like this. They have always merged the power of the ghost domain and gathered the ghosts of ghosts. The system is very similar to the ancient country. But it is not as cruel as it is said outside, but rewards and punishments are clear, and there is also a set of laws of its own."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and seemed to have some understanding.

Guagua looked at him, some impulsive, wanted to tell the truth, but still resisted, he would rather Ye Shaoyang never know the truth, the only way to protect the peace, as for his mission, nothing to do.

Ye Shaoyang said: "In fact, I don't want to know. I am just a human master. I can never go to Taiyin Mountain. But now they come to the door. I have to understand one or two. Fortunately, these powerful characters can't just pass through the void. I am not afraid of being able to come to the world."

Guagua Road: "Boss, this kind of thing is absolutely, let's say that the water is strange, I am very worried... This monster's boss is a very powerful character, is the blood of one of the five major Rakshasa The river Raksha, is said to be very powerful."

"Blood River Rakshasa? A strange name." Four treasures said to himself.

"In fact, it is also a scorpion into a fine, it is a demon king under the Taiyin Mountain."

"Demon King," Sibao glanced at Ye Shaoyang, who was staring at the fire, and said: "I don't know if there are any nine-tailed foxes."

Guagua thought for a moment: "The 80% is not, so our family is also a Qinghu fox king, one of the big bosses in the Qing dynasty, but it is noisy. But this blood river Luocha is also a female, adult It is also a woman."

When Sibaoyi heard that she was a woman, she immediately asked gossip: "Is it beautiful?"

"I don't know, if you are interested, you can go to Taiyin Mountain to find him." Guagua said with a white glance.

Then he said to Ye Shaoyang: "Boss, all the water monsters are under the door of this blood river Rakshasa. I am very worried that this blood river Rakshasa has come to the world. If you are right, you can really be careful."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

Four treasures pushed him and said: "What are you doing, you are always in a daze and do not speak."

"Nothing, think about it." Ye Shaoyang's gaze removed from the campfire and perfunctory.

In the evening, Ye Shaoyang and Sibao took turns to watch the night. Although the camp was arranged with a double array, the two were still not at ease. At dawn, Ye Shaoyang asked Guagua to go to the Yinsi to find someone. After the melon was gone, it took about twenty minutes to return to the world with three people. One is Lin Sansheng who is looking for Ye Shaoyang, one is Xiaoqing, and he is followed by a dark-faced devil.

Ye Shaoyang remembers that he is a charcoal head. He is one of the seven brothers of the Seven Treasures. He is also the most cultivated talent. Last time in the Shanhe Society, he chose a star soul sword.

After the meeting, the charcoal head immediately bowed and rigorous.

Guagua said on the side: "This kid is now practicing with Xiaoqing. I am looking for Xiaoqing. He has to follow him and he has to take him."

Come on. Ye Shaoyang patted the shoulder of the charcoal head and asked how the Xiaoqing Yinyang Division was doing.

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