Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1703: Lower tomb 2

The next morning, the teachers and brothers of the Zi Kundao people came, a total of a dozen, perhaps in order not to attract people's eyes, are ordinary Han Chinese dress, after meeting, did not say anything, on the side waiting to be told.

Cao Yu and others have long listened to Ye Shaoyang's arrangement, and said a few words of politeness, there is no communication between the two sides.

On the side of Cao Yu, several soldiers were left to guard the supplies and care for the camels in the camp. The rest went to the tombs.

Came to the top of the tomb, Sibao first found the place where the jade was buried yesterday, dug it out, and suddenly took a breath:

Where is the glutinous rice or glutinous rice, like the red sorghum, the deep red blood, sticky sticky into a ball, the four treasures smashed, the glutinous rice group was opened, the original hard jade has been scattered like an unformed egg.

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao were dumbfounded on the spot. The people of Zi Kundao looked at it and were shocked. They muttered: "Dead jade is yellow, and the person is dead..."

He is talking about a proverb that has been circulating for a long time in the magical world. He uses the dead jade to detect the yin of a place. The thicker the yin, the darker the color of the dead jade. Generally speaking, if the jade shows a deep red color, Explain that this place is full of yin, not a yin nest or a corpse, even if it is a Taoist master, a Buddhist monk, you can't enter alone.

If the dead jade is black, it means that there must be extremely horrible evils in this place, or the yin accumulated after thousands of years, even if it is a group of Tianshi, it can not be hard.

The most terrible thing is that the dead jade is yellow, indicating that the yin is too strong, and the dead jade is used as a musical instrument. It has been unable to reconcile, and it has been melted by the yin and gas. This place... is no different from the Longtan Tiger Cave for the Master. The seal of the peripheral thoughts must not be involved, or it will die.

The four treasures finally slowed down, and the dumb scorpion said: "The dead jade is only less than twelve hours, and it is still across the surface. It is actually yellow. I am **** uncle, is it really meditation? The river is not in hell."

Ye Shaoyang was silent for a moment, looking up at the eclipsed Zi Kun Dao. "Where did the brothers see such a terrible place?"

The people of Zijingdao shook their heads again and again. "No, I have been to this place, where can I come back alive!"

He followed Master to come here, one is out of the task, and the other is to want to go to the tomb to fish and make a fortune. I knew that there must be bad things in the tomb, and I thought it was so terrible... When the face was on, it was green. The brothers and sisters behind him were also face-to-face. Some regretted that when Master informed the notice, they rushed to sign up.

Cao Yu crouched beside Ye Shaoyang and whispered: "Two, this is below... Is it so evil?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly: "I also counted a lot of yin nests. It was the first time I encountered this kind of situation. I have never seen this in the classics. I thought about opening my eyes today."

"That... what to do? I have to go to this step, can't I still go on?"

"The next is to go down, let's open it first." Ye Shaoyang gave a slap in the face of the four treasures, and the four treasures got up and used the compass to locate the ancient tomb, and let the soldiers use the engineering shovel to dig. Go back and watch.

Ye Shaoyang walked over to him and whispered, "Don't be able to, if it is really extreme, you and I will save ourselves. No one else will care."

Sibao muttered: "I am not a bodhisattva, whoever I care for, as long as you and I can come out safely."

The people of Zijingdao came over and asked the two to take care of themselves in the tomb. This guy who dares to kill and set fire is really scared when it comes to the end, but it is impossible to break the teacher's life. It is impossible to go on. I can only pray for Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures to take care of themselves.

"Don't worry, this cooperation is what you promoted. I don't want to leave you alone."

"Thank you for your education. After the event, I am willing to divide my harvest into half and honor the two."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and went to this place. He also remembered to dig in the baby, wait.

Ten special forces took turns, and the sand was soft. When dug a dozen meters deep, I saw a piece of rough stone and put it together. The eight achievements were the top of the tomb.

When Ye Shaoyang saw these slabs, he suddenly wondered, "Where is the desert, how is the slate coming?"

Cao Yu smiled and said: "How could it be shipped, Mr. Ye, don't forget that the lake was here before, the water is abundant, the sand is inexhaustible, you want to slate, you can burn it yourself, how much? ""

Ye Shaoyang is arrogant. He is preconceived. He thinks that the number of bright churches is just like this. I think that it is rich at the beginning. This group of migratory believers must have sprung up to a certain scale. Even according to Professor Sun’s guess, Loulan civilization is very Some of them may be contributed by them. The kiln is not a professional technique. Since there is a lake, there must be sediment in the lake, and the raw materials are really inexhaustible.

Cao Yu said: "We used the means of fixed-point blasting to blast a gap. This time... still do this?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are free, don't blow up the top of the tomb."

"Scheduled blasting, no, we have the most professional blasting experts."

Cao Yu said that he had called a soldier in the past. These soldiers are special forces directly transferred, and blasting is their compulsory course. When the next person went down to the pothole, he checked the rock and let everyone retreat and began to prepare the explosives.

Ten minutes later, a loud noise raised the sky and shone. For the sake of safety, after ten minutes, the group returned.

The effect of fixed-point blasting was very good, shattering two slabs, and the rest were intact.

Ye Shaoyang took the glare flashlight handed over by Cao Yu and photographed it in the tomb of the black hole. He saw that the ground was about three meters high from the top of the tomb, and the ground was covered with slate. There was nothing else.

"It’s a breath, just as we prepare." The four treasures told him that he was an expert in excavating graves and the head of the operation. He had the final say.

Cao Yu began to greet everyone to sort out the materials and equipment. Several soldiers acted alone. Some people used a corner iron to nail a roll of rope to the ground, and then put the rope down. Although the grave was not high, it was easy to jump in, but after relying on the rope.

In addition, a few soldiers will bring a large bucket of water around the entrance, let the sand condense together, then insert the bamboo poles and fix them around with wooden boards to avoid landslides and cover the holes.

Several main characters got together and discussed it briefly. The first time was to explore the tomb. First, figure out what is going on below. Therefore, Ye Shaoyang and the Four Treasures are the first to go on, so that there are more people who can avoid it. What are the dangers? The two could not take care of them.

(third day yesterday)

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