Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1704: Lulu's navel 1

"Sweet brother Zi Kun, let's join us, and take the handle."

Ye Shaoyang walked to the front of the Zi Kundao people and whispered: "If there is anything good, let's take a few drinks first, don't say I didn't take care of you."

Purple Kun is doing this, although it is daunting to the ancient tomb, but can not escape, but fortunately, there are Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures, thinking that the sky is collapsed and there are also these two tall men.

Actually, Ye Shaoyang let him go down, in order to guard against the disciples of the cabinets.

As the saying goes, Zhu Zhuchi is red. He can see at a glance that this group of disciples are not good people. It is not a good person to mix with people like Tianbao and Zikun. The purple Kundao people are their masters, and he is by their side. Accompanied, this group of people did not dare to chase on it, otherwise they are really a bit flustered.

"Cao, you go down?"

Cao Yu was debugging the walkie-talkie, heard Ye Shaoyang’s questioning, and looked up and smiled at him. “I will not go down for the time being. I am here to help you see the house.”

Ye Shaoyang knew that he should not be the first to go to this point, and it is very difficult to follow it all the way.

"Professor Sun, you are waiting for it, wait for us to explore first, and make sure that if you have no problem, you will come down again."

Professor Sun saw the ancient tomb like a satyr seeing a beautiful woman, but he was impatient, but he promised not to mess with them, but also nodded, reminding Ye Shaoyang to be careful.

"I know, know, don't worry."

"I am not asking you to be careful, hey, of course you have to be careful, but I am asking you to be careful of the following things, each of which has the value of scientific research... don't just break it."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he laughed with anger.

At this time, Xiao Zhang handed the two headsets, Ye Shaoyang and Sibao, and put the receiver on them to buckle them on the belt, telling them that they had been debugged and talking to the headset.

The two tried it for no problem. Zi Kundao people have one more.

Xiao Zhang sent three glare flashlights to them and asked them what they needed. Whether the pistols, signal flares, etc. should be taken down, the two felt that the first step was just to probe. There is no need to bring so many things, and they have folded three colors. The lotus lamp climbed down the rope.

Once landed, Ye Shaoyang immediately lit up the three-color lotus lamp, and the fire was bright, showing no evil nearby.

"No, why come down to the tomb, but the evil is gone?" Ye Shaoyang was surprised.

"It may be because of the flow of breath. Many of the ancient tombs are complicated in design. The gas is only from the wind, and the other places are not aware of the abnormality."

The four treasures opened the glare flashlight, and the photos were taken from left to right. Both sides were long tombs, so they chose one side.

Ye Shaoyang handed the three-color lotus lamp to the purple Kundao people, opened the three-color lotus lamp and turned it to the left and right. The walls on both sides were made of square bricks. They looked rough and there was no decoration on either side. There were about twenty or thirty. Mi Yuan, there is a road on each side.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the lights of the three-color lotus lamp, the flame was in the middle, and did not float to either side, so he randomly chose the one on the left.

"There is no evil thing here..." Zi Kundao said softly.

"Why, you still want to encounter evil things?" Ye Shaoyang did not say back.

"No, I mean... a little bit wrong. How can this ancient tomb be poor and white, and there isn’t even a funerary?"

"The tomb owner is too poor." Ye Shaoyang said casually, too lazy to care for him.

"No, I heard the high priest said that when they came out of the Tibetan area, they brought a lot of treasures. At that time, they developed well here. Otherwise, there is no manpower and material resources to build such a large tomb. How can it be empty? ......"

A road walked to the head and was blocked by an arched stone door. A stone-shaped relief was carved on the stone door, and the hands were folded.

The engraver is very general, the lines are very thick, and it can only be seen from the body as a woman - with a chest.

Sibao took a photo with a flashlight for a while, saying: "This is the legendary emperor's four great sages, the singer, the Qingying, the ghost, the moon, this eyebrow has a crescent, it should be the moon."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "How are the names so fragrant?"

"It’s all beautiful, and the emperor only loves beautiful women. Before entering the Buddhist scriptures, it is said that every night, the three daughters are sleeping at night, that is, three women are sleeping. The four great people under his door are also selected from the four women. The most savvy beauty, and later joined him in Buddhism."

"The trough! The kidney is so good!" Ye Shaoyang lit up the beauty statue with his flashlight. "What does this statue mean here?"

"Where do I know." Four treasures took out a piece of copper from the backpack and knocked it up and down on the statue. The result was a hollow sound.

There is space behind!

There is space, there must be a hidden door.

Ye Shaoyang let the people of Zi Kundao take the lamp, and touched the statue up and down with the four treasures. Even Mimi did not let go. He didn’t find anything, and then tapped the left and right wall tiles, and found no suspicious places. Suddenly, I couldn’t figure it out.

"Don't worry, go and see the other side." Four treasures reminded.

So the three returned to the original road, went to the crossroads, went to the other side of the tomb, and at the end, it was a statue of "beauty". This time, the hand-beaded flower, the four treasures said that this should be Yueluo. If you use copper to hit a pass, it is hollow, but you can't find the mechanism...

The three people traveled to the other two roads. The situation was the same: the emperor released the four great sages under the Tianmen, one on the road, except for the four statues, nothing.

The three faces face each other.

Sibaodao: "Is not right, Cao Yu does not say that their expedition team had a tomb before, it is said that they also saw the crystal door or something, where can there be a way to go?"

Ye Shaoyang also feels strange, even if Cao Yu had not experienced the tomb before, some aspects are unaware of it, and it is not so much worse than the situation in front of him?

Four treasures slap the brain, "I understand! The last time they went to the tomb, they must have opened the entrance to the secret road, avoiding this place, so they can go straight. This time I measured the position according to the compass, but measured it. The ancient tomb is an irregular rectangle, which is the real tomb.

Here, it is an institution, so there is no evil, and the compass is not detected. The real tomb should be below this! ”

Ye Shaoyang stunned and said: "What is the purpose of this organ?"

"It is the institution, four doors, there are four spaces behind, only one is the real gateway to the tomb, and the other three must have an ambush."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he was paralyzed on the spot.

"What do you do, oh, just one?"

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